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Joined 2019
yup, not vegan as well but close feeling about ethic approach while not percieve really the package.

Would like to understand more if it can be mixed with the Slow Food approach and a more extensive ethical human approach. For instance, non eating things where people are half slavered in the food production : children whom work for cashew nuts or employees having to use pesticides with health problems to keep their job and so on. I'm less worry if we make shoes with fish skin and I never break the shop of a butcher as few do, while not being attracted anymore by meat too much (I certainly eat around 200 g a week of red meat for B12 and habits...

As philosophy : I'm ok to fight animals suffering while including human being in it, so if the diet is not ok for longterm diseases as diabetes or else, it could not be for me a 100% jump !
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Joined 2015
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I jump on it, thank you.
What pills do you eat fot B12 VITAMINS and what is the measure for the quantity please?
Daily or weekly ?
Mushrooms, ok because no nerves so no animals exploitation ?

I'm actually not too strict about supplementing on B12. Alot of food in the US is already supplemented with B12. Besides that, I eat alot of Nutritional Yeast (on potatoes, pasta, popcorn, etc...) and that is loaded with B12. I do have a 2500mcq supplement at home that I take sometimes.
B-12 is water soluable vitamin so there isn't a great risk of overdoing. It is also absorb at a very low rate, so much higher numbers are needed to actually get what you need. I used to only buy Methylcobalamin but recently recall reading somewhere that its not such a difference from Cyanocobalamin.

I have recently done bloodwork after about 3 years of not doing so. My B12 was around 600 which is right in the middle of the recommended 200-800 range. Nonetheless, I remember reading that >800 is ideal so am trying to remember to take a supplemental more often.

I am fine eating mushrooms.... I don't care for the taste too much and don't eat them often. If there was some compelling argument on why their consumption is problematic I would be fine giving them up.
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As philosophy : I'm ok to fight animals suffering while including human being in it, so if the diet is not ok for longterm diseases as diabetes or else, it could not be for me a 100% jump !

I don't think there is any dispute in terms of long term health. All modern scientific research points that plant-based (or vegan, call it whatever you like) is the only diet to avoid all the leading causes of death (heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, etc).

This is a bit old and may have been posted here in the past., "Uprooting the leading causes of death"

While this lecture is given at a Vegetarian convention, the research conducted is from all over the world, some from leading universities.
I don't think there is any dispute in terms of long term health. All modern scientific research points that plant-based (or vegan, call it whatever you like) is the only diet to avoid all the leading causes of death (heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, etc).
Is there definitive proof of that?

Nation with the longest lifespan is Monaco where people eat fish a lot. Second longest is Japan which also has high consumption of fish. Did that modern scientific research skip those nations? If it did, then it shouldn't be referred to as "All".
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Joined 2019
Thank you for the inputs.

About B12, my understanding is mainly you have a risk to have not too much after around 70 years old which is a deadly risk. At least around 30% after 70. Mainly because of acidity change in stomach so bad absortion iirc ! Always good to check that for older people as we absolutly need it. You need measuring in the blood because too much B12 can be dangerous too (as for instance B12 injections with rapid death because a not enough specialized doctor)
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Is there definitive proof of that?

Nation with the longest lifespan is Monaco where people eat fish a lot. Second longest is Japan which also has high consumption of fish. Did that modern scientific research skip those nations? If it did, then it shouldn't be referred to as "All".

Did you see the research quoted there?
There is a book (I forgot the name and read it years ago) that evaluates where people live the most, specifically where the most >100 year olds are.

It came out with 4 "communities". Sardinia, Okinawa (Japan), one in south america and another one.

The book evaluated many things, including diet, stress, life as an elderly in those communities, etc..
2/4 were strictly vegan. The other 2 did consume meat or fish, but not at the same quality or quantities that modern societies are used to. The animals were locally raised, and quantities were about 50gr per week. Most meat eaters consume that in a day.
Did you see the research quoted there?
There is a book (I forgot the name and read it years ago) that evaluates where people live the most, specifically where the most >100 year olds are.

It came out with 4 "communities". Sardinia, Okinawa (Japan), one in south america and another one.

The book evaluated many things, including diet, stress, life as an elderly in those communities, etc..
2/4 were strictly vegan. The other 2 did consume meat or fish, but not at the same quality or quantities that modern societies are used to. The animals were locally raised, and quantities were about 50gr per week. Most meat eaters consume that in a day.
I asked because I didn't see a definitive proof that plant-based (or vegan, call it whatever you like) is the only diet to avoid all the leading causes of death (heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, etc).
Joined 2015
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I asked because I didn't see a definitive proof that plant-based (or vegan, call it whatever you like) is the only diet to avoid all the leading causes of death (heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, etc).

I think you will find that lecture and the research discussed there informative. Animal protein and fat consumption are directly linked with the root causes of all those diseases. The human body is an amazing machine and handles abuse quite well. Modern medicine also helps by keeping you alive in spite of these diseases. As I get old, I want to thrive, not just be alive...

Anyhow, this is a personal choice and each is entitled to their own. Feel free to ignore the data.
FWIW, this is not the reason why I went vegan... I actually do care that millions of innocent animals are killed
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