DIY Sony VFET lottery discussion

This thread is largest gathering of greedy boys in 20 years of diyaudio. Greedy and whining. And few ungrateful bstards.

Keen observation and something I can't to argue against.

If some of the "few ungrateful bstards" understood that other than the mix good character and principles, there is absolutely nothing stopping the people who put this lottery for the Sony VFET part 1 kits together from saying, "That's it! I'm going home and I'm TAKING my ball with me!"
Wow, what a great gift to DIY audio. Thanks to all who made it possible and especially to Nelson Pass who has been so generous over the years.

As for me, I have not had good luck when it comes to lotteries. I’m still not filthy rich despite having bought upwards of 20 powerball tickets in my lifetime. I’m excited though for the future 2SK60/2SK18 versions because I already have a couple pairs so no lottery winning required. I’m really looking forward to the reading too, I’m sure there will be monster threads on all of the variants.
I think some records are broken.
In first 24 hours, about 5000 downloads of the VFET document.

Yesterday morning, over 1400 users/visitors at any moment, in the Pass labs forum section. Never seen anything like that.

To everyone's delight, I will not buy one of the upcoming Vfet amplifiers, because I already have one of CSX1 that I still collect parts for. Yes I know I'm slow but I also like slow cooking but I follow everything that is about Vfet and different builds and I wish everyone good luck.

Wow what an offer !

A very generous initiative from a very generous forum.

More of a student than a professor in this forum, it allowed a neophyte like me to learn a lot !

Thank you to the DIYaudio staff and friends for your work. Not only the amp looks beautiful, but I am sure it will sound even better. :wave:
To everyone's delight, I will not buy one of the upcoming Vfet amplifiers, because I already have one of CSX1 that I still collect parts for. Yes I know I'm slow but I also like slow cooking but I follow everything that is about Vfet and different builds and I wish everyone good luck.


I get what you mean Anders and I am sort of in the same spot as you in terms of building. However, I will be participating in this lottery because this might be an amp I might keep (I have family and friends who don't have soldering iron, multimeters, skill, time, or the nerve to play with a B+ of 350VDC... so many Tubelab SSE, MoFos, and Baby Huey variants). Plus, the looks of this kit will be far more acceptable to the wife than my black or silver boxes.

If I miss out, no big deal as it is luck and there is Sony VFET part 2 and I can try my luck for that one. And if I miss out on that kit, then again -- no big deal as it is luck of the draw. There are a variety of projects and more than enough other sand and/or tube projects to work on for a long time.
I have only been a member for a few months, long enough to build two ACA’s. This experience with the generosity Nelson Pass and of the members of the DIY audio store and forum members really rekindles my long love of music and fiddling with the equipment.
Oh and two ACA’s in balanced mono mode sound amazing on my Zu speakers.
I will certainly throw my hat in the lottery.
No try. No win.