Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Did you click Update the MPD sources? You have to do that initially, then you can rescan thereafter when you change/add/update your music library.

Also, what format is your drive partition? And what size?

Thanks for being helpful!

I did click Update the MPD Sources - the sources list didn't contain neither the USB drive nor the NAS source beforehand. What's even more weird, although there is a NAS source in the Sources tab (which is false, since the only external source is the USB stick I plugged into the RPI USB port, and it resulted in a NAS being added to the Sources list after trying to update the MPD sources), the Music Source Config page says that there is no NAT configured (which is true)-see attached screenshot. This is exactly the cause for me to suspect there is a bug in this release of Moode (I used the very same stick on the older release, which was 2.something).

As for the USB thumb drive, it gets automounted by Raspbian, and its characteristics are:
pi@moode:~ $ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 29G 8.4G 21G 30% /media/USBMETAL

pi@moode:~ $ mount
/dev/sda1 on /media/USBMETAL type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime,nodiratime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=ascii,shortname=mixed,showexec,utf8,errors=remount-ro,uhelper=udisks)

Thanks in advance for any help!


  • 3.jpg
    206.4 KB · Views: 360
Hi, it's me again. I am having issues with getting a clean bluetooth connection from my projector to my RPi3 running moode.

I tried the following:

Disabled both onboard WiFi and onboard BT in /boot/config.txt.
Then I tried using an USB-powered USB hub to connect my external WiFi and BT dongles as suggested in a Raspberry Pi forum.

The last time I asked here for advice someone said it might be due to interference in my surroundings. However, when I am using another bluetooth speaker paired with the projector, I don't suffer from such problems.

I recorded the sound of a video to demonstrate what the distorted output sounds like:BT issues RPi3 - Clyp

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: Also tried unplugging wifi dongle as soon as a BT connection was established.
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The fist returns the path usr/local/bin/squeezelite-armv7l
the second doesn't return anything... should it?

Still nothing in LMS :confused:


Could be a bug. What is output of cmd below?

sudo systemctl status squeezelite-armv7l



No need to test any further. There is definitely some breakage caused by the latest 1020 build of squeezelite. See below where it faults on the -D option while the 999 build does not.

The -D and -R E options don't even appear in the 1020 help text :-0


pi@rp3:~ $ sudo cp /mnt/moode/components/squeezelite/_archive/squeezelite-1.8.7-999-armv7l ./
pi@rp3:~ $ sudo ./squeezelite-1.8.7-999-armv7l -n RP2 -o "hw:0,0" -a 80:4::1 -b 40000:100000 -p 45 -c flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,alac,dsd -W -D 500 -R E

no errors

pi@rp3:~ $ sudo cp /usr/local/bin/squeezelite-armv7l ./squeezelite-1.8.7-1020-armv7l
pi@rp3:~ $ sudo ./squeezelite-1.8.7-1020-armv7l -n RP2 -o "hw:0,0" -a 80:4::1 -b 40000:100000 -p 45 -c flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,alac,dsd -W -D 500 -R E

Option error: -D
I have been intermittently following these postings as I too have had the "no show Squeezelite"

I went back to the build recipe (beta 10) and repeated the installation of Squeezelite (Armv7l) this time paying a little more attention.

This time I read the end part before doing the copy and paste

3. See STEP 7 main procedure

#sudo chmod 0644 /lib/systemd/system/squeezelite-armv6l.service
#sudo chmod 0644 /lib/systemd/system/squeezelite-armv7l.service
#sudo systemctl disable squeezelite-armv6l
#sudo systemctl disable squeezelite-armv7l

Now I must have just copied and pasted all the commented out commands and not gone back to Step 7.

So this time i did go back and repeated Step 7 (Why does this have to be done twice?)

Any way after reboot I started up LMS and there is "Moode" listed as a player, a quick config of the LMS Player Audio output on the player tab and I'm rockin'.

If you need help on this shoot me a pm.

@ Mr Curtis, would it be sufficient to include a note in the build recipe to install Squeezelite before Step &7 or is there a reason for doing things in this order?

