What's wrong with the kiss, boy?

Joined 2019
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^ @Toys4Boys

Other way around... You're sending the signal to two loads in parallel ... At least I think that's the way it works.

If the sub's Rin is particularly low (<20k)... then you've got a possible issue.

I think it's twofold.

Lower input impedance for the sub / higher current from the pre-amp. Pre-amp only has so much oooooomph.

Also... b/c the amplifier you're using for your main speakers is likely something 40k Rin or higher. Think voltage divider. Think if the Rin was 0 on the sub (yes, that's absurd, but it's just a thought exercise) => all the signal would go to the sub. You know the Rin of the speaker amp. His mightiness does too. ;)

tl;dr - If both input impedances are 'high enough' and roughly similar (not orders of magnitude apart) then it's all groovy... I think... maybe...

.... I think ... therefore I am dodo ...
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Almost done with resistors. Lead benders is on the list of things to get next. As usual, went fast and made a mess the last time, tried to clean it up and go slow this time. Still got to clean things up a bit.

Waiting on parts for other project. Was just itching to make progress on something. Less talk and more progress!

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Hi @thirdicomplex, have you compared the sound to that of the Iron Pre? It's probably very similar.

The reason I'm asking is that the B1 doesn't sound the same as the Iron Pre. Adding iron will probably bring the sound closer.

I also have a B1 buffer and for gain I sometimes use the H2 V2 with H2 turned down for less "good distortion". The H2 V1 also works well for gain.
No, I don't have ZM's Iron Preamp. So can't compare. This was just to test out the concept. I'm going to make a permanent build but I was planning on using XRK's M2X daughter board tester. So it'll be an Iron Pre X :devilr:. Before I get to that though, I want to play with some tubes. I'm currently sourcing parts for a 12b4 preamp. Which should have slightly more gain but still low enough to be practical with typical power amps.
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