JFET-only Circlotrons without negative feedback

We have already tested such SiC Normally-On JFETs: UJ3N065025K3S (Ciss-2360pF, Ptot-441 W), UJ3N065080K3S (630 pF, 190 W). But it is better to use UJ3N065080K3S, it has a smaller capacity.

I already wrote here that you need a power-on delay on the SiC, about 2 seconds, until the gate voltage is set to -8.8 V.

Without thermal stabilization, the current rises slowly. When the cold amplifier is turned on at currents of 150 mA, 200 mA and 350 mA for three hours, an increase in the current is visible on the diagram.
If, when you turn on the amplifier with cold radiators, set the current to 150 mA, then the thermal sensor is not needed.


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Yes Yurik, I believe you, I am puzzled however from the difference. Anyway, the final stage is Russian, what is the front end in this plot? Russian JFETs too?

I also want to note here that in simulations, front behavior changes a lot, changing the current. 800-900 mA, 2nd harmonic lower, 900-950 2nd=3rd harmonic, 950 and more 2nd > 3rd.

Unfortunately, distortion, never goes really low. I am thinking we could enhance the front end current source, what do you think?

This is an amplifier I am definitely going to build but I want first to have the best simulation. I have changed many FETs in front and I am running many variations.
The output stage on the SIT KP802A has a large Rout = 2.5 ohms, but the sound is very good. And you can't squeeze out a lot of power on them. KP802 are very different in parameters. You need a lot of them to pick up the same parameters.

On silicon carbide Jfet Rout = 0.78 ohms and the sound is also very good.
On the IRFP150N mosfet - Rout = 0.12 Ohm and you can get the highest power. I haven't listened to the IRFP150N, but the sound might be a little worse.
You can watch the IRFP150N in the simulator.
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On the IRFP150N mosfet - Rout = 0.12 Ohm and you can get the highest power. I haven't listened to the IRFP150N, but the sound might be a little worse.

I would be surprised if the IRFP150 would sound worse than the SIT or SIC parts because they are essentially working as source followers only (no voltage gain). Or am I missing something?