First cycle distortion - Graham, what is that?

Right, CB was popular here when I was a kid, I didn't know the term had "morphed" :Popworm: Urban Dictionary: good buddy

Story is, truckers decided in the 70's that Hollywood took too much ownership of the "good buddy" idiom and decided to give it a negative connotation (for the '70s, of course). It was also used as a trucker ID because of the huge number of people polluting the CB air waves. If a trucker was telling to an alleged peer "10-4 good buddy" and the other would not start <beeping>, then it was an intruder, not a peer trucker.

So **** you, I'm indeed your buddy audio trucker :rofl:. Or, in your funny language, up yours, the US automatic censor won't catch this :rofl:.
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  • Dostal_p312.png
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sin08, did I draw the block diagram of your amplifier correctly?
I have two requests for you:

1. Please show the delay graph or delay of any kind of signal (sine, square, triangular) with a frequency higher than 10 kHz at the output of this amplifier in relation to the input signal
2. Show the graph of the loop gain

p.s. I'm just too lazy to type a model of a complete circuit to check these parameters

with respect


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