(re)searching for a better preamp

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Re: Carlos

Audiofanatic said:
Hi Carlos,
Can you tell me what the CD No. of that Bass Killing Morphine CD is?
If possible send me a pic of the cover or a link to it.
Audiofanatic ;)

Any you can get your hands on.
Morphine's vocalist, sadly disappeared with a (if I remember) stupid bike accident, played bass with only two strings (the middle ones), out of tune.
There was a saxophone. No actually, the guy with the saxophone played two at once, and sometimes with distortion. I've seen this alive, I've never seen anyone playing two saxophones simultaniously.
And the there was a very good drummer.
As you can see, no guitar.
A unique band, only three intruments, very good music, and a sound to :bawling: for.:cool:

I am really sorry. (c) Franz:cool:
Since 5 pm until now, midnight, with only a break for dinner, I've been listening to music.
I've heard things I don't hear for some years.

:att'n: Advise for anyone that reads this: you must buy and listen to Stanley Clarke "At the movies".:att'n:
Some years ago I listened to this CD compulsively over and over again. Heard it today, it's compulsive.:D
You will be blown away.

My system has a foot-tapping ability that's really impressive.
If someone that doesn't tap his foot listening to some music I play means that he/she has no legs.:clown:

Seriously, another orgasmatic experience (sorry, I have no other word): Talking Heads "Burning down the house".;)
Re: Re: Carlos

carlosfm said:
If someone that doesn't tap his foot listening to some music I play means that he/she has no legs.:clown:

Or, maybe, they are or were in an orchestra/band/chamber group where foot-tapping is rather frowned upon. ;) I mean, can you imagine Barber's Adagio for Strings with the whole string orchestra tapping?

Re: Re: CD's

earsandeyes said:
Nice said pall ;)
I'll go monday to the best CD shop in Utrecht and hope that Lisbeth can help me with this CD.

What is the best CD shop in Utrecht???


Boudisque at the driharingstraat. Ask for Lisbeth or Geert. If you mention my name, (to Lisbeth) you'll get the best service ever and maybe some discount :D

All the best.

Audiofanatic ;) (José)
they do have a lot but... in my experience the people in the classical section will just RUN to anyone over forty wearing a suit. People that

If, otoh, you've just painted your friend's house and you're still wearing your painting clothes (with in your pocket a list of 14 cds you want) you need some pretty good social skills to get them to find the last 2 cds for you.

but that's just my EUR .02 :|
Wrong CD-shop!

matjans said:
they do have a lot but... in my experience the people in the classical section will just RUN to anyone over forty wearing a suit. People that

If, otoh, you've just painted your friend's house and you're still wearing your painting clothes (with in your pocket a list of 14 cds you want) you need some pretty good social skills to get them to find the last 2 cds for you.

but that's just my EUR .02 :|

Hi Matjans,

You went to the wrong shop. I was talking about the (WERELD MUZIEK) one where the "normal" poeple work ;)
Twee deuren verder!

carlosfm said:
Go there and ask for Morphine and they will think you wanna kill yourself.:D

Now I understand why they call them self Morphine
:D :D :D :D

Audiofanatic ;)
Things improving...but too much gain?

Hi all!

I built the AD815 pre to drive my chipamp (all, pre and chipamp Carlosfm's implementations). First I had a dual 100k pot -way too high...yeah, I know, but faked with a 2k7 resistor- and Carlos adviced me to change for a 10k or 20k log pot.
I did already (10k) and all sonics are greatly improved :) but ....
I was wondering about the best way to reduce gain: is better to reduce in the pre or in the power amp?
I have now lowest volume at 12 o'clock, and I can reach only 15 o'clock before breaking anything (my beloved ears... ie), so only 45º rotation I think is not the ideal setup. I have to mention they are driving very easy and sensitive speakers.

btw, Carlos: have I to measure dc input offset for trimming with the source connected? (newbie attacking again :bawling: )

and although OT I can't resist: I was trying different speaker cables and I found by accident a very good sounding here. After trying the two coaxial paralleled I disconnected the solid inner copper and connected only the jacket (is a good quality coaxial and the jacket is copper too).... amazing: more transparent, highs silky but clear and bass -indeed- more controled. I remember to read anywhere about ribbon speaker cable, maybe very similar to the copper jacket i have here. Maybe this is not possible with all seakers (???).


Hola Juan,

If I remember, you have very sensitive speakers (>95db), indeed you must decrease the gain of the preamp.
I suggest you increase the value of R4 (330R) for 1.2k.
That will give you a gain of 1.5, almost half of what you have (2.87x).
Then adjust dc-offset, with no source connected, volume pot below mid position (10 o'clock is fine).
carlosfm said:
Hola Juan,

If I remember, you have very sensitive speakers (>95db), indeed you must decrease the gain of the preamp.
I