Dx Blame ST - Builder's thread - post pictures, reviews and comments here please.

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Observe what happens with the power supply...you have two condenser in series...in between them you have ground...and this ground is connected to one of them in the positive side and the other is connected to the negative side.

Them you have two free points to filter your symetrical supply...one is positive and other is negative.

I hope this clarifies



Yes I see Carlos. I thought the power supply circuit would have enough filtering but extra filtering on the amp can't hurt I guess.
People say that we need some capacitance connected to the power transistor's colector

I really believe that...but can be very small.... the standard used is from 470uf to 1000uf... the most nearby the colector leads as possible...for decoupling purposes, for stability purposes.

People have worries about some miliohms we can have from the positive and negative supply output to the positive and negative audio amplifier supply inputs.... they think this small resistance can start oscilations alike motor boating...this came from distant past i think.

Well..usually after a resistance, we always use a condenser to ground..usually small values will fit..something higher than 47uf works fine in the daily work.

After resistances, as i said..we use capacitors to ground to stabilize, bypass and decouple..... and we have rail resistances... series resistances from the main supply to the power amplifier's input transistors (circuits)...so..we need a capacitor there too.

In the real reality filled with huge ammounts or realism..if the one does not use 10 meters of cables from the supply to the power amplifier... no problems..no oscilations..no troubles...but.... we have a lot of standard things, rules of thumb, that if we remove them everything will continue to work fine..unless the one assembled the amplifier makes a lot of .... foolishes


Thanks for that nice informative explanation Carlos. I am learning more all the time. I also found some good videos to help learning below link.

Linear Transistor Applications - Transistors and Transistor Circuits - Video Lecture

It would be really nice if you made some youtube videos explaining your amplifier schematic (in English would be nice):). Maybe you could make it like a 8 part tv series. You will maybe need to hire some actors and producers to help. You can be the director:D


I am uploading explanation about this subject dedicated to you

Soon i will put the link here.

About the video....i think i have already made something....but very simple...camera pointing to the sceen...i do not remember if was made in portuguese or english.

Not needed to be a superproduction..what matters is to send a message that may help one or two.


Soon i will put the link here.

About the video....i think i have already made something....but very simple...camera pointing to the sceen...i do not remember if was made in portuguese or english.

Not needed to be a superproduction..what matters is to send a message that may help one or two.



Fantastic. I have seen one of your videos in Portuguese. My brain could not translate to English.
All right, give me a couple of days and i will make it in english too

But will make it small, more details you can ask by email.

I am uploading explanations about condensers in the rails to audio amplifiers.... made for you.... so, after use, you decide if i can keep it there or if you want me to delete.

Dedicated to you, have your name ..so..you decide to keep it or not.

Condenser, in my explanation is pointed the wrong one..rail condenser, after the resistance is C14..that other one is filter to the CCS

Here you have:



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Dear Nissman...i am uploading 10 small videos, with awfull video quality

explaining how the amplifier works.... a very small, a short form thing that i wish will help you and some more guys.

I have made sacrifices into the video...recorded pointed to the screen in 320 by 240 frames...awfull video...but audio is reasonable and explains the stuff... make a printed copy from your schematic and then you will be able to follow.

More details, just ask me..if i can, i will help you here, or using direct mail... the video is small, a fast explanation... very simplified but shows the "mechanics" of the whole thing.... does not goes to tjhe level of details.... i cannot make it bigger...my HD is full..i cannot process big files.

They are beeing converted from AVI to MPEG and then i will upload them to Youtube...the links will be posted in this same thread.

Enjoy...i hope this helps.... soon will be posted.


Here you have the first ones...how Dx Blame amp works

VAS amplifier needs 1.2 volts, not 600 mV..so...there are some small errors and the description is a short one:

YouTube - How Dx Blame amp works 1
YouTube - How Dx Blame amp works 2
YouTube - How Dx Blame amp works 3
YouTube - How Dx Blame amp works 4

Above you have the first 5 parts...total are nine...i am very sorry...english is not my native language

The schematic is attached, open the schematic to follow the narrative




  • DX Blame ST schematic V1.5c.pdf
    54.3 KB · Views: 130
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Cool. I waiting for this too. I asked Carlos right after his surgery, same time I finished blame es, for a write up about its workings but timing not so great. I like videos for learning, a lot easier to comprehend. Good sign to see a lot of activity from you Carlos, your recovery seems to be well.

NissMan, may I recommended Bob Cordell's new book. It is very good and easy read. It also starts from an amplifiers conception. Mr. Cordell is also a member here on the site.
I am a little puzzled by this."the DX Blame ES sounds better"..... so we will build the ST...because???

Just asking, politely for some enlightenment, Mr.Carlos:)

Sorry-I should have proceeded reading the next post!!, I think I understand:)
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