UGS-muse preamp GB

About UGS v6.
reading stereophile about the Xp-32 preamp :

"The ground of each RCA input is in parallel with pin 1 of the XLR, and
the RCA input feeds a summing junction that, according to
the manual, “[maximizes] the patented supersymmetry (X
circuit) and preserves the balanced character of the XP-32
from input to output when fed from a single-ended source.”

any speculations about that "summing junction" ?
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You can also trace out pin 1 or pin 16 to make sure the orientation is correct.



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i think is fixed !
wrong cable orientation.

one new "issue" i have now, quite unavoidable i suppose (initialization) is that when i power ON the preamp (i mean, switching the powersupply on) also the output is triggered and the amp is turned on. that happens while the preamp is in "standby".
then when i switch on everything works... but the first "false" trigger happens regardless.

nice nonetheless... :)
This 'pulse' type of triggering is sometimes susceptible to false triggering, especially if trigger cables are long. That is due to various interferences inducted in those cables on the events like powering something else in close proximity which induce strong enough impulse in this cable to trigger UP triggering circuit. In my setup this is happening quite rare so I left this as it is however if this will be a problem you may want to decrease sensitivity of trigger input in UP boards or modify it to use 'level' type instead.
If you need to modify the UP for level triggering, here is an interface front-end that converts level to pulse. ;)
Full story in French : <<[UP] Un trigger normalise>> - 30059254 - sur le forum <<Amplis et Preamplis>> - 1056 - du site

this pulse "false triggering" problem between muse pre <-> up2 was the last pish i needed in order to start re-designing the power "manager" board for the Up.
i am a very simple man, and i have already put an stm32 in it to do all the "heavy lifting".

As the amplifier has two "huge" power transformers, i will sequence the startup, one chanel at time.
In this whole contraption, implementing a level trigger is quite trivial.

But i am going OT.

i will post my progressess on another thread !