SEWA - Seven Watt Amplifier

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I don't undertand all this pre-amp stuff.

It is not a pre amp at all but part of a normal power amplifier.

Since the objective is small and simplest, why abandon this and build on a complex first stage???

Why is anything more than a 2 device, resistor loaded, pair of gain stage and follower needed??
hifryer said:
I don't undertand all this pre-amp stuff.

It is not a pre amp at all but part of a normal power amplifier.

Since the objective is small and simplest, why abandon this and build on a complex first stage???

Why is anything more than a 2 device, resistor loaded, pair of gain stage and follower needed??

I don't understand it either. Especially since BOZ (as simple as it gets) and SEWA are working so good together.

If one wants to have it all, just build an Aleph..

BTW, I got my Aleph 30 yesterday. I haven't got a chance to listen to it much, but I think it is pretty good (it shure gets hot anyways) ;)
T-amp test

Hi Mads!

Today we made a little listening test with the ZV9 and the Sonic T-amp. Both were driven with BOSOZ + MF X10-D buffer and listened on Impulse H6 loudspeaker.
The result is "terrible"! The T-amp has very good sound! Almost as god as the ZV9!!:bawling:
Every thing I learnt about amplifiers this stupid tripath chip blow away....... :dead:
Next time we will try the T-amp in my system against the SEWA. I hope and wish the best for me.......:D


Hi Tyimo,

I have a T-amp as well. While I admit that it does some things very well, during longer listening sessions I noticed that it is a bit harsh,flat and fatiguing. Sonically, the T-amp can not match SEWA. (Sewa is my main amp now). I don't want to start any flame wars here, just my opinion.


Hi Vix!
While I admit that it does some things very well, during longer listening sessions I noticed that it is a bit harsh,flat and fatiguing. Sonically, the T-amp can not match SEWA.

Yes, you could be right! But: we listened with BOSOZ and MFX10-D tube buffer and the sound was very O.K.!!
When we listened without the buffer it's sound was harsh and flat as you wrote. Like the boring commercial amps.
We didn't compared with the SEWA yet. Only with the ZV9 and the result was very similar sound character. I hope my SEWA will be better....:)
Basicaly I hated chip amps.... :D Until now...............


Tyimo said:
Hi Lineup!

Yes! Earlyer I thougt on the one of the opamps design from Mr. Pass's DIY Op Amps article.
I think those are much better for the SEWA, but not easy to find the Jfets for it. (ZVN3310A and ZVP3310A)

My favorite are on fig 8 and 10.
It use only 3 active device.


hello friend Tyimo.
You want to know my favourite Pass DIY Op Amps.

here is an old topic in this Pass Labs forum.
from January 2006

Not only do I refer to 2 circuits at pass diy website
I also display them in a later post of mine
.. and what is important,
i tell people to read Mr Pass article
with explaination to them.

Remember, those simple schematics are only there to illustrate
Nelson's sharing of his knowhow on discrete OP Amp setups - in his text.
.... not the other way around.

If we study his text carefully and learn something new
we may be able to build real op amp circuits of a very high quality.

And it gives much more pleasure to build your own custom discrete op amp
built to fit your application's need,
than to use some fancy bought OPAxxx IC,
with limited voltage supply options ( usually stops at +- 15-18 Volt something )

/lineup - haiku haiku
Hi Lineup brother!:)

I agree!

There is a super OpAmp design from Mr. Ernõ Borbély, very similar to the designs of Mr. Pass.
I think it be good for the SEWA.




  • behybridpreamp.gif
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Yes, Borbely

Transistor, CCS, Constant Current Source feed into ECC86 / 6GM8
with 2SJ79 / 2SK216 MOSFET complementary output.
At +- 24 VDC supply.
Just the way I have imagined my eventual Tube Preamp!

A nice hybrid!
Surely a circuit for us solid state guys
as a suitable first tube project.
We might get hooked on tubes and get a taste for it, if trying such an intro. :cool:

ECC86 / 6GM8 is a special tube for low, 12-50 volt circuits.
It is not as easy to find as 6DJ8 / E88CC / 6922,
but still in several parts of world should not be impossible to find.
I have seen them for sale here in Europe.

How about 2SJ79 / 2SK216 ?
Have you seen them somewhere?
I am sure there can be a similiar MOSFET pair as a good alternative.
thanks Tyimo
I put of copy of that one in my schematics for possible future project.
E88CC / 6922 / 6DJ8 are to find everywhere at good prices.

What I could find out from Borbely Hybrid ( ECC86 + 2SJ79/2SJK216 )
and the 2SK216 datasheet,
this Borbely amplifier
is biased to something like 12-15 mA in the output MOSFET stage.

Of course easy to adjust output current capability by changing Rs ( 165 Ohm ) and/or the 2.5V zener.
Myself prefer to use 2 RED LED instead.
This would give ~3 Volt and be suitable for setting current in 2SK216.

See this good topic by Christer on Voltage References:

Some noise measurements for LEDs and zener diodes
:cool: BookMark! :cool:
Ryssen said:
I have only listened through c-r-a-p-p-y speakers yet.

Ryssen, yes.
Good to have a number of old junky speakers for testing
-> this is a VERY good advice to anyone going into AUDIO DIY

You dont want to damage you Focal, Audax or Scan-Speak drivers
just to see, if you amplifier works alright or makes Loudspeaker Burn Outs.

I have bought a bunch of old, both 4/8 Ohm speakers, at local auctions
Price? Almost nothing .. looks like nobody else is interested :D

You have quite a cosy little
home audio lab
as I can see from your picture ;)

lineup :) has quite a lab himself ... in his living room
I think of it this way.. 5$ speakers blown or 200$ favorite speakers smelling like smoked coil's.. HUmm!

I pick the 5$ one's :) i always power up any amp on a pair of cheap speakers then wait a few hours after testing more and then move to a better set.. :D

heat from 7 Watt's i believe it. I get lots of heat in my room from 4 x 15watt class a amp's.

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