The Frugel-Horn Project

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here are some more pics...


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Hi Dave and crew.

how did you arrive at that size of baffle and would less be better than none?

I was thinking of a smaller stop sign.
my placement will not be a empty corner but set back in corner that has some freestanding cabinents.

I know its a matter of experimentation and tweaking but as everyone moves along there is more knowledge on what works well and what does not.

Each time I read a post I slowly discover the level of expertise that has gone into this project from so many people. Being rather new to this I don't know all the names but as I make my way around the DIY builders I am amazed at the involvement just for a little DIY box that sits in a corner

Thanks to my educators.
Joined 2001
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tinitus said:
I am sorry to say, but the swan has turned into a ugly duckling - but ok, sound is more important

But rounding corners up a bit would help a lot or even better making baffle around driver oval shaped

The design is intended as a base-line from which a huge amount of room for personal & artistic variation can be expressed.


Don't let a couple opinions from those who have different tastes discourage you in any way. To me this one is by far the best looking supra-baffle implementation. Painting the voids black to highlight that they are voids would improve the artistry of that particular pair.

Do you have any front view pics with a person of average size in the frame, so everyone can really get a feel of their diminutive proportions? I've seen pictures with Chris and with the basketball player, two ends of the spectrum.
Joined 2001
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johninCR said:
Don't let a couple opinions from those who have different tastes discourage you in any way. To me this one is by far the best looking supra-baffle implementation. Painting the voids black to highlight that they are voids would improve the artistry of that particular pair.

I won't. There are so many ways of expressing this design, i expect to see many, many variations. We'll not likely do the cut-aways like this again -- way to much work, and the void on the bottom will also be completely cut-away as in the SketchUp render i posted earlier. They will also be easier if the supra-baffle (with driver installed) is a separate piece (it can still be flush0

Do you have any front view pics with a person of average size in the frame, so everyone can really get a feel of their diminutive proportions? I've seen pictures with Chris and with the basketball player, two ends of the spectrum.

No i didn't -- i'm still expecting pictures from Frank, Gregg & Terry -- one thing for sure is that everybody who sees them the 1st time, says " they ae smaller than i imagined from the pictures on the web". Chris is about the same height i am 1.78 m. The other dave over 6'.


Those look great Dave! I'm completely in awe and excited I can't even think straight!

Question: Those nice corner panels that you built, does that seem to increase the mouth of the horn & give a more lower impact?

Second the internal panels are joined with square cut edges, I wonder if using a router to round off these edeges and placing rounded timber inserts in the corners so the pathways are smoother would have any sonic benefits by causing less disturbance to the waves.

To maximize HF passing thru the horn yes, but here we want to limit the HF getting thru the horn, so it might actually degrade the sonics... layertone is working on an "all swoop" version, we'll see. Experimentation is encoraged.

Been side-tracking the last several months; a "layertone" version is in progress

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Joined 2001
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layertone said:
Question: Those nice corner panels that you built, does that seem to increase the mouth of the horn & give a more lower impact?

They were intended as portable corners (since my place doesn't have any suitable corners, but with the deflectors in place, the base wasn't deep enuff, so we just used them as another piece of horn... inadvertantly illustrating how the Frugel-Horn might be used anywhere in a room...