Why do I keep thing about Mary Berry and Victoria Sponge?


A little late to the party, but still rockin':)
So it seems as if the issue was resolved. I used a RPI2 and seperated the wifi dongle using a usb extender cord and the playback has been smooth this far. I will test it for a while and will also test streaming from USB.

Thanks Tim

Based on a review of the Allo Boss DAC on another forum the guy stated that he struggled with wifi connectivity using a RPI3. He stated that he identified the issue as the dac card blocking the wifi signal of the Pi3 and that he had to resort to a USB wifi adaptor to make it stream reliably.

Yesterday I reported that using a usb extender cord with the RPI2 solved the problem with interruptions in the streaming. Today I tested with the wifi dongle plugged directly into the RPI2 and found that it was streaming perfectly.

So it would seem that the guy is correct in stating that the Allo Card installed in place interferes/blocks the wifi signal of the onboard radio on the RPI3. I am still going to test this on the 3 as well but it would seem as if it is not necessary to use a usb extender cord to connect a usb wifi dongle with the PI2.

Could be a bug. What is output of cmd below?

sudo systemctl status squeezelite-armv7l


Tim, I just ran the three commands on my working Squeezelite, here they are:

Last login: Mon Dec 4 18:54:08 2017 from
pi@moode:~ $ which squeezelite-armv7l
pi@moode:~ $ pgrep -l squeezelite-arm
1473 squeezelite-arm
pi@moode:~ $ sudo systemctl status squeezelite-armv7l
● squeezelite-armv7l.service - Squeezelite-armv7l
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/squeezelite-armv7l.service; disabled; ven
Active: active (running) since Mon 2017-12-04 19:30:32 GMT; 27min ago
Main PID: 1473 (squeezelite-arm)
CGroup: /system.slice/squeezelite-armv7l.service
└─1473 /usr/local/bin/squeezelite-armv7l -n Moode -o hw:0,0 -a 80 4 1

Dec 04 19:30:32 moode systemd[1]: Started Squeezelite-armv7l.
lines 1-8/8 (END)...skipping...
● squeezelite-armv7l.service - Squeezelite-armv7l
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/squeezelite-armv7l.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2017-12-04 19:30:32 GMT; 27min ago
Main PID: 1473 (squeezelite-arm)
CGroup: /system.slice/squeezelite-armv7l.service
└─1473 /usr/local/bin/squeezelite-armv7l -n Moode -o hw:0,0 -a 80 4 1 -b 40000 100000 -p 45 -c flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,alac,dsd -W -D 500 -R E

Dec 04 19:30:32 moode systemd[1]: Started Squeezelite-armv7l.
Thanks for being helpful!

I did click Update the MPD Sources - the sources list didn't contain neither the USB drive nor the NAS source beforehand. What's even more weird, although there is a NAS source in the Sources tab (which is false, since the only external source is the USB stick I plugged into the RPI USB port, and it resulted in a NAS being added to the Sources list after trying to update the MPD sources), the Music Source Config page says that there is no NAT configured (which is true)-see attached screenshot. This is exactly the cause for me to suspect there is a bug in this release of Moode (I used the very same stick on the older release, which was 2.something).

As for the USB thumb drive, it gets automounted by Raspbian, and its characteristics are:
pi@moode:~ $ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 29G 8.4G 21G 30% /media/USBMETAL

pi@moode:~ $ mount
/dev/sda1 on /media/USBMETAL type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime,nodiratime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=ascii,shortname=mixed,showexec,utf8,errors=remount-ro,uhelper=udisks)

Thanks in advance for any help!


I'm running r40b11 on an RPi3 without any NAS configured and with a USB thumbdrive containing music files. I don't see the behavior you report.

In the Browse panel, I see a "NAS" folder (note-it's in uppercase, unlike the "nas" folder I see in your image. That seems curious.) There is no content in the NAS folder, as expected. I also see a "USB" folder. In it is a MUSIC-A folder (the name I gave the drive) and in the MUSIC-A folder is music content which subsequently shows up in the Library panel. The system directory information for this thumbdrive is similar to yours.

