Pensils for Alpair 10.3 & Alpair 10p

Hmmmm. Never had a problem with windows after XP. The Direct Sound engine has been very stable ever since. I am using Foobar2000 on a laptop with everything in the world running in background and USB out. The only issue I have with DS (currently W8.1) is that it forces 48k bps. I upsample everything to 24/96 in fk2k and pass it through WASAPI and W8.1 happily passes through to the USB port.

Could it be that it's not the OS at fault, but too many devices running on the same data buss?

Thanks-My dedicated PC just had OS ,iTunes,Foobar and its components,and the network connection and all unnecessary services disabled(as per Absolute Fidelity's advice) but it was a old laptop,may have some thing to do with the oldish HW I presumed and hence tried with the more powerful one's with latest OS's.There definitely is something in the way windows treats audio that I have not figured out yet.That way the dedicated Volumio on RPi has nothing in it and sounds beautiful.So much more depth and detail...I will dedicate a week end to figure this out...However the only issue with volumio is a very basic UI for music,playlists etc....there must be workarounds that I will figure out and update
Any computer that came with Vista or newer will have ample horsepower to pass a bit-perfect audio stream to the USB or SPDIF ports. If you set the music player to output WASAPI or ASIO, the Windows audio engine does not get to see the bit stream. If you use TOSLink to transmit the bit stream to your DAC, you completely eliminate any noise that might be generated within the computer. Now, if you believe that the bits can be degraded over inferior cables, that's another issue.

Any computer that came with Vista or newer will have ample horsepower to pass a bit-perfect audio stream to the USB or SPDIF ports. If you set the music player to output WASAPI or ASIO, the Windows audio engine does not get to see the bit stream. If you use TOSLink to transmit the bit stream to your DAC, you completely eliminate any noise that might be generated within the computer. Now, if you believe that the bits can be degraded over inferior cables, that's another issue.


Thanks Bob.I tried WASAPI,ASIO,M AUDIO ASIO ,DS over time-But sincerely my concern was the performance was unpredictable.Sometimes it will sound good and other times it will be terrible.Also there was amplitude variation all of sudden at random.I even connected a power conditioner for the AMP and ran the laptop on battery(while having the settings to maximise performance)the issues remained.I used M AUDIO USB and FOOBAR .May be my M AUDIO works on USB 1.1 and not on 2.May be that was the reason,I dont know....but no issues whatsoever with my new set up.Well the cables that I changed ,as mentioned in my earlier post was the analog cables for the speaker and not any digital one..Thanks for the advice as always.More or less this will be my set up now.
One last thought before I give up. Go to the Window "Sounds" dialog and assure that the sound theme is "No Sounds". Also, and I am sure you have done this: In the playback dialog >> Advanced check exclusive mode for your output devise.

I am at a loss as to your problem. I've used three different laptops for music, and HP, a Toshiba and now an HP. Never had your problem. I started with an M Audio Fast Track Pro and the ASIO driver into a miniDSP. Now I run WASAPI to a nanoDIGI and on to a pair of Topping DAC's. I run the worst possible computer environment for audio and never had intermittent problems.

Oh,well. Sorry I couldn't help.
Giving up on Windows


I seriously could not solve this with Windows...It is just not working for me...may be an extraordinary incompatibility amongst various components in the chain...So have given up on it and have set up RPI based Volumio...It is outstanding, flawless and always on! Thanks for the help
Pencil mod

I will be building the pencils for A10p. Has anyone put the port on the back? Is there a damping plan or just the density noted in this thread and on the plan itself? Someone tried 'egg carton' foam......

Yes I know it's DIY but there are plenty of builders out there practices?
Yes I've built both A10.3 and A10P pensils with port firing back, never mentioned any issues with that, sound is quite good with plenty of bass. From several sources there were confirmations that port can be placed on the back if proper distance from the wall is kept (mine are about 1 ft). I' ve stuffed top half with plain sythetic stuffing material (bracing stick supports it) with density like it was in the packaging and quite satisfied with result.
Down to the end of making the pensils. I gave my friend the published dimension for the driver cutout: 139mm. The hole, as measured with calipers yesterday came out at just under 140mm. Awesome....not! The pictures attached show a basket width of 136mm. I measured the driver and the gasket of the Alpair 10p.

Has anyone else seen this? I suggested to Mark's employee to look into it....


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A couple of picks of the pensils before the satin clear coat. Not great plywood here so used MDF. The veneer is white oak nicely book matched. The vent is on the back. I'll post more soon.

I think I'll be attempting a supra baffle...any suggestions? (I have read alot of the previous suprabaffle threads.)

I have spikes on hand too but not sure about using them.
For reference, Mark doesn't own Markaudio any more, and hasn't for some time. Re suprabaffles, the pensils shouldn't require one under most practical conditions, but if you feel they would acoustically benefit in your space / system, then obviously go with whatever will bring the response to the desired point.
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