Upgrade output Shanling CD-S100 MkII

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Official Court Jester
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Vix said:
Somewhere I had found the relevant part of the schematics...

For the rest.. this player is free to play with! :D

Internal photos may be done sometime nest week...actually I already tried something on this cdp...I had hooked a Jfet boz directly to the Vout of dac, but it didn't sound good...I even don't know how to describe the sound...somehow weird...now I'm thinking that I may have had some HF junk passing through....

So, I'm am willing to give it a second chance, with with some Hp filtering or whatever...


omit everything after DAC coupling caps ;
replace them with 470n - 1uF solid caps
make Jfet BOZ with input imp of at least 100K
make it also with no more than gain of 4 (12db)

place one cap in parallel to drain resistor of BOZ ; calculate it for ,
say , 40KHz

vary value of caps

also - bypass elko caps connected from EXTL and EXTR with solid caps

let us know what's happening
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Zen Mod said:
yo , CeeVee ....

anything new?

important thing - how long you can listen without fatigue ?

Hi ZM,

I'm quiet but busy, components have arrived, well most of them and i'm busy building the balanced version, also have pcb for single ended...but that can wait.
Right now i don't have decent output caps but i'll use the ones i tested with until the sonicraft and obligato i sent for arrive.

Should test tomorrow or wednesday, my schedule is quite tight so i don't have as much time as i would wish....weekend was for resting after a hellish work week at oostende.

As for the issue of how quickly i get tired...well, i haven't noticed it.
I haven't listened for extended periods with the test setup but you do raise a question i should test, so i will.

I should refer that I'm still on the honeymoon stage with my speakers, they are so far ahead of what i've heard before that it's a bit hard to be completely objective .

They are so transparent and sound stage so clear that i do not get tired with them, it's because of this that the Shanling now sounds like S...., whereas before i thought it sounded ok ( I didn't know better ).

In short they have revealed the Shanling as the weak link.

As i said before, taking out the op-amp I/V output stage of the
Shanling and taking the signal direct from the DAC chip with the basic passive I/V test set up gives me a cleaner ( so less tiring ) and better top end tone ( before it was dull and lifeless ).

I have yet to do the extended listening with this set-up, it is important to see if output staright from the DAC is tiring or not,...although i would be surprised if it is, i'll report on this ASAP.

:cool: :)
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Hi Zen Mod,

Almost finished building both boards, tested one yesterday.
Will report asap, thing is in a hurry to test i botched the protoboard version, now i built with pcb !

I'm sure i'll need to tweak output cap/resistors but that's expected.

I also replaced top resistance with a 200R pot to adjust offset for center value.

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Like so:


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Also trying to design the final pcb, how is this for a start....haven´t done one in many many years ?
Of course this will only have a final form when we settle on final values and cap type after testing.

Coupling caps can be in or outboard, for example the sonicrafts and the Obligatos i have are too big for inboard.


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Hi ZM,

It's tweaking time...tested both channels on the Shanling.

Fantastic sound, detail on top end with not a hint of harshness....lovely natural voice tone.

....but Bass is gone....well not completely but it does not go down to say ....room shaking 30hz, tight controlled 30hz i have usually.

I'm using values in the last schematic i posted here, except for output resistor value, i'm using 3k3....but that gives me too much gain, i'll go back to 1k5.

Should i lower the 10u cap to say 4u7....if i can get bass then sound will be gorgeous.:D

Edit: all pots are adjusted to 7.5 V dc offset at output
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pot is 200R adjusted to give mid offset.

Just a detail, i used a 220u/25v Panasonic FM on each board on supply inputs, should i take it out ? might be messing up power supply output impedance?

Voltages are:

With I/V : all 4 outputs are: 3.04V Dc

Without I/V : 1.6 V, 3.04V, 2.9V, 1.6V DC
Official Court Jester
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CeeVee said:
pot is 200R adjusted to give mid offset.

Just a detail, i used a 220u/25v Panasonic FM on each board on supply inputs, should i take it out ? might be messing up power supply output impedance?

Voltages are:

With I/V : all 4 outputs are: 3.04V Dc

Without I/V : 1.6 V, 3.04V, 2.9V, 1.6V DC

sorry I meant on volume pot on input of UGS


I need to figure out what is exact input impedance of your UGS thingie

anyway - just for test - increase these 10uF caps on output of I/V stage ; maybe input impedance of UGS is too low ......

you can use even lousy elkos for test ; 20uF is adequate ; so - C1 and C2 , each 20uF

let me know what's happening ;)
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Hi ZM,

The UGS input is exactly straight into the Rin Resistor, the UGS module feeds a balanced relay-based volume control with a constant input impedance of 10K .

See pic.

So UGS input resistance is....47K + 15K ? give or take ?


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It seems input impedance of UGS is in the order of 10K, out put 300R, as Flat says.

I can make it higher by increasing Rin.....but i think that is working at the wrong end no ?

So i should have a lower cut-of off....

Cf = 1/(2*pi*R*C)
Cf= 1/ (2*pi*10OOO*0.00001)
Cf= 1,59Hz

using the 10u on the I/V.

...if someone wasn't taking my bass away.
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...hehe ..i would if i was at home.

That is why i have a little time for theory.
I'll test that this evening.

But i can tell you this: sound is extreemly good, so much so that i ended up listening to it like that until about 2 in the morning.

It's clear that the solution is this way...with bass WOW, can hardly wait.

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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CeeVee said:
...hehe ..i would if i was at home.

That is why i have a little time for theory.
I'll test that this evening.

But i can tell you this: sound is extreemly good, so much so that i ended up listening to it like that until about 2 in the morning.

It's clear that the solution is this way...with bass WOW, can hardly wait.


in any case - when you finish that thingie ...... you can send that Drekling to me , for proper disposal .......

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