TRIO 12 Front loaded Horn Subwoofer

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Now I have a question or two regarding preferend building materials.

5' x 5' baltic birch?

4 x 8 baltic birch?

4 x 8 structural sheeting?

What is readily available? I'm a cabinet maker. I can get almost anything. But what is generally available is more important.

Or should I provide cut sheets for both sizes and do it that way?


Both would be best. Not surprisingly, this thing isn't small :)
Well a good design needs well done measurements and plans. These things take some time. And right now my time is on the short side of very busy. The good news is I have the sub indoors. I will be able to do some testing over the next couple of days. Kind of hard to move around all by myself. Crazy thing weighs close to 200 lbs or 90 kg.

I'll keep you guys posted.

yeah - two ports - the circular 3.5" hole was the original, I hacked the big port in attempt to use the pipe with a Beta12lta - playing the sub alone I think it sounds best with both open
(on another topic to start a new thread, if you could work out a generic Karlson hornresp model it would be appreciated)
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
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A little light lifting

Well the beast is now where I can measure it. Just that it is raining so hard I'll have a whote noise spectral contamination punctuated by real bass thunder claps. I just can't win!

But it is sitting right near the puter and the amp to drive the signal. So when it quiets down there will be some measurements.



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Rain Rain Go away!

Allright here is a semi 4Pi measurement of this horn. I cannot do a true ground plane as it is really wet and I had to cut the grass before it started raining. Now I really have to cut the grass.

So I present the impedance plot which is quite different than Hornresp. But still has the peaks at the right places. Me thinks there is a bit of a leak someplace on the horn as there should be the highest peak at 18hz as this is the Fs of this horn. The horn sat in a shed outside for about a month and things tend to dry out and do wierd things. I'll check it out a bit more this week.

The SPL graphs corelate pretty well with the simulations though.

So all in all even sitting inside as I am measureing a sub that is outside it still quite an experience. Still kicks some serious butt.

Note that there is no hocus pokus on the SPL graphs. I could use smoothing to make them look wonderfull. But the raw data is the stuff that is most useful. The one third octave is there to yank your chains! Marketing department types need not apply!

THe ripple up around 80 hz is problematic only if you are not using this box as a subwoofer. If you are using it as a subwoofer this will be taken care of by a wonderfull thing called a crossover! Plus it is not that bad when you are listeing to it. It is a measurement artifact. Mic position should be on the ground and the peak would be much smaller.

Anyway. I present a box that sounds awesome and actually measures awesome.

1 watt SPL is still 94 db in a 1Pi space. So not all that bad. Not perfect horn loading but still 8 db of gain over the raw driver.



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    Measured and Calculated 4 Pi SPL one third octave smoothed.JPG
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Well things have been moving along.

A great wizard with google sketchup named Dan has done a really cool rendering of the box.

I have done all the cut sheets needed.

As for measurements I have given up trying to get max SPL inside.

To much structural born noise to contend with at these levels. Loud is not beginning to explain it properly. I like loud as in match the concert level in loudness for what I listen to. A large pipe organ can get very loud and I will set up the sound so it gets as cloase as I can to that level. With this sub I have headroom to spare. It's just nuts.

So I will content myself with outside ground plane measurements that I will compare to Hornresp 4Pi simulations. If the two jive well enough as they have up till now I will be confident that what Hornresp has spit out will do well enough.

Never had a prolem like this before.

I did max SPL tests on the UNHORN2 and it hit peaks of 124 with 330 watts. I had a guy spread eagled over the door to the room to try and dampen it out. But the UNHORN2 poops out at 30hz. THe TRIO12 FLH poops out at about 14hz. Big difference in trying to keep the building from shakinf rattleing and rolling.



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