The Holy Grail Follower Output Stage

This will be a new adventure, where no left ear has gone before!
I hope I will not be alone on this one (no bom/one-click basket, measurement galore, maybe even holy smokes(hope not))
I think there will be an adventure without any holy smoke.
lhquam's method is carefully considered beginning from theory, next proved by simulation and in the end confirmed in real life.
We build the best output stage the world didn't see till now.
Guidance and BOM are for sissies...
We will choose the champion who builds this power amplifier first:spin:
ZM is not allowed to participate.:rofl:
Request for feedback, ... again.
I need a list of ZD25-Mini buyers who want or do not want a few "outlier" FETs,
I was hoping to provide all buyers with 2 each outlier NFETs and PFETs in addition to the 2 matched pairs, but it doesn't look possible.

I need this information quickly, since I am about ready to package shipments.