Hope this helps.

Just to add, that after stopping playback via Squeezelite, it would not drop off and the only way I could play through MoOde was to set Squeezelite to off

Hi Ronnie,

The original issue where squeezelite was faulting on the options was due an error in the compile instructions. Instead of sudo make, use just make.

Fixed in Beta 12 and the moodeOS Builder :)

Correct it must be turned off to release the audio channel. It has a param to release the audio channel after a time period but it doesn't provide a hook for this event like shairport-sync does. This means moOde has no way of restoring its volume or playback after squeezelight releases audio.

Last edited:

I'm running r40b11 on an RPi3 without any NAS configured and with a USB thumbdrive containing music files. I don't see the behavior you report.

In the Browse panel, I see a "NAS" folder (note-it's in uppercase, unlike the "nas" folder I see in your image. That seems curious.) There is no content in the NAS folder, as expected. I also see a "USB" folder. In it is a MUSIC-A folder (the name I gave the drive) and in the MUSIC-A folder is music content which subsequently shows up in the Library panel. The system directory information for this thumbdrive is similar to yours.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for your effort.

Yes, the "nas" folder is really lowercase in my case. What's more curious is that it disappears after each reboot, and returns after a MPD DB Update.

A peek into /var/log/moode.log reveals the following:
20171204 225753 worker: - Network
20171204 225753 worker: eth0 exists
20171204 225753 worker: eth0 (
20171204 225753 worker: wlan0 does not exist
20171204 225753 worker: - Audio
20171204 225755 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
20171204 225755 worker: Audio out (I2S audio device)
20171204 225755 worker: Audio dev (IQaudIO Pi-DAC)
20171204 225755 worker: ALSA mixer name (Digital)
20171204 225755 worker: MPD volume control (hardware)
20171204 225755 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20171204 225755 worker: - Services
20171204 225757 worker: MPD started
20171204 225757 worker: MPD scheduler policy (time-share)
20171204 225757 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA default (on)
20171204 225757 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA crossfeed (off)
20171204 225757 worker: MPD output 3 ALSA parametric eq (off)
20171204 225757 worker: MPD output 4 ALSA graphic eq (off)
20171204 225757 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20171204 225757 worker: - Last
20171204 225758 worker: USB sources (USBMETAL)
20171204 225758 worker: NAS sources (mountall initiated)
20171204 225758 worker: Volume level (38) restored
20171204 225758 worker: Watchdog started
20171204 225758 worker: Ready
20171204 225905 worker: Job updmpddb

So, the thumbdrive does get detected by the system, but trying to add it as a source results in the behaviour described.
Thanks for your effort.

Yes, the "nas" folder is really lowercase in my case. What's more curious is that it disappears after each reboot, and returns after a MPD DB Update.

A peek into /var/log/moode.log reveals the following:
So, the thumbdrive does get detected by the system, but trying to add it as a source results in the behaviour described.
What does /var/log/mpd/log look like?
Thanks for your effort.

Yes, the "nas" folder is really lowercase in my case. What's more curious is that it disappears after each reboot, and returns after a MPD DB Update.

A peek into /var/log/moode.log reveals the following:
20171204 225753 worker: - Network
20171204 225753 worker: eth0 exists
20171204 225753 worker: eth0 (
20171204 225753 worker: wlan0 does not exist
20171204 225753 worker: - Audio
20171204 225755 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
20171204 225755 worker: Audio out (I2S audio device)
20171204 225755 worker: Audio dev (IQaudIO Pi-DAC)
20171204 225755 worker: ALSA mixer name (Digital)
20171204 225755 worker: MPD volume control (hardware)
20171204 225755 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20171204 225755 worker: - Services
20171204 225757 worker: MPD started
20171204 225757 worker: MPD scheduler policy (time-share)
20171204 225757 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA default (on)
20171204 225757 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA crossfeed (off)
20171204 225757 worker: MPD output 3 ALSA parametric eq (off)
20171204 225757 worker: MPD output 4 ALSA graphic eq (off)
20171204 225757 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20171204 225757 worker: - Last
20171204 225758 worker: USB sources (USBMETAL)
20171204 225758 worker: NAS sources (mountall initiated)
20171204 225758 worker: Volume level (38) restored
20171204 225758 worker: Watchdog started
20171204 225758 worker: Ready
20171204 225905 worker: Job updmpddb

So, the thumbdrive does get detected by the system, but trying to add it as a source results in the behaviour described.

