ZAPpulse 2.3SE vs. 700XE

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Originally posted by Lars Clausen
However using the proposed smps with ZAP modules will give you a highly dynamic, open sound performance with a perfect soundstage. Those are the ones i have been designing the smps for, so i know how it works.

Hi Lars:
Can the SMPS, that you are using in the Lightforce 1 Class D Powerbriefcase, be used for the ZP700XE? :D

Again, what do you see as the pros and cons of your SMPS over a traditional large transformer PS? :att'n:
Lars Clausen said:
Hi KLe

First of all size and weight is of course much smaller.

Next the 50/60 Hz charge pulse is removed from the main caps to give a more relaxed sound.

And last the impedance of a smps transformer is much lower than a 50/60 Hz transformer. The low impedance can give a rock solid bass dynamic even under heavy loading.


Hi Lars
Sounds like it can be used for the ZP700XE, which is excellent.:cool: :D

Also, there are no cons, only pros.
1. much less size and weight :cool:
2. no 50/60 Hz charge pulse :cool:
3. the impedance of a smps transformer is much lower than a 50/60 Hz transformer :cool:

Sounds hot Lars :hot: :hot: :hot: and look forward to your advice on how to set it up for my ZP2.3SE, initially, then a ZP700XE, when I get them.
Maybe I've missed it, but I still don't understand whats the physical difference between the 2.3E and the 700XE. They both look quite the same on the pics. Are better parts used?

Okay the 2.3 has higher THD, but they can both do 700 watt in 4 ohm. Where does the increase in sound quality come from?

Btw Is the 700XE more robust than the 2.3 (starting, shutting down noises etc?). I still have the 2.2 and that might be a reason 4 me to replace them. Because I read mixed experiences about the 2.3 versus the 2.2 I rather upgrade to a 700XE than to a 2.3SE (although it will mainly be a bass amplifier ...). Still the upgrades price is considerable (around 400 euro), if there is no real benefit for a bass amplifier (45 AC trafo).

edit, I did a little searching:

So actually is the same product, but the 700 gets selected parts and is better tuned (labour costs)?
Duck Twacy: The pics on the website are of the 2.3SE, until the production versions of 700XE will be ready. It looks somewhat different than the picture indicates.

They can both do 700W in 4 Ohms, providing you change the VDR to an 80V type, istead of the 60V type. (Or simply remove it, but then you don't have load dump protection).

The benefit in sound quality comes from the control core, the 700XEE's new control core has reduced THD from (worst case) 0.8% to 0.0035% under the same operating conditions. (10W 4 Ohms 5 kHz). In other words almost 300 times less THD!!

That is of course a significant improvement in sound quality! Especially since the topology of the amplifier, and thereby the sound signature is the same. So you can keep the open and dynamic sound style, and the perfect sound stage. You only get a much cleaner sound without the harsh midrange experienced on some speakers.

For Bass use however i don't think you will get a big benefit, simply because you don't need so low THD for bass. So in your case i would keep the 2.2's ;)

All the best from

Lars Clausen said:


For Bass use however i don't think you will get a big benefit, simply because you don't need so low THD for bass. So in your case i would keep the 2.2's ;)

All the best from


Thanks Lars, I did ask the question before. Ofcourse your advise is the same.

Still I wonder if the 700 is more monkey proof than the 2.2SE???
I'm pretty nervous about blowing up my Lambda's... Still plan to insert some DC protection from WNaudio (which will cost me another 100 euro). Maybe with a more full proof 700XE, I don't need that.

Also, I still have an unused sync module (with the expensive connectors). Maybe that can be traded in also (ofcourse you can't answer that question since you no longer work for LCaudio). Together with the savings on the DC protection, the upgrade costs becomes a bit lower

And on the other hand I might once use them for full range (or mid/high) if they are really that good ;)

Btw is the 700 now ready to be shipped?

i just finish my 5 x 200 Watts amplifier with 3 Zap 2.3SE ( front and center) et 2 Zap2.3( surround)

I have a problem of Noise with the 2 Zap 2.3, i see that the output filter is not the same that the 2.3 SE, can i replace the output capacitor with a 100u/100V ?

LARS, could you send me the components to transform my 2.3 in 2.3SE , what could i do to remove this noise ?

I put a switch for use the remote standby function by i have a BIG PLOP when i mute the module: the same Plop on the five zap :eek:

It is not very good for the HPs, i think this probleme was solve on the 2.3SE ?

thank you.


Looking at the spec on lcaudio home page, it is supposed to be "pop" free?

Yes, that is the problem... my five zappulse are not "pop" free...

what can i do ? when i power off the Zap 2.3, I hear very strange noise: BZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz...

i'm afraid for my Hps

About the strange noise, this happend to my UCD400 as well. Thi shappens as the capacitors are discharging after you switch off the mains.

To solve the problem, you need to put the module on standby mode when before the caps discharge. Alternative, you can cut off the power rail.

As for the "pop" I suppose we have to wait for Lars to answer that!
Lars Clausen said:
The 2.3 series will generate a small click when going in and out of standby. If you hear a loud PLOP there can be two explanations:

1..Your loudspeakers are extremely sensitive, like 105 dB / 1W or
2..Your amplifiers are fed with a DC component on the input.

Best regards



on my 2.3, the "small click " is not small... When i mute on the preamplifier, no click is generate, but when i use the standby function of the 2.3 a big click is generate ?!?

- my loudspeakers are JMLab Focal chorus, with a 92 db max sensitivity.
- DC on the input, I will watch the input with an oscillo, but my preamp is new ( Atoll PR5.1) and it is good material ( normally).

I want to transform the 2.3 in 2.3 SE. Which components can i change to do this ?
Do you sell kit to transform 2.3 in 2.3 SE ?

Another thing:
I use the extern gate drive voltage: I have 21,5 V on the gate drive input, is it OK ?

Is it a problem if the gate drive voltage appears before the power rail?

May I put the module on standby mode before power off ?

I will use a sync generator , the connector is SMA or SMB ?

Thank you.

LArs, thanks for your answers.

Now i will numerote my questions :)

1- can i change the Capacitor's filter of the standard zap with a 100u/100V .

2- which components must I change to transform my 2.3 in 2.3SE .

3- what can I do to limit the plop when going in and out of standby. I use switch, is it better to use NPN or relay ?

Thank you.
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