What are you Watching?

I just luv it! ...When people express freely their impression. :)
That's what's great; we can like and dislike. ...And for all type of various reasons.

Anyway, I enjoyed those two flicks I just posted above. ...They're different, from a perspective that is intimate, and with social human values.

* As for 'Prometheus' and 'Gravity', they are the entertaining type; pure fiction, with good looking pictures and awesome sound and music. And both in 3D they have a cool impact.
Sure there is no intelligence in them (only to make money), no value of spiritual humanity, no nothing good philosophically about, zip, nada, caput, pure pieces of crap...

But they sure look and sound great on a 3D plat panel display with a good surround sound system. And I'm sure glad to own both of them. ...And I bought them both 3D Blu-rays as soon as they were released, with the full price @ the time. ...And I viewed them several times too, and I will some more.So why don't you come all over my mansion and enjoy too watching them with all my family. Don't bring anything (food, wines, beers, pops, popcorn, licorice, chocolates, chicken wings, hot-dogs, pretzels, cream cheese buns, green olives stuffed with tomatoes, ...) we'll all take good care of you.
Just make sure you leave your brain outside of our mansion before entering.
I have fewer issues with Gravity in that the visuals were stunning (and a true blue astronaut stated that it was as close to being in space as he'd ever seen) and the off-putting parts for me were mainly scientific/technical. The acting was uniformly superb. Prometheus has fewer redeeming features although, again, the acting was all solid.

Haven't seen Inside Llewyn Davis, nor Pickpocket but both were on my radar. If you like French Films from the "New Wave" era, Melville's Le Samouraï (1967) has some of Alain Delon's finest work IMO and one of the last and best examples of the genre and is well worth the time investment.

Two films strongly influenced by Le Samouraï, John Woo's The Killer (1989) and Jim Jarmusch's Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999) are also worth watching. The visual styles of both are very different and both have great leading men Chow Yun Fat and Forest Whitaker, who, again, are about as different from each other as one could possibly get.
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Well then don't be surprised to have the same people or others in the industry producing more crap.

'Vote with your wallet'.


too bloody cool - the narration reminded me of something recent that probably flew under most folks' radar - an absolute hoot

Lake Bell was a big surprise

"In a World" -
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Yash, Alvaro, enkidu, Chris; I love you guys, I know and I like what you're all saying.
* Cool tube video Yash.

<<>> Some people love building and custom making speakers (I'm one), some people love playing with electricity, making things work, fixing audio stuff, rebuild gear, experimenting, listening, watching (I'm also one of them), some people love playing music, recording it, improvising it, let it all freely flow (I'm one too), some people love making love, do things for themselves, traveling, working, retiring, sharing, raising families, contributing, enjoying, living (I'm also part of that group), some people simply love living life for everything that is inside and outside of it (I'm still here).

...I'll be back.
Watched the final of the (mostly meaningless) International Champions Cup. A classic matchup between longtime rivals Manchester United and Liverpool in a decidedly unusual venue: the Dolphins' home stadium, the Sun Life Stadium. Liverpool looked lively in the first half but Manchester United clicked into gear in the second.
Alright, I want your honest opinion on this flick that I watched last night (if you have seen it, of course) ::


* Me take: Awesome Picture & Sound quality! Wow, just wow!
Storyline: That, is an entire story all together! ...You've got to see it to believe it!

Alright, enjoy the rest of the day (sunset), or the morning sun (sunrise). ...Or the night sky, with the North star up (night time).
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