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Being humane is a pretty good practice more people should employ.
I wouldn’t feel bad about the chickens or fish.....their gonna get ground up anyhow, might as well make good use of it.

I would think it less humane to turn a pet into a vegan? Are there people that do that?

Cats are carnivores and it would likely be unhealthy not on a meat rich diet.
Dogs are omnivores and could potentially thrive on a vegan diet.

One issue with pet food is that its literally the very bottom of the food chain. Sick, dead animals from the "human" meat industry are downgraded to the pet industry. There is a reason why its mostly labeled as "not for human consumption" unless you pay $$$ for human-grade food.
Even feeding "human-grade" tuna in a can to a cat can be very dangerous. These days ocean fish contain high levels of metals and it can cause cats brain disease similar to alzheimers (due to smaller brain size than humans)
Pet's these days are dying more from cancer than say 50 years ago when they would eat dinner leftovers.

Due to the above.. there could be cases where a dog would actually be better off on some rice and vegetables, rather than the bulk bag from Costco
Cats are carnivores and it would likely be unhealthy not on a meat rich diet.
Dogs are omnivores and could potentially thrive on a vegan diet.

One issue with pet food is that its literally the very bottom of the food chain. Sick, dead animals from the "human" meat industry are downgraded to the pet industry. There is a reason why its mostly labeled as "not for human consumption" unless you pay $$$ for human-grade food.
Even feeding "human-grade" tuna in a can to a cat can be very dangerous. These days ocean fish contain high levels of metals and it can cause cats brain disease similar to alzheimers (due to smaller brain size than humans)
Pet's these days are dying more from cancer than say 50 years ago when they would eat dinner leftovers.

Due to the above.. there could be cases where a dog would actually be better off on some rice and vegetables, rather than the bulk bag from Costco

I feel ya, we spend about double on higher grade dog food made here in the states (purina beneful) hopefully it helps!
I kill a lot of my own food and always practice humane kills and don’t associate with and even scorn those who don’t.
I feel like I'm repeating myself, but have you actually looked into scientific research on this topic?
If you did, you wouldn't need me to explain why consuming meat, dairy and eggs leads to those illnesses, while consuming a 100% ;) plant based diet can mitigate that risk, and even reverse the effects of said diseases.
Earlier today, I asked you if there is definitive proof that "All modern scientific research points that plant-based (or vegan, call it whatever you like) is the only diet to avoid all the leading causes of death (heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, etc).". So your indirect answer is no.

There are cases which the person eliminated carb intake and increased meat in his diet and brought down his cholesterol level and body weight to healthy level.
It must be the casu marzu, are maggots vegan?
Not in the ethical sense, given the way that the larvae of the cheese flies are treated! ;)

Some who eat the cheese prefer not to ingest the maggots. Those who do not wish to eat them place the cheese in a sealed paper bag. The maggots, starved for oxygen, writhe and jump in the bag, creating a "pitter-patter" sound. When the sounds subside, the maggots are dead and the cheese can be eaten.
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Joined 2019
Indeed too much carb can increase LDL (and reduce HDL) .There are also ads for 100 % meat diets: often to loose weight but bad idea : always toxic for the body, here mainly the loins . Those diets are dangerous, as eating only fruits and so on. And when you stop your initial weight will increase as your diabetes II risks. Too much meat is also diabetes friendly. And eating just provide around 1/3 of our cholesterol

How much time carb was avoided ? I surmise the person mainly eated white meat from chicken ?

How to stop carb ? This is the main food we need ? You can stop it several weeks for medical issues for instance but it stays the main quantity of food our body needs ! To reduce cholesterol from carb you need mainly to stop industrials sugar, don't eat tons of fruits and go for cereals & vegetable carb mainly. The brain and body will say thank you not to stop carb totally for a too much long time.

while it's a good idea to lower LDL level to saner level, you still may have plaques : cause quantity of HDL says nothing about its efficienty to get back lipids to the liver. And as what we eat is "only" (but enough to have cholestherol issues) around 1/3 for cholesterol (2/3 is produced by the liver).
So we get back to the genes heritage while searchers work hard to understand about HDL "quality" (efficienty more than quantity which can be a missleading indicator in the common blood analysis) and what are the ratio heritage/environment & live habits that makes us not equal in front of cholesterol. That's where from what I understood, stamines help, more by reducing inflamations that reduce plaque aggregation than only their LDL level.effect.

Not trolling intented.

Have you or anyone else some informations about no food diet (just water) for more than one week : issues/danger & benefits ? There was a hype about that, loosing weight and clean the body from toxins was the main wisch. But I understood it's very deadly for old personn and of course those having diabetes and risky for others, sometimes deadly too ??? Do vegans or vegies aware of such practice ? As for microbiotes heritage and fooding or health issues ? Hoping not too much off topic btw !
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FWIW, this is not the reason why I went vegan... I actually do care that millions of innocent animals are killed

This is exactly the argument I find really hard to understand. Is it only applied to farmed animals but not to wild ones? Are wild animals less innocent?

