Something to lighten the mood

I had to duck out there briefly. Too many pressing matters to attend to. :)

As an Inspecteur of the Surete, I regard ALL individuals as potential CRIMINALS:


Such were my suspicions last Night (20th. October 2021) of certain activities in my modest dwelling. :confused:

We heard certain F23-B Jet-like noises above La Maison "system7".


"Naturellement" I "depeched tres vite" to investigate. :)

Turned out my deeply suspicious neighbour Colin was waiting for a package. In the course of what he did not realise was an interview by the Police, he said he considered removing my Voodoo Man from the garden! Opined it was an African Fertility symbol designed to increase Fertility in our House. Interfering in my property is severely Criminal, IMO.

Anyhoo, what was Colin waiting for so expectantly and nervously? It arrived tonight (21 Oct) on my watch and I accepted it. He later grabbed the package and ran off. Later returning with what he alleged were the contents.

"An iPhone 13?" I sweetly suggested. :)

"No, an iPhone 12 Max, an iPad 20:20 and a bonus Miniature Flying Drone with camera".

My own feeling is that he had ordered the usual Church-goers Movie-Fare of:

"The Sweet Sins of Sister Susan".
"Don't Deliver Us from Evil".
"She'll have Nun of It"

Interestingly, while I was about to take a picture, pleasant, but short, Maria appeared with a 9-pointed Cake for me. Called "Ma Moon" in her native language. I think she has decided a Man with Income is a good prospect for "Une femme d'un age certain".

Smells like some sort of variation on Cheese Buns. But clearly she is a better cook than me.

You must take your chances with Prof. Brian Cox. I suspect he thinks the Universe is "Amazing".


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Roughly you can say the the area outside the circles are:

TOTAL AREA = 10*20 - 2*(π*5^2) = 200 - π*50; with π*5^2 being the area of one circle.

The diagonal line divides this area in two:

AREA = 100 - π*25 = 25*(4-π)

Or you can simple move areas around due to the high degree of symmetry and calculate area this way:

AREA = 10*10 - π*5^2 = 25*(4-π)
Elementary !
Roughly you can say the the area outside the circles are:

TOTAL AREA = 10*20 - 2*(π*5^2) = 200 - π*50; with π*5^2 being the area of one circle.

The diagonal line divides this area in two:

AREA = 100 - π*25 = 25*(4-π)

Or you can simple move areas around due to the high degree of symmetry and calculate area this way:

AREA = 10*10 - π*5^2 = 25*(4-π)

Tack Peter för ditt stora stöd. De uschla amrisarna och engländaren ska ju bara krångla till det för oss.
Ses vi i Göteborg om ett par veckor?! Jag tar med en murarslev - freemason ...

Ooops, this is une forume internacionale so we've better schriben in das non-suedecies langueage :eek:

Btw, guess my avatar prefer fresh birchwood.
Natürlich an die DIY.
I have not done anything creative , but i see that You have done enough for both of us. Thanks. ( i could bring a pair of 304TL and switching power supplies that makes the filament glow )
A traveling salesman is driving through the country.

When his car breaks down near a farm house, the farmer says he can spend the night, but only if he sleeps in the barn.

The next morning the farmer invites the salesman in for breakfast.

Salesman: "You have some really amazing animals. The cow could talk. She told me what a good and kind farmer you are."

Farmer: "Well that's very surprising, but it's a nice thing to hear."

Salesman: "The horse too. Why, that horse said you always feed him the best oats and brush him every day. He sure does like you."

Farmer: "Well you're going to make me blush."

Salesman: "But the real surprise was the sheep."

Vodka from potato
3% of the world's vodka is made from potato. Too much tonnage required to produce the desired return. Plus you have to use young potatoes so the unit count goes way up which makes it even more wasteful. On top of that, it's a fairly recent introduction to the vodka ingredient list. Only used when widely available locally.
Grains are number one by far. Sorghum tops the list along with wheat, corn, barley, rye and rice thrown in there. Add to those, they use soy beans, beets, grapes refined sugars and even some disgusting things we won't mention.
And so on...
Please don't. A little research goes a long way. :)
Btw, guess my avatar prefer fresh birchwood.
Yes, just before his next Chemo treatment, I took my friend to a spot close to here. It's an urban park that specializes in wilderness preservation, including letting beavers do their thing (to a point). He was thrilled having not been there before today. After, I dropped him off, came home and started typing. I am very happy inside right now.
Voodoo Man from the garden! Opined it was an African Fertility symbol designed to increase Fertility in our House.
Good thing it's outside Steve. I have a feeling were it inside it might have the opposite affect.
Just sayin' voodoo guy. :)
Last edited:
A guy is bedside with his dying wife in the hospital.
Doc, is there anything we can do?
Yes, but may we talk in private?
Sure Doc, what's up?
We tried all medical stimulants known to revive her. I think it's time for some private moments with you and the missus.
What do you mean Doc?
Let me be direct with you. I think the answer may be oral sex.
Okay Doc if you say so. Please give us some time alone.
Curtains drawn, doors closed, Doctor monitoring the vitals from the nursing station.
Vitals go wild, cardiac arrest. Wife has actually died.
Doctor comes rushing in. What the heck happened?
Not sure Doctor, I think she might've choked.
Vodka may be distilled from any starch- or sugar-rich plant matter; most vodka today is produced from grains such as sorghum, corn, rye or wheat. Among grain vodkas, rye and wheat vodkas are generally considered superior. Some vodkas are made from potatoes, molasses, soybeans, grapes, rice, sugar beets and sometimes even byproducts of oil refining[33] or wood pulp processing. In some Central European countries, such as Poland, some vodka is produced by just fermenting a solution of crystal sugar and yeast.

Today's Porridge News is all bad... :(

I tried the Microwave Experience, since one must move with the times. Hoped it would make washing up easier... but NO! :mad:

Wonder what I did wrong?

Here's a puzzle for you. I was showing my neighbour my latest purchase. He was baffled.

My view is you won't often need one of these, but when you do, you need it badly. He is now keen to borrow it.


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