2stageEF high performance class AB power amp / 200W8R / 400W4R

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Electronic meets art ...

... off topic:

Electronic meets art!

One of my best friends has used some of my housekeeping pcb from the SA20XX series in a complete different way ...

Have fun,



  • sa20xx_electronic_meets_art.jpg
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H) SA2012 - LME49830 (180W@8R) using 3 matched pairs IRFP240 and IRFP9240:
  • schematic can be found in this threads post 29
  • gerber files in this threads post 31

Seems pretty interesting stuff :rolleyes:

But what program you have used to create this gerbers?
I tried to open it but can not find right tools :( .

I have some LME49810 / LME49830 and i have previously build LME49830+ single pair 2SJ200/2SK15429 and this sounds well :)

Joined 2011
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Off topic: new home cinema and laboratory

... sorry for the delay:
due to the new home-cinema + lab project :))) the finalization of the brand new SA2017 VMOS amplifier is delayed till end of the year 2017.

BR, Toni


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SA2018 - 12 pair MOSFET monster will need more research (e.g.: SOA checks; many more hours of simulation and tests). Currently I have a limited amount of spare time so you need to wait a few weeks ...

Stay tuned. I definitely will build a prototype if I find time.

BR, Toni

I'm waiting for next gen, manything learned from your projects. Thanks!
So how about new structure, somethings modern & hot like NGFB, CFA?
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Thx! To develop such a monster I need a bigger lab. This was one of the reason to start the homeconema/lab project. :cool:
NGFB amd CFA is out of my scope. IMHO too high distortions (thd, imd) in the audio range e.g. for mostly senseless high slew rates.
A symmetrical IPS may be a future project. Here I am hardly waiting on the new book from Bob Cordell!

BR, toni

Case mount test so far OK. All parts fit.
Unfortunately the heatsinks are not 100% flat. During mounting the error is about 0.5mm in the middle. So we need some force to correct this during mounting.
Next time I need to do a better finish for the heatsinks before anodizing - especially for the saw edges.

Have fun, Toni

Very very nice work! ASTX, would you please post the URLs where you can buy the heatsink, the case parts etc.? Maybe this is mentioned already elsewhere, but the thread is monster long.
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