Isn't this called anthropomorphism? Or unnecessary forcing upon oneself amature, subjective and distorted views about the natural world, human history and biology?

By the way, honey bees produce way too much honey for themselves. Actually, so much that they eventually have to find a new place to live because their old place is packed with honey leaving no space for normal activity. No wonder beekeepers only collect what is called surplus honey leaving more than enough for bees in case they need it.
Joined 2015
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It must be the casu marzu, are maggots vegan?

Casu marzu - Wikipedia

Sardinia was one of the two communities that were not 100% vegan, the second was Okinawa. Will dig up the book if you care about the other 2 that were 100%.

Earlier today, I asked you if there is definitive proof that "All modern scientific research points that plant-based (or vegan, call it whatever you like) is the only diet to avoid all the leading causes of death (heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, etc).". So your indirect answer is no.

There are cases which the person eliminated carb intake and increased meat in his diet and brought down his cholesterol level and body weight to healthy level.

Every modern research I've read came to the conclusion that meat intake, at any quantity, increases the risk for heart disease. Strokes are essentially the same. Its a blocked artery to your brain vs one to your heart. Seems like there is no dispute on Cancer?
Either way, I'm not here to convince you... feel free to eat (or not eat) whatever you please.

How to stop carb ? This is the main food we need ? You can stop it several weeks for medical issues for instance but it stays the main quantity of food our body needs ! To reduce cholesterol from carb you need mainly to stop industrials sugar, don't eat tons of fruits and go for cereals & vegetable carb mainly. The brain and body will say thank you not to stop carb totally for a too much long time.

Cholestrol does not come from carbs. To be accurate, carbohydrates are macro-nutrients. Everything we eat contains some ratio of macro-nutrients (cholesterol, protein, fats) and micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals).
Maybe you refer to "carbs" as those that dominantly carbs, such as rice, potatoes, pasta..

Cholesterol is created within the body. The only "healthy" cholesterol is the one our own body produces. Plant-based foods have 0 cholesterol by definition. Every animal product has >0 cholesterol, as that animal produces it. Hence, consuming any amount of animal products increases the levels of consumed cholesterol.

And yes, carbohydrates are essential for proper body function. Carbs are converted into glucose stored in our muscles that turn into ATP which is basically a high energy compound.

High fat+protein diets don't make much sense from a biological perspective as we are mainly aerobic creatures.
Every modern research I've read came to the conclusion that meat intake, at any quantity, increases the risk for heart disease. Strokes are essentially the same. Its a blocked artery to your brain vs one to your heart.
I've read that too back in 80's and 90's. That's been debunked.
Seems like there is no dispute on Cancer?
One thing at a time. Lets do the artery blocking meat debate first, what's the source you picked that up from?
This is exactly the argument I find really hard to understand. Is it only applied to farmed animals but not to wild ones? Are wild animals less innocent?

Isn't this called anthropomorphism? Or unnecessary forcing upon oneself amature, subjective and distorted views about the natural world, human history and biology?
The philosophy of veganism stems from speciesism
Joined 2015
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This is exactly the argument I find really hard to understand. Is it only applied to farmed animals but not to wild ones? Are wild animals less innocent?

Isn't this called anthropomorphism? Or unnecessary forcing upon oneself amature, subjective and distorted views about the natural world, human history and biology?

I don't agree with either but factory farmed animals is indeed far more cruel (IMHO). The concept of bringing to life an animal, for a lifetime of misery to ultimately be slaughtered for a burger or steak or what-not, on a predefined date before they even entered this world.
Not to mention the environmental aspects and poor efficiency.

Could elaborate what exactly is subjective and distorted?
The philosophy of veganism stems from speciesism

Do you mean as a protest against speciesism or in support of speciesism?

Do people who turn vegan/vegeterian do so strictly for only one reason or for a number of reasons?

Is it true that there are lots of vegeterians but almost no vegans in India? If it is, then, as Marvin Harris explained, they could be eating little animal products not because of health or ethical or religous concerns, but because historically, due to the ecology and economics, there is no way to produce enough, which reveals itself through taboos, rituals, restrictions and the like. And this, in turn, might have been mis- or overinterpreted in the western world.
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Joined 2015
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Do you mean as a protest against speciesism or in support of speciesism?

Sexism, racism, speciesism....

Do people who turn vegan/vegeterian do so strictly for only one reason or for a number of reasons?

Can't speak for all of them, but either you care for
1) Animals
2) Your health
3) The planet

Pick atleast one of the above
Can't speak for all of them, but either you care for
1) Animals
2) Your health
3) The planet

Pick atleast one of the above

That doesn't really follow, care for animals may be a factor but there are lots of people who care about their health and/or the planet who do not feel compelled to become vegan. As regards the planet, permaculture is better than vegan agriculture
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