Dx Blame ES .... based into the Blameless, i am trying a new amplifier

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more two lovely amplifiers will be constructed very soon.

Fell strong emotions...increase your volume...wait this youtube small video upload..them click to play and hold tigth yourself not to fell down from your chair:

YouTube - Dx Blame ES, the best sound!.avi


Hi Carlos,

Congratulations on your Dx Blame ES design. I believe you use the laser toner iron-on method for PCB construction. I find this works well for small "production" runs. How did you tin the PCBs in post #557 if I may ask?

Usually my Orkut friends produce boards to me.... this one you said,...

... the one at post 557, was made by Renato Comerllate, a Brazilian Italian guy that lives in São Paulo...a very good friend.

He works in an factory that produces high power electrical control panels, and he use the factory installations to produce boards at nigth..the factory does not work at nigth... also the factory does not produce boards... high power relays, contactors, switches and wires only.

Here you have his board:


The method we use, because it is a hobby, a diy boards, home made, small quantities, we use the hot iron method, laser copies and we transfer images printed in laser machines...we transfer the toner to the copper using hot iron.

YouTube - DIY Printed circuit board

YouTube - confecção de placa de circuito impresso / Make Your Own Printed Circuit Boards on a Laserjet

YouTube - CORTAR PLACA DE CIRCUITO IMPRESSO / Make Your Own Printed Circuit Boards

be happy,


... the one at post 557, was made by Renato Comerllate, a Brazilian Italian guy that lives in São Paulo...a very good friend.
YouTube - DIY Printed circuit board

be happy,

Thanks for the links Carlos. It was just the final tinning process I was wondering about. A product called "Liquid Tin" in your linked video was used, which only takes a few seconds. I will have to investigate a UK source...

I used to use the pen technique when i was in school... they have special "Dalo" markers for that, but a really good permanent marker pen also works :)

Since discovering the toner transfer method thanks to Tom Gootee, i wouldn't go back. It even works well enough for SMD parts, with a good enough paper
I continue in the school, the school of life, learning things everyday

and discovering, each day, how much i was stupid yesterday.

I use good permanent pen...and all possible methods to etch boards, and i am learning and developing myself in all knowledge fields that can improve my activity (hobby) of audio construction.

Be happy.



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I remember those Dalo markers, Jaycee. They were often sold as part of some DIY PCB etching kits. This image shows one of my first surface mount attempts using the laser transfer method. Apart from the poor tinning, it was at least functional and had no shorts! The secret is to experiment with different paper. I had the best results using a cheap inkjet photo glossy paper.



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I ma celebrating that i have two nice Germans building Dx Blame ES

And soon we gonna see their results.

I wish them good luck.

We have several German towns in Brazil, they speak German and Portuguese, they keep their traditions and we love them because their differences....lovely people.

I am uploading slide movie video to Youtube showing some from these German towns.

Dx Corporation has a German Division.


To build a regular, or a normal, a good amplifier, or to build the best is up to you

Do not trust on me....do not believe on me.... i challenge you to try by yourself..then come here to say it is not true.

Compare with the garb... you have..hehehehhee...i am bad!

Yes, all my designs were trashed by this one.... i have to admit...not only mine...thousands of others were trashed too.

Germans in Brazil:

YouTube - Alemães no Brasil - Germans in Brazil




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My method to produce boards is so simple that people do not understand

It is so obvious, so natural, that people feel confused.

Watch dear friends..it is the schematic painted over the copper..parts will be soldered over the copper, no drilling, you can glue your board and attach it against heatsink or chassis panels.

My people is confused also..unbeliavable that!...it is much more simple than eagle software, toner transference, optical image transference.....it is stone age, fast and simple..works great to prototype.

It is not pretty..... this may be the problem...people looks and dislike and this blocks their minds.




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Portuguese speaker countries can have benefits using this Brazilian forum

I am there, once again, i was banished a couple of years ago....the forum is super comercial, the main interest is to sell their products....the interest to help people is secondary....

I was there and someone asked me about audio cables, i said they serve for nothing...or,...will helpfull to the ones are selling those expensive cables.

Then they kicked me out..one from the forum owners is a cable company representative of unobtainum and inexistium miraculous fat electrons transference copper tubes, oxigenless cables multifiber,super extraordinary things..hehehehehe.

I am there, do not know how long this will happens..when they discover CEMergulhão e Destroyer x..then Kaput to uncle Charlie.




Then they kicked me out..one from the forum owners is a cable company representative of unobtainum and inexistium miraculous fat electrons transference copper tubes, oxigenless cables multifiber,super extraordinary things..hehehehehe.

Hi destroyer

ROFL - Haahahaha

I've witnessed this is on a load of other blogs & forums - always good for a laugh - especially one that was trying to explain to me how the blue cables are for if you listen to Jazz , the green cables are if you listen to Classical and the red cables are for when you listen to Rock Music

oooooooh it makes planet earth so colourful
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1.st Power On

Looks like a goddess - "our" (German Division) BlameES:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

First power-on:

Whhhuuuusch...Smoke...Fire...no casualty...28VDC on output with no input attached...

We will fix this. Doing troubleshooting right now..

"That's the way the cookie (DIY) crumbles."

Best regards - Rudi_Ratlos (Vice-Admiral of DXCorp. Intl. German Division)

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Yeah dear Phase... finally i could find a picture that may be

their meeting.

Some of these cables are really extraordinary.:D

People in my place use to ask me why i go to a foreign forum...they say i am snobish because i can read and write (more or less) in English.

The reason is the way people conduct the forum, here, they want advertising to keep the forum working, to maintain it operating, to face expenses and costs...the priority is to help people, to join the international community of DIYers for our own benefit and evolution... they think that way, a much better and decent way.

There, seems to me, first to fill their pockets...if rest something good as a sub product...well....they think this is good too..but first business.... that's my opinion.... the people, the users, seems fine.

Also there's no knowledge...very little to learn.... there are the good ones, but they are less than 0.001 percent..they are alike good THD amplifiers..0.001%

I can put money on that...they will kicked me out very soon....i don't mind, because i have not too much to learn there....i have a lot to learn here.... because of brazilian boys i was entered once again, to publish the Dx Blame ES, for their benefit, not mine.




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hehehe...this happens here too dear Rudi...happens a lot

and daily...the more skilled you are more errors you make, because excess of confidence drive us very stupid to check things in advance to switch power on.

then plaft, pluft, pow!.. and alles kaput!

Invertion.... if you invert some transistor then 28V appear in the ouput line...very normal these mistakes.

Have to check very carefully.... was you?.... i can't believe Vice admiral...you are the one (rarity) that assembled the Dx Standard and worked since the first moment you have switched power on.

You have other subcircuits to take care too, the protection and the delayed insertion..heheheh...more troubles..the most complex, the most complicated, more problems to check.

Run a wire from the transformer(s) center tape to the metal heat sink..the bottom plate beeing used as heatsink.

Nice that submarine.... U28V i think.

By the way dear Rudi, have you watched the youtube video i have made... Germans in Brazil..have you watched the girls there....hummmmmm. zier gut!... link is bellow the text..just click and them you will be visiting Brazilian German towns...our chucrutes are there.


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and daily...the more skilled you are more errors you make, because excess of confidence drive us very stupid to check things in advance to switch power on.

then plaft, pluft, pow!.. and alles kaput!



Hahaha I did this yesterday -- I wiped out £25 worth of transistors and nealry removed my eyebrows -- hehe

P.S. I just spent this morning reading right through this thread -- I think this is the best thread I've ever read. Thank you to all in here -- I learned a few things.....It's given me the confidence to post my project later for some help.

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