Unusual amp from 1987

LT1054 in the microcap went bad. LF386 the very thing
LF386 works fine

I'm testing with TLE 2081. Better TL 071.

Will try different op-amps, but usually - if it works with one op-amp, but not the other, this is just a sign of general instability or at least sensitivity...

From my experience if something oscillates with TL 071, it will get worse with faster op-amps...
>very large loop gain , and this affects the design of the PCB
That's true, but it's the same true for all these amps from this thread: 4 of them worked great, with similar pcb.
Also amps with op-amps built previously, including composite amps with 2 op-amps, worked ok with my PCBs..

Tried TL071 - same results as TLE2081.
Tried LT356 - slightly different - oscillates for 0.5s, and then stops, negative rail DOES NOT stick to -9V, but stays at -45V, and the output is at -38V.
So similar behavior to the case when C7=100uF.
From all the amps I built with op-amps (7-8 working amps), changing op-amp was never a solution.. so far :)
>oscillates for 0.5s, and then stops, negative rail DOES NOT stick to -9V, but stays at -45V, and the output is at -38V.

This is equivalent of shorting R14 (50 Ohm in the emiiter or Q6) to the negative rail.
Upper driver Base voltage at -35V, Lower driver's Base at -44V, Output at -38V

That's exactly was what I saw.
Lower Q6 is fully conducting, and upper Q5 not conducting at all.
All the voltages fit perfectly..
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Bc546B has max Vce = 65V, according to the sheet.
In this amp, his Vce = 35V, that should be good enough..
But maybe some oscillations killed it...

Maybe will remove Zobel, so it doesn't burn, and will try to measure all voltages.
With Zobel, it was difficult, because I didn't want to keep amp running for longer than 5s.