What does /var/log/mpd/log look like?

Hi @mario74m,

As @swizzle suggests, examine MPD log after clicking UPDATE mpd database on the Sources screen. Look for anything suspicious for example "Permission" errors.

Thanks for being helpful!

I did click Update the MPD Sources - the sources list didn't contain neither the USB drive nor the NAS source beforehand. What's even more weird, although there is a NAS source in the Sources tab (which is false, since the only external source is the USB stick I plugged into the RPI USB port, and it resulted in a NAS being added to the Sources list after trying to update the MPD sources), the Music Source Config page says that there is no NAT configured (which is true)-see attached screenshot. This is exactly the cause for me to suspect there is a bug in this release of Moode (I used the very same stick on the older release, which was 2.something).

As for the USB thumb drive, it gets automounted by Raspbian, and its characteristics are:
pi@moode:~ $ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 29G 8.4G 21G 30% /media/USBMETAL

pi@moode:~ $ mount
/dev/sda1 on /media/USBMETAL type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime,nodiratime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=ascii,shortname=mixed,showexec,utf8,errors=remount-ro,uhelper=udisks)

Thanks in advance for any help!

Yours looks exactly like mine. I do know for mine, the USB has to be plugged up when booting up. I'm sure you are doing that, so I am not sure. Unless somewhere in the build MPD was not installed correctly. Also, it takes awhile to crawl the drive for it to show up. If you reboot during the crawl, no bueno.

So I can only think either:

- waiting for crawl
- drive format partions are off
- MPD is off

Unless Tim can think of something else amiss.
Yours looks exactly like mine. I do know for mine, the USB has to be plugged up when booting up. I'm sure you are doing that, so I am not sure. Unless somewhere in the build MPD was not installed correctly. Also, it takes awhile to crawl the drive for it to show up. If you reboot during the crawl, no bueno.

So I can only think either:

- waiting for crawl
- drive format partions are off
- MPD is off

Unless Tim can think of something else amiss.

Examine MPD log after clicking UPDATE mpd database on the Sources screen and look for anything suspicious in the log for example "Permission" errors.

The log is located at /var/log/mpd/log

Moode vs Volumio

Just because I was building it for a friend who is computer illiterate, I built a system using a spare Hifiberry Amp I had around and used Volumio instead of Moode.

The verdict is in - Moode kicks Volumio’s voluminous ***!


I will migrate him when the bugs are worked out of the build process.
Moode vs Volumio

Just because I was building it for a friend who is computer illiterate, I built a system using a spare Hifiberry Amp I had around and used Volumio instead of Moode.

The verdict is in - Moode kicks Volumio’s voluminous ***!


Which isn’t to say there aren’t some things about Volumio I really like - it’s a revelation compared t9 the last time I used it, about four years ago, but technically Moode is just better.

I will spend more time on Volumio and see if I can pinpoint some of the features I like for possible future improvements in the Moode ui.

I will migrate him when the bugs are worked out of the build process.
Last edited:
Examine MPD log after clicking UPDATE mpd database on the Sources screen and look for anything suspicious in the log for example "Permission" errors.

