Improve a Rotel amp THD by 20dB!

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Very often, the wipers will not reliably handle current flow. Multi-turn pots are designed as voltage dividers.

The normal single turn controls perform very well, otherwise they would have used a multi-turn control. Sometimes the range is too great, but that is a design error and can be corrected by changing fixed resistor values and some times the value of the pot. Yamaha was famous for this problem. The contact on a single turn is much larger and can better handle current flow, that part is pure physics and common sense.

Finally, real common sense. If you don't need to replace something, why on earth would anyone consider doing that?
Joined 2004
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Mark, you are almost correct.

The wiper and slide are much smaller in a multi-turn control. Use a hammer and prove it to yourself.

Multi-turn controls are designed for very fine adjustment. Normally process control and test equipment. Things like bias current and DC offset are not carefully set as they both drift a great deal with temperature. The very notion of a fine setting that will stay is misguided at best. On top of that, these values when in the ballpark will make zero difference in sound quality.

So tell me, exactly what is the entire point of using a multi-turn control in audio equipment? I'm serious, what are people attempting to gain here?
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I just figure out the range for whatever adjustment and use single turn where possible. If the adjustment is very fine I'll use a multi-turn. I never replace single turn with multi-turn in audio equipment, not ever. I have had to remove the darned things and reinstall a single turn. Endlessly turning a control for an adjustment that drifts isn't very intelligent.

A CCS is normally temperature compensated so that application can make sense. Yes, wipers in multi-turn oxidize exactly the same as with single turn, but single turn control respond better to cleaning.
Thanks for the quick replies,
Chris, " if it passes audio it is working fine in many people's minds. They were honest in that regard." - thats what i was thinking, just that different people have different standards, i wasnt worried about them not beeing honest.

"Is the spark killer bad? If not, leave the poor thing alone. -
i had one exploding in my old analog scope a few years ago, i thought for this cap , as well as for other caps, like the electrolytics in the supply (which are bulging at the top) it might be a smart thing to replace them before they go up in a loud bang.

The multi turn pots were mentioned earlier on, and i thought replacing the pots could alsos make sense,
after all the amp is 25 years old.
maybe i worry too much..

"Polyester capacitors aren't very good either" - i have never had the chance to compare differnt caps, and after reading that people prefer film caps to electrolytics i thought this could be a good chance to try. i guess i stick with the electrolytics then.

The amp must have gotten worse over the years, its hard to imagine anyone finding the sound of my rotel enjoyable.

There are other things you can do that solve the issue I think you're trying to protect against." this is what i am asking, where would you start?

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Hi yurgs,
Some capacitors were known for failing. Not all and most are fine.

Yep, you worry too much. On amplifiers exceeding 40 years old, I rarely have to replace bias controls. Some yes, so I put in original single turn as close to the same size as I can. I never install multi-turn controls as this is both not what they were designed for (circuit type), and also they are unsuited even if you simply look at how many turns are required.

Coupling capacitors are large enough in value so they do not develop signal voltage across them. Now, if they are defective (like leaky or low value), you replace them. Electrolytic capacitors have DA issues, but so to polyester types. Polypropylene are too large physically (which is why they use electrolytics normally). If the part is too big, you can't use it. They do not affect sound quality anyway. I've done a lot of testing in this area as have many others.

Yes, equipment can degrade over the years. Issues can occur with any components, transistors and matching. Resistors, capacitors. They all have odd failure modes, even some solder connections (remove old, use new and not too much). Like people, they can have individual personalities.

Sound quality issues. This is where many years of experience and test equipment comes in. No one can give you a "hit list", but there are common things. You can't replace a really good technician with the internet or artificial intelligence yet. I have always written what I have learned and experienced.
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Joined 2004
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Hi rdf,
I have had many muti-turn controls go bad. Probably about the same ratio as single turn. These are all basically the same idea, construction differs. The multi-turn parts have smaller conductive surfaces, that is the big difference.

