What are you Watching?

Last two (both revisited) ::


* Love them both; highly entertaining. :film: :film:
Haven't seen 300 II, but Sorcerer is one of the unsung masterpieces of American cinema. Too bad it flopped in the box office when it got released against another (somewhat more popular) masterpiece, Star Wars. Sometimes, timing is everything.

'Sorcerer' (1977) is one billion times more entertaining and suspenseful than 'Star Wars' (1977).
It's a superb film. ...With the music of Tangerine Dream. ...It draws you even more in full immersion. Some of the scenes are simply what movies are all about, and the acting is no small candle.

'300 - Rise of an Empire' is not as good as the first original one, but Eva Green alone is worth the price of admission. And I just don't care for all those virulent, macho, bare-chest little men playing war games.

And in 3D Eva truly shines. :wave2s:
Watched 'Sorcerer' (1977) again. As completely kick-butt as I remembered it. Even through I'd seen it before, my fingernails were digging into my palms.

Been a fan of Eva Green for a while; will give 300 II a go. Started Aguirre: Wrath of God, but got interrupted by SO + housework. Sigh.
'Sorcerer' (1977)

The original is better, much better. Like a hundred times better or perhaps like a million times better.

The Wages of Fear (1953) - IMDb


* 1953. It's good, really good, a masterpiece, and 'Sorcerer' still holds its own, standing tall too.

Hundred times, one million times better? No, different time, different decor, different tension, but the 1953 version is the true original one.
The other is simply a good replica.
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Grand Budapest was great, classic wes anderson insanity+tragedy+humanity.

I took a gamble on "The Keep" (1983) only because Michael Mann wrote and directed it. Hard to believe he made "Thief" (1981) before "The Keep" and "Manhunter" (1986) not too long after. And then did "The Last of the Mohicans", "Heat".

Not worth the relatively short running time, "The Keep" is a movie which starts decently, but gets worse and worse as it continues towards its preordained ending. Might be worth watching the first 20 minutes just for the really cool set.
Yesterday got to an overdue entry on my "should watch" list. The Triplets of Belleville (2003) is well worth the time: a slow, deliberate, gorgeously realized, beautifully animated film full of a true artist's imagination and wit and pathos.


Taking a chance on this one, The Awakening (2011) just for the halibut.

Got a quick sample of "Gravity" on a Super HD 3D, I was more impressed than I thought I would be. The idea of giving away the hardware and making money off of streaming the media has gone to TV's here in China, this set should retail at <700US if it was sold here. I missed the details but I think it's somehow tied to some service plan.

The customer gave me a couple of those high capacity Li battery packs as a gift which I dropped in my luggage causing me to be met by two security guards at the gate, the incident ended up being amusing even though I was not amused at the time.
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