A Study of DMLs as a Full Range Speaker

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Joined 2020
Proplex is made from some sort of polypropylene, it is used to protect floors from heavy traffic and machinery.
It is very robust but slightly flexibe in a 2ft size.
It has a lot of self damping.
And is quite heavy.

Yes, I know that. Does your sheet has tiny canals, or honeycomb. I haven't seen a Proplex sheet with honeycomb structure.
The 6mm proplex is too heavy for just one of my exciters unless I xo higher up ,say 200hz.

I'm still trying to think of ways to improve it, sound wise , maybe using paper strips .

I have been toying around with some ideas on more rigid panels, but am not sure if it actually works.
More testing and listening needed.
The frequency response is pretty much perfect, so I do not want to muck that up.
I doubt it. If somebody wants to waste money patenting a useless idea, I'm sure the US patent office will be happy to take it. Plus I doubt that patent attorneys were ever really obliged to understand the technology to that extent. And modern wage slavery being what it is, the attorneys probably don't even have time to read the patents.
Take the blinders off your brains https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-26375-9
Tried it didn't like it , it sounds how it looks plasticky
I found the 4mm corflute (same as proplex) to perform very well...I was very surprised..Just a tad soft on the highs which was fixed by my normal method. It's quite easily driven as well. I'm surprised Steve finds it heavy.. My calcs indicate that it's less than half the mass of Poplar ply of the same thickness

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Joined 2020
I'm worry? You are confusing something, anxiety is just observed in you)
Well, Danilo Herger's 3rd Russian patent RU2744773C1 applied on 10.08.2020, granted on 15.03.2021 mentions Karavashkin "thesis" and the image of the constructed speaker, reminds me of Mescalito speakers.
back & front.jpeg
And the so-called Transverse technology,
Danilo Herger 3rd patent.jpeg

is included in the patent. Herger's US patent application
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