The Weather

fresh air!


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Forecast has nothing below 36F (2C) for the next ten days and temps from 56 (13C) to 73 (23C) during the days. I think I'll stick a thermometer in the ground and think about planting the rest of my garden.

Crocus are dropping their flowers, Hyacinth are up, as well as Daffodils and Tulips.
I have been travelling the past 3 days. We stopped overnight at a hotel Wednesday and I went outside to fetch something from the car. I thought it was rather cold outside, so I checked the local weather on my wife's phone. This is a picture of the screen. I'm not in Florida anymore.


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My wife keeps turning the thremostat (Air Conditioning) down to 68F(20C) and the house is cold when I get home. It's cold.

Still cold and rainy but relief is on its way, I think. I got my bike out it felt not bad, two days later look what fell on the cover. I went riding anyways, and caught a cold that lasted about two weeks. As long as you guys are going to brag Ill supply the ambient mini violin :p


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