And what did we buy today?

SRAM S-300 track crank for a 1994 Cannondale R500 transitioning from triple to fixed gear. It promises to be shockingly lighter than my current titanium/ultegra rig.
Not sure how to feel about that.


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Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hi phase,
I thought you might find some humour in her nick name. Her given name is Samantha. We didn't name our daughters until they were three days old - each. Then we named them as what they seemed like to us. It's not like they are going to get confused with different names until they are at least a few months old after all.

Still haven't see my Digikey order that was placed Monday. Normally I have it the next day. Time to go looking for it.

Agreed on the engine noise fatigue - and thanks for the tip. My 6-year-old pair of Bose (ugh) NC earbuds have soldiered on admirably, but I suspect the time is probably near.

I can wholeheartedly recommend the Sonys. They have a feature that I'd jury rigged back in the day with in-ears, a mic, and a phone app, for office use- you can pipe in external sound from the noise cancelling mikes by putting your hand over one earpiece- you don't have to take them off to answer a 10 second question.

They also are very light, comfortable (nice big circumaural pads) and great battery life, in addition to really high end sound. The noise cancellation, instead of "closing in the sound", just lets you listen that much deeper into the mix, unlike the Senns, which sat on-ear and were less comfortable, had worse noise cancellation, and sound dull comparatively.
Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hi Mr_Zenith,
Thanks very much. It's been since 2005, so I've passed through all the stages of being angry, etc .. Only when things get ridiculous do I complain.

Hopefully no one else experiences this. Just had my ~ 20 needles for nerve blocks I get every two weeks. I hate needles. In case any of you are in a similar situation, these actually work for me, plus the drugs. :) Sometimes there are treatments that go unnoticed. Acupuncture didn't do anything, nor did the TENS machine (hate that thing).

I was going to say (since I'm OT here), I love your avatar. I like restoring old radios as well. Sadly, I don't have any Zenith product.

If you still have the OEM wiper frames on a car you can just buy refills. In the old days you could actually buy a blade refill sold as such. Nowadays you have to take out your blade from its frame and bring it inside the auto parts store to make sure you buy the right blade.

I usually try and do that, but here in the rainy Pacific Northwest, there’s a lot of usage and they can get pretty sloppy after just a year.

I really like this stuff, helps reduce the drag between the blades and the glass.

Rain Repellent Glass Treatment - Aquapel Glass Treatment
I got some of those FRP perf boards/double sided matrix board, which I've never used before now.

Our legendary local hardware store, famous for having one of everything, recently rekindled my affection with a new endcap display featuring a number of electronics hobbyist/ prototyping items, including some of these boards in various sizes, and at reasonable prices too!

I was so amazed and eager to support their efforts that I grabbed up a bunch of these & other things, even though I don't have projects waiting for many of them (yet). I hope they keep it up! This could get interesting.
"Are you sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin..."

Just a quick inventory for now - Too busy to start building this weekend. :(

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Is that a synth? Is it a kit, or your own design?

I had physically stop myself buying a MOS8580 Commodore based synth, and think about a kit....just so many to choose from....and I dont want to go modular.

Jim, my perf boards were from Eprey. 1st lot never shipped, bad seller. 2nd lot shipped and got here in great time, good seller. I nabbed 20 7x3cm and 10 6x7cm for probably £15, give or take.

my local "shop famous for carrying only one LM317 in stock", closed down, and well...there wasnt anything good to grab. So I'm jealous!
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