The Best DAC is no DAC

Hello chaps.

You've been a good bunch and I've had a very positive response with payments, getting on for around two thirds received, plus a couple of latecomers accommodated.

Based on the response so far I plan to order the PCBs on Wednesday. The quantity I order will reflect the commitments I've received at that point.

I've attached the latest copy of the spreadsheet for information. I'm still missing some delivery addresses. Please let me know if I've made any mistakes.




  • DSD PCB List.pdf
    324.2 KB · Views: 97
Please add me for 2 x flip flop and 2 x balanced boards.



I know I'm late to the game and you are not accepting anymore new slots on this order, however, I would like to throw my hat into the ring if anyone falls out. Please let me know. I can provide payment.


The flipflop and balanced are the same thing.

At this time I am not taking more requests, however, it is still possible that some people will change their mind and not follow up their initial interest, in which case I will be happy to include you. If you confirm which boards you're interested in I will create a waiting list.

This is the final call for those on the list who haven't yet committed with a payment. I will be placing the order for the PCBs in 24hours, at which time I will assume that anyone who hasn't paid is no longer interested and I will offer boards to those on the waiting list.

Current copy of the list is attached for information. I'm still missing some addresses.



  • DSD PCB List.pdf
    324.4 KB · Views: 85