The log is located at /var/log/mpd/log


So, I did the following:

sudo rm /var/log/mpd/log
sudo touch /var/log/mpd/log

..Restart Moode via GUI. Thumbdrive plugged in.
..Checking that the logging level is set to Debug via GUI
..Checking the Sources in GUI after reboot. The list consists of RADIO, SDCARD and Default Playlist
..Clicking UPDATE (MPD Database) in Configure | Sources
..Checking the Sources again. A lowercase "nas" entry appears in the list, after SDCARD and before Default Playlist

cat /var/log/mpd/log yields:

Last login: Tue Dec 5 07:36:10 2017 from
pi@moode:~ $ cat /var/log/mpd/log
Dec 05 07:43 : avahi: Service 'Moode MPD' successfully established.
pi@moode:~ $

There's no mention of the thumbdrive in the log whatsoever, which is very strange.

Another thing is that the moode build went really smooth and according to the recipe, without any errors or warnings.

I will try low level formatting the drive in the afternoon, or try another drive, and report back.

Anyway, thanks for your time everyone :)

I am trying to build beta11 and there are errors in STEP 2:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ echo "pi:moodeaudio" | sudo chpasswd
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo sed -i "s/raspberrypi/moode/" /etc/hostname
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo sed -i "s/raspberrypi/moode/" /etc/hosts
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd ~
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ wget [URL][/URL]
--2017-12-04 20:57:00--  [URL][/URL]
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 17150227 (16M) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘’                  100%[============================================================================>]  16.36M   132KB/s    in 2m 16s

2017-12-04 20:59:16 (124 KB/s) - ‘’ saved [17150227/17150227]

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo unzip ./
[COLOR=Red]sudo: unable to resolve host raspberrypi[/COLOR]
Archive:  ./
   creating: rel-stretch/
  inflating: rel-stretch/www/
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo cp ./rel-stretch/www/command/ ./
[COLOR=Red]sudo: unable to resolve host raspberrypi[/COLOR]
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo chmod 0755 ./
[COLOR=red]sudo: unable to resolve host raspberrypi[/COLOR]
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo sed -i "/PART_END=/c\PART_END=+3000M" ./
[COLOR=red]sudo: unable to resolve host raspberrypi[/COLOR]
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo ./ start
[COLOR=red]sudo: unable to resolve host raspberrypi[/COLOR]

Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.29.2).
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
Be careful before using the write command.

Command (m for help): Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 7.4 GiB, 7969177600 bytes, 15564800 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x020c3677

Device         Boot Start     End Sectors  Size Id Type
/dev/mmcblk0p1       8192   93814   85623 41.8M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/mmcblk0p2      94208 9601599 9507392  4.5G 83 Linux

Command (m for help): Partition number (1,2, default 2):
Partition 2 has been deleted.

Command (m for help): Partition type
   p   primary (1 primary, 0 extended, 3 free)
   e   extended (container for logical partitions)
Select (default p): Partition number (2-4, default 2): First sector (2048-15564799, default 2048): Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G,T,P} (94208-15564799, default 15564799):
Created a new partition 2 of type 'Linux' and of size 3 GiB.
[COLOR=red]Partition #2 contains a ext4 signature.[/COLOR]

Command (m for help):
Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 7.4 GiB, 7969177600 bytes, 15564800 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x020c3677

Device         Boot Start     End Sectors  Size Id Type
/dev/mmcblk0p1       8192   93814   85623 41.8M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/mmcblk0p2      94208 6238207 6144000    3G 83 Linux

Command (m for help): The partition table has been altered.
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
[COLOR=Red]Re-reading the partition table failed.: Device or resource busy[/COLOR]

The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8).

Root partition has been resized
The file system will be enlarged after reboot
BOOT_DEV mmcblk0
ROOT_PART mmcblk0p2
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo rm ./
[COLOR=red]sudo: unable to resolve host raspberrypi[/COLOR]
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo rm ./
[COLOR=red]sudo: unable to resolve host raspberrypi[/COLOR]
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo cp ./rel-stretch/boot/config.txt.default /boot/config.txt
[COLOR=red]sudo: unable to resolve host raspberrypi[/COLOR]
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo reboot
[COLOR=red]sudo: unable to resolve host raspberrypi[/COLOR]
Then after reboot (Kernel panic):

[COLOR=red][2.045889] ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS Unable to mount root fs on unkown-block(179,2)[/COLOR]
If anyone has a solution... :confused:

Thanks :)