lingDAC - cost effective RBCD multibit DAC design

Not really Deming wheel, which is Plan Do Check Act and comes BTW from the US, albeith admitely widely used after WWII in JPN.

There is a cult in some countries for optimising the existing or things around a given spec, Japan admittely at it, and also re continuous development. No name for it that I can recall, but then who am I...

If the Demning wheel from the few I learnt is the perpetual quality enhancement as the idea is a wheel which cycle is making a new better cycle, I had to search for your Japanese thing and the answer is perhaps : Takumi ! I would call it for western people : Sysuphos strategy with bigger muscle at each re beginning.

Who you are ? Dunno, next gen should be be better, that's the idea ;) (no offense, just I could not resist it was too much beautiful in that continuous enhancement process posts to miss it :) )

ah yes opa 828 as well ? There is a hype for discrete schemes as well : diamonds, curent mirrors, but not friendly -sorting out- !
the Demning wheel from the few I learnt is the perpetual quality enhancement
=> Well, not exactly that initialy, but if that is what you are after then I have something for you: KAIZEN.

Takumi... don't know, from where I come I thought this meant craftsmen or skilled hanworkers or so...

Anyway, back to topic :)
Of course, I say that because sometimes it can be a punition to re begin over and over the same partition! But at the end of the journey Switz looked at Greece and invented ski-too for climbing and look at the roc while smoking a cigarett and ski to go back more rapidly with no eagle disease !

I beleive that's an holy lesson of Demning Wheel, Kaizen, Takumi, Black belt Six Sigma, whatever you call this :)
Sorry for the off topic Abraxalito,w e value continual improvement, in simple non Japanese word, one call that experience !
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Claude...we know all of that. I was project manager and director of nervous engineers... layed itsm library and multiple referentials.sorry but here I do not mind exact definition... I learned to go simplier...I could have said Dragon Ball as well...all of this is the corner of a same coin to me those days ;)
r1 PCBs have arrived

JLCPCB is doing sterling service these days, turning round PCBs in a week for next to no money (1RMB each, including shipping). And I hear they even have a free offer which includes boards up to 4 layers. So we might just do our first 4 layer board if we can think of a design that calls for it.

r1 now has more test points for easier kit building and one of the TL431s has gone over to TO-92 as I already have a bag of TI ones. Getting SOT-89 style TL431s of known provenance is a little bit tricky on Taobao and the noise does vary rather a lot between vendors.

Incidentally I've done the inter-sample overs experiment and Kubelik put out an unclipped waveform of Audacity-generated white noise created at a level of 0.999. It calls for about 4dB of headroom - meaning the white noise peaks are almost 60% higher(lower) than the peaks of a full-level sinewave.


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Incidentally I've done the inter-sample overs experiment and Kubelik put out an unclipped waveform of Audacity-generated white noise created at a level of 0.999. It calls for about 4dB of headroom - meaning the white noise peaks are almost 60% higher(lower) than the peaks of a full-level sinewave.

From a test I've done.



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Do they call thaT Demning wheel in Japan ?

W. Edwards Deming, was an American engineer and statistician who is generally given credit for popularizing statistical process control, and systematic continuous improvement to Japanese manufacturing. As I recall, the mythology is that, American manufactures weren't particularly interested in hearing what Deming was on about, but the Japanese were. With the notable exception of Bell Telephone, I believe. The rest is manufacturing history, as they say.

There is a prestigeous global award in manufacturing excellence named after Deming. His wheel, summarizes the continuous improvement process in to four basic functions which never stop proceeding from one quadrant to the next, in a never ending circle.
Didn't know about Bell though !

What I experienced is the more the wheel turn after a cycle, the more the tyre is loosing grip... That is a know how and an every day management process to rule staffs and stay on the road... you need psychology and/or gun :Popworm: :D

I've always viewed the Japanese as culturally resonant with Deming's thinking. The relentless pursuit of perfection as an intrinsically valuable objctive. Which fundamentally includes obsessive attenation to details. The West tends to view quality as a means to the ends of profits, while the Japanese tend to view it as an worthy end unto itself.
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Definitly a different culture. Individual involvement for the group. Pression is so high. Sort of wheel as well : involvement of individual for the grup than the grup eventually got back to you as a recognition. It's more culturaly prevalent here than many countries for the few I went in Japan. Also people can suffer from that. I'm as you not so surprised that wheel process can work fine here. I'm sure some countries are close : Singapor, South Korea... maybe to a certain point Taiwan ! At the opposit it can create a conservative climate and block process behavior... Diifcult and fascaniting country ! Onzen and beers are cool, lol :D

Your vision came also imho of your american origin (but not limited to that of course) where the group is also important. Many other culture were, always are involved in these perfection things : more individual, than continual quality process because of economical or cultural pression. Think to all what was were done before, before industrial and supply chain process were possible in Europe and elsewhere for the knowledge as for instance just this one : Gutemberg ! Or pinacle of western painting ! Individual perfection shines everywhere :)

We become off topic too much !
I'm looking forward to receiving my recently ordered Deca DAC :)

Is anybody using a linear power supply with it? I such case which kit(s) would you recommend.

I can initially run an external 15V AC/DC adapter. But this can introduce noise and provide sub-optimal conditions for different circuitries.

Although there appears to be inbuilt power smoothing in the design for both the digital, analog stage with large capacitors, as well as a Class-A I/V output?
2nd revision of Kubelik in the works

I've built up six prototypes of Kubelik now, in various configurations mostly varying the opamps (OPA1678, OPA1642 and ISL28210) and the numbers of DAC chips (3,6 and 12).

A couple of fairly firm conclusions - 3 DAC chips isn't quite enough and the OPA1678 doesn't quite cut the mustard in the bass. So - while its eminently an affordable part I shan't be using it. Kubelik will use either the OPA1642 or the ISL28210 both of which have lower noise in the LF region. Incidentally the plot for ISL28210 gets better in the LF at lower supply voltages.

r2 of Kubelik is going to go with 6 paralleled DACs which is about as high a number as I'm happy using before the heat generation from regulating down from +20V to the DAC supply voltage (3-5V) becomes too wasteful. I do have an idea though to run more chips without generating much more excess heat - if this turns out to work well then I'll incorporate it in a later design (its not using a switching regulator as I'm concerned about the excess noise that may generate). With such a scheme even a 24 chip parallel DAC may be possible :)

George - what was your test result done on?


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