Are you ready to face strong emotions?.. Dx Blame MKII and the Supercharged release!

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I do promisse to watch the amplifier today.

I am in state of shock, a little bit depressive because my girls are travelling too much and i feel myself alone.

Little Larissa was in New York, Miami and Orlando and stayed there for 18 days.... i miss her a lot.....i rather became sick because of that.

Now wife decided to visit family in Boston..... and will stay there the whole month...will buy half USA as she will travel with a lot of money.

I am frozen, in panic because the loneliness to came to my next days..but i will search for some energies to inspect the amplifier to inform people, in special Vargas, what modifications are there that resulted in better sonics.

I hope they spent all money reserve to stop to do such kind of things...i will try to finish with all money reserves while they are travelling..will crash the car against a tree and will order the full repair in the place of replace parts.... will make an extreme sabotage into the bank bill..... no more money reserve=no more travel.

What a is enough!

Sweet honey daughter is the one at Mickey's picture, she is right side, wearing a hell expensive Michael Kors watch.




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About the pcboard dear Juan

It is a compromise the decision about copper track size.... yours are very thin, this is good because increase clearance in between copper tracks, this reduces a lot the capacitance.

But, as sub product of this, if you put too much heat, they will detach from the fiberglass base...this happens when we make substitution of components, soldering and removing the solder to replace parts. then the copper track, and the component lead island, goes detached from the substrate.

I would increase copper track thickness, at least 50 percent, in order to help to dissipate heat while soldering....i it is too late to do that.

Everything can be improved, evolved, developed.... one day we must decide to stop..about these pcboards i have stopped..but you have re, if you offer these pcboards layout and details for people to build, then please, increase these copper tracks thickness...not the copper itself, but how large it is, decreasing a little the clearance in between them but making them better to receive heat without detach from the fiberglass sustrate.
Last edited: are right...but i am a little bit selfish dear Joseph

I am not perfect dear Joseph, i am just not that bad...but people that are living earth are never perfect....i am learning, alike you and many others....i have some defects dear Joseph.

This daughter returned (picture posted in 525) ... now wife is the one is going to travel... August the first she will take off in a 757 from American Airlines.

A big hug to dear her an ice cream and tell that was uncle charlie that sent to her.


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Mr. Carlos Sir,,I showed my little evette your little girls picture standing next to mickey mouse. Well needless to say she now wants me to take her to see mickey mouse too.So what started off with 5$ for an ice cream, will now cost me a 1000$ to send her to her aunt in santo domingo..for 2 weeks. Well anyway little evette sends you a very big hug and a very sloppy kiss. Joe LOL
So, sweet evette will travel?.... this is great dear Joseph

Sorry, that Ice cream will become very expensive:eek:

Tomorrow wife will travell to Boston to stay for 22 days long...i am not that happy but i hope she enjoy as i gonna be missing her a lot (spending my whole six months of money reserve):(D ... buying more shoes maybe.

Call me by phone near future if you want...we can help one each other as we gonna be with our hearts broken because our girls will go away to travel.

I use to return home 14:10 or 2PM more 10 minutes...GMT time here is -3

My money reserve is now good to face the ice cream only.


By the way Joseph...when she return, then ask her to replace transistors by BC546/556 and also BD139/140 into your 30 to 42 volts supply it one channel only and tell me about the difference.... the video in the signature line below shows you the output...try these ones Joseph (i do think you have sent them to i wrong?) charge of energy will be going soon..but will be small power charge but longer time one, avoiding blood pressure to increase, avoiding pain this way.... this time only me will transfer some energy.




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Thank you Juan, as you have fixed the drawn

I do suggest builders from Dx amplifiers to try BC transistors...i do believe they result better, a better match with the circuit and voltages..... a better sound in the reproduction.

But this should be used if your supply goes from 30 to 42 volts other models that uses higher voltage supplies, then keep the suggested 2Nxxxx and MJExxxx models.


Mr Carlos Sir,, I will of course give you a call,,Also when I built my St from rudy red pcbs, I used the orginal phillips bc556 and bc546 transistors. Also I sent you awhile back the phillips transistors that your using in your amplifer now. 50 + 50 ea.bc546_bc556 2n5401 and awhole bunch of other, your outputs are also what I send you before the small ones. Joe
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