Slewmaster - CFA vs. VFA "Rumble"

First , I just had cervical (neck)spinal surgery 48 hrs ago.

I did not have ALS/ Parkinson's , but a fixable spinal stenosis.
I thought I was a dead man a week ago. No arms , legs ... falling .
Spinal cord was pinched down to a couple millimeters (yikes)!
Surgery was massively successful.

I would like to apologize to anyone who I presented with a negative attitude.
Especially , my good friends Vzaichenko and J. Wilhelm - to whom I probably
came across as uncaring and disrespectful.

These forum members and others are most likely the kindest and high quality
people I have met in either the virtual or real world. If the whole world was
like this we would have peace.

It's kind of surreal being able to type this easily , being able to feel my digits.
I am VERY happy. Very good to know I do not have a long term degenerative
condition .

I intend to (and look forward) to contribute further as I continue to improve.
I hope I can be forgiven for any negativity I might have conveyed in the last
few months.

Thanks and happy "tinkering"
Peter Vogel (OS). :)

Peter here you go..


  • Arnold-Schwarzenegger.jpg
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Hi Pete, glad to hear that the surgery was a complete success. I remember reading your dialogue with another diy member regard one flight of ill health. It made me feel so sad and did not know what to say but oh boy there is a huge difference btw a spinal cord compression and ALS!!!. Well i feel like i need to pick up my hot iron and finish the slewFETs. Best wishes to your speedy recovery.
First , I just had cervical (neck)spinal surgery 48 hrs ago.

I did not have ALS/ Parkinson's , but a fixable spinal stenosis.
I thought I was a dead man a week ago. No arms , legs ... falling .
Spinal cord was pinched down to a couple millimeters (yikes)!
Surgery was massively successful.

I would like to apologize to anyone who I presented with a negative attitude.
Especially , my good friends Vzaichenko and J. Wilhelm - to whom I probably
came across as uncaring and disrespectful.

These forum members and others are most likely the kindest and high quality
people I have met in either the virtual or real world. If the whole world was
like this we would have peace.

It's kind of surreal being able to type this easily , being able to feel my digits.
I am VERY happy. Very good to know I do not have a long term degenerative
condition .

I intend to (and look forward) to contribute further as I continue to improve.
I hope I can be forgiven for any negativity I might have conveyed in the last
few months.

Thanks and happy "tinkering"
Peter Vogel (OS). :)

Wow! Good news in the morning! Welcome back Pete!
