IanCanada's Latest RPi GB Goodies Impressions... and your tweaks, mods and hints...

TransportPi Digi is not a normal streamer HAT, to achieve the best possible low jitter performance, it also integrates two upgradeable low phase noise local XO clocks and multi-stages re-clocker on-board. TransportPi Digi's HDMI output will fit the second configuration (INVERTED) of your DAC.

There will be two options for you:
1. TransportPi Digi + MonitorPi + UcPi
2. TransportPi Digi + MonitorPi + PurePi

The first option will be a high performance RPi streamer transport in competitive cost. The second option will be option1 plus better power supply. Please see the pictures for the details.

TransportPiDigiUcPi by Ian, on Flickr

TransportPiDigiPurePi by Ian, on Flickr



Is the new TransportPi Digi SQ-wise equalant to a FifoPi Q7 + old TransportPi ?
im looking for a cheap but still very good DD Converter for my new Aune X8, so im considering buying a IsolationPi + TransportPi Digi, is this the way to go?

Im also curious of any opinions for, for example allo vs ian canada products in this categorie, it would be my first ian canada purchase

also curious how the UcConditioner/LinearPi/BatterryPS perform and if its worth the money, it seems quite expensive since a few modules are needed
OPA861 zero feedback fully balanced I/V stage board


The sound style is also totally different from a traditional I/V stage. According to my own listing test, it brings the best clarity so far I have experienced. The sound is very detail and at the same time is also very rich. The soundstage is widely open and focused. The music is vivid and dynamic. It doesn't color the music but just makes it more close to the original. I cannot say it is the perfect I/V stage, but I have to say it's the most impressive one.

OPA861 is a very special operational transconductance amplifier. It has super-high slew rate up to 900V/us over a wide bandwidth extended to 80MHz. The OPA861's performance is pretty much like a super transistor. In current input voltage output mode with zero feedback, the input impedance can be less than 10 ohms. This very low input impedance (closed to short circuit) and the ultra-high speed make it almost the perfect solution of an I/V converter. Actually, OPA861 was confirmed very successful as the SE I/V stage for TDA1541 DAC.


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Which Clock MHz You use with FifoPi and Neutrino 2 ?
Hey Andy,

Currently I'm just running 1 external Neutrino 2 at 45.1584 MHz because most everything I listen to is in that family of XO's, and then a Crystek at 49.1520 MHz for everything else. However, I'm going to replace the Crystek with another Neutrino 2 at 49.1520 because I really like the sound they produce.
Hello dear community, joined you in the forum, since Ian shows his wonderful boards here, I wanted to introduce you to my project, some parts from Ian assortment are still missing, and should arrive here on Monday :)
Here you can follow the progress, I would be very happy to receive a subscription :)


Awesome project! Looks great. How did you machine all those metal plates? You have a CNC?
Good YouTube videos. I like the music. Subscribed.

Nice weekend.
Hi Ian, it's an honour for me to wrap your things beautifully ;) Yes i have a selfmade cnc and also selfmade co2 laser, you can see a little bit on my channel ;)

I will be assembling your hardware next week, and will be sure to ask you some questions ;)

I have rebuilt your boards very accurately in 3D, I can send it to you ...


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