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Science is never set. It's subjected to ongoing research. Just like coffee is bad for you, then changed to good for you, coconut oil is bad for you, then good for you, then bad for you again, then good for you as the latest research revised.

Some things in science are pretty well understood at this point in time.

As a vegan, ongoing research (on this specific issue) is irrelevant to me, because there will never be a study that will conclude that kale, spinach, broccoli, potatoes or beans are bad for the heart.

The research conclusions on meat vary from really bad for you, sometimes bad for you, maybe only processed is bad for you, maybe its fine in certain quantities.
Does that explain why you need to continuously stay up to date? Do you actually modify your eating habits based on the latest research conclusions?
Seems pretty tiring to me
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Some things in science are pretty well understood at this point in time.

... and some thing are not. You are foolish to believe that human metabolic processes are well understood.

As a vegan, ongoing research (on this specific issue) is irrelevant to me, because there will never be a study that will conclude that kale, spinach, broccoli, potatoes or beans are bad for the heart.

If i point out a study, it will be wasted on you. You've made up your mind.

The research conclusions on meat vary from really bad for you, sometimes bad for you, maybe only processed is bad for you, maybe its fine in certain quantities.

and fine in any desired quantity. Results strongly depend on funding. Follow the money.
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Thank you for your honesty. Do you find it hard to deal with them without your feelings effecting your judgement of them?

I judged when first becoming vegan but I don't anymore.
I barely have any time to socialize as it is between full time job, family and hobbies. Only one of my closest friends is vegan, and it does make things easier when deciding on the meeting details.
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That's good :) It can take energy to feel that way, I was worried you thought yourself morally superior ;) The way I see it morals are a personal choice and sometimes even, not that but a luxury, do you see what I mean?

I agree about the luxury.
Buying fresh organic fruits and vegetables is very expensive in the US, especially compared to meat and dairy.
Same goes for most specialty foods labelled "vegan", buying ethically sourced clothing, furniture from local shops.
I am grateful my salary permits me to make these choices easily.
If anything, crop farming like soy, oats and corn would LOSE money if people went vegan, since the majority is fed to livestock.

I didn't say crop farming. SELLING BREAKFAST CEREAL. Fruitloops like Kellogs fund vast swathes of dubious research, some vegan some not. They are not the only ones protecting their cash cow. Big sugar seems to have replaced Big Tobacco.
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I didn't say crop farming. SELLING BREAKFAST CEREAL. Fruitloops like Kellogs fund vast swathes of dubious research, some vegan some not. They are not the only ones protecting their cash cow. Big sugar seems to have replaced Big Tobacco.

I can't say I follow.
We were discussing research that links meat consumption with increased risk of heart disease.
You said to follow the money.

How does Kellogs benefit from funding such a research? It's not like people are stopping to eat meat in order to eat more cereal.
Or was that example unrelated?
Joined 2015
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To be completely honest, I couldn't care less if eating meat is healthy or not.

A steak or burger on my plate was once a living cow.
That cow was killed so that it could be my (or your) meal.
As such, eating meat is directly linked to the death of that animal.
If we can't agree on this... really there is no point in discussing any further.

I have stopped participating in that -- for life. So yes, if you show me a research that debunks the link between heart disease and meat, it really doesnt matter.

One can thrive on a Vegan diet (disputes on this too?)
Even if there were nutritional deficiencies on a vegan diet, I would still not eat meat and supplement with pills.
Which human characteristics do vegans attribute to animals that aren't true?

Is death only a human trait? Is the animal not worthy of living because it is not human?

I’m not trying to be facetious but it’s not like their gonna walk the cow you would have ate out to a special pasture to live happily ever’d really have to go to the stockyards and buy a calf to raise to actually make a difference.

It’s the circle of a farm animals life.....they are here for that purpose and that purpose only.
Now I could see vegans getting upset about hunting/fishing because you are ending a ‘wild’ animals existence, but like I’ve said previously in my case I only take what I can eat (or share) and as humanely as possible. I also treat the harvested animal with respect after the kill including using as much of the animal as possible.

To me that is as healthy as one can get (also raising your own livestock)

Are vegans actively against hunting and fishing for everyone or is it just a personal thing?

One can thrive on a Vegan diet (disputes on this too?)

Do not delude yourself. Humans, being wonderfully adaptive omnivores, can survive eating almost anything. Macronutrient imbalance, presence of phytates, oxalates (and more), lack of bioavailable protein and some vitamins means that thriving is out of the equation. We are not gorillas, we cannot digest their diet as they do.
Joined 2015
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Do not delude yourself. Humans, being wonderfully adaptive omnivores, can survive eating almost anything. Macronutrient imbalance, presence of phytates, oxalates (and more), lack of bioavailable protein and some vitamins means that thriving is out of the equation. We are not gorillas, we cannot digest their diet as they do.

Delude myself?
Bioavailable protein?
Why are people so obsessed with the protein. Even an olympic athlete (not power lifting) does not need more than 1gr protein per kg weight. That is satisfied on a vegan diet. For most, 0.8gr protein per kg is more than adequate.
The plant world contains all the amino acids required for complete proteins. Oh, is it hard for you to create it on your own, or do you need the cow to do it for you so that you can eat it after its synthesized?

I am almost 36.
Perfect BMI.
Perfect Bloodwork.
Rarely a sick day at work.
Ran a 38:08 10K and 1:27 half marathon and 3:15 marathon as a vegan (not recently).

Can the same be said about my younger peers? Or same age friends? The gut and chins keep growing.
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