I have a couple pieces of test equipment that need wholesale trimmer replacements. These are voltage references, so that means a complete (very expensive) adjustment and recertification. If you think for a moment that multi-turn controls are immune from oxygen, you are sadly mistaken. This is the main issue with metallic contacts, and the problem in adjustable resistors. The one thing the standard open style trimmers in stereo equipment have going for them is that you can clean them. You cannot easily clean a multi-turn control.
Hello all, bit time passed since last posting about modding Rotel's, got my hands on a new project, one RA-06, the one problem it has is the volume pot, I think its an Alps motorised one, even on minimum volume, you can still hear faint sound at night in one of the speakers, will cleaning the pot with deoxit help? maybe that's another problem somewhere else in the amp?
Also, I am loosing my sanity trying to find what kind of caps are the red ones that Rotel put in there, they are all low value caps in the PF/NF range, in all my time I have never seen them anywhere, any info on composition or maker?
The red ones in the photos

Thank you all for your time and help, hope everybody is well, and have a nice day



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Joined 2004
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Hi Christian,
Volume controls seldom track well and it's worse at the bottom. Do you have a mute button on this one (Some have about a -20dB mute) that allows you to use the volume controls in their more linear range. Some sound leakage at the bottom of travel isn't really a problem to be honest. This could even be a design / board layout issue and not the control.

If you must have silence, change input selections. Personally, I think expecting perfection is a road that will leave you forever unsatisfied.
Thank you guys for your help, yep I get that feeling alot, that if I expect perfection or try to achieve it, I might be dissapointed
The RA-06 doea have a mute function but its relay actuated, but I got ised to it and it does not bother anymore, I never listen at that low volumes anyway :)

A small sidequestion for AngelP, the bias circuit capacitor present on the 971 or the 06, the 10uf one in value on these models, I remember changing it per your recomandations with a Wima 1uf one, the problem is on the RA-06 a 1uf Wima will not fit, would chaning the MKS to a MLCC ceramic 1uf one work? Will there be any downside to chaning to a ceramic cap? As I understand the capacitor is there to block DC from entering the wiper?

Thank you and have a nice day all
Joined 2004
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Hi cristy6100,
No, it's there to drop the AC impedance across the circuit. It isn't as critical as you might think.

Happily this is a stable voltage, it doesn't change with audio signal too much. So you could use a ceramic (NP0 / C0G type). That would be better than the polyester type suggested. We're splitting hairs here. You could use a Poly-Aluminum as leakage isn't an issue here. A standard electrolytic type is fine, just a good quality one. It comes down to something that will fit properly, from that you can choose.

So don't worry too much, but don't try to use a part that is too large for the space.

DC current must flow through the wiper to bias the transistor, otherwise the adjustment wouldn't work. Use single turn controls, not muti-turn types!
Thank you for all the helpful info guys! Much appreciated,
If I may ask, analising the RA-06/RA-12 schematics, it seems they used 2SD600K/2SB631K for the VAS transistors, why this choice? they are high Cob devices like 20pf if I remeber right, I am tempted to swap them for a pair of matched 2SC2690A 2SA1220A, they are lower Cob, what is your opinion on this change,? is it worth it? Or maybe something with even lower Cob?

Thank you again for all your time and help
Joined 2012
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Well, I am modifying an old RA-820BX3 at the moment, and that also uses the 600/631 driver transistors as VAS.
It works, but it is not ideal. I tried replacing them with pairs of KSC3505/KSA1381 from my inventory, and that reduced the THD significantly, particularly the 3rd harmonic.
I may post my thoughts and upgrades of this odd amp at some point.
BTW, do you have a link to the RA-06/12 schematics?
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I am aving a bit of a dilema about what makes a "good" driver transistor, my dilema is:
I currently have on my bench the following 2SC5171 2SC4793 from Toshiba, also 2SC4382 from Sanken and 2SC2690A from Fairchild, I am trying to chose the best one of these to mount in my RA-06,
The 4382 has the best SOA, but the lowest fT
The 2690A is next in line it seems equal to the 4793
5171 has lowest SOA but highest fT,
What specs should I go for if lowest thd and distorsion is my goal? Do driver transistor fT really matters for audio quality?
Thank you for your time and help
