Bybee Fraud Protection

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Rock man, Oblio and the land of point.

"The Rock Man said “Say babe, there ain’t nothing pointless about this gig. The thing is you see what you want to see, and you hear what you want to hear. You dig? You ever see Paris?” “No.” “You ever see New Dehli?” That was a no. “Well that’s it. You see what you want to see, and you hear what you want to hear.” "

As others have said,

Making false and unsubstantiatable claims is dishonest.

Using such claims to sell a product, even if a 30 day money back guarantee is offered, is fraudulent.

There have been numerous credible tests that show the devices do now work as claimed, and dissection of the devices has consistently shown them to be no more than fancy packaged low value high quality resistors. One source determined them to be Mill Spec resistor, although I did not keep the link.

This goes along with quantum dots, crystals and other rubbish that people consistently claim work due to suggestive thinking.
Bybee, More like ByeBye $ :D

I would like him to Actually sue someone for calling him out etc. That way he would have to "try" & prove his, not just airy fairy claims & opinions, but things he has stated as Facts, which CAN be proved to be 100% false !

The sooner the better :)
For the record, there are 2 different types of Bybee purifier. There is the larger one with the resistor ADDED, and there is the smaller one that SY tried that has no obvious resistor, except for measuring 0.025 ohms consistently across it. They apparently do much the same thing, but operate in 2 different ways to do anything useful.
Someone may be very knowledgeable in one small aspect, and deservedly be awarded for it.
Doesn't imply any 'wisdom' in the larger picture or other fields.
Good example is the current Euro crisis, several nobel guys in economics ventilating their individual opinions.
If one of them is right, the others can only be BS artists.

Same same for 'Professors'.
Our astronaut and professor, with a PhD in physics on gamma radiation.
RIP, but I can't think of anything more pathetic to ruin one's credibility.

That was awesome!!
Burying an opponent in discovery is a traditional way of harassment, especially if you're a big company trying to crush a small guy. If it's irrelevant, you'll probably get hit with contempt, but responding to a request with tons of marginal documents, just to burn up billing hours, is a time-honored tradition.
Can you filibuster discovery, like read the entirety of Newton's Principia in Latin into the record?

No, in discovery you allow them to go through the documents they asked for. If they want copies they must pay for them. Now you do not have to leave the papers in order and discovery requests are usually so broad that there are lots of papers included that are of no significance so it is the equivalent of a filibuster.

SY the guy who starts the lawsuit is the "Plaintiff" Bybee would be the "Defendant."

Now in practice with discovery all the documents the plaintiff thinks are important get copied and placed into their records. Then the defendant goes through the plaintiffs files and often recopies those. If there is a second round of discovery a third copy can be made followed by the fourth. Yes I have seen this happen.

Discovery is usually asked to be open meaning they get any new documents related to the discovery request as they are produced.

In my last biggie the defendant hid documents. As some of these were reports from acoustical consultants, I was aware of a few of them and got copies without their knowledge. That is the kind of issue where you can then get summary judgement on the first day of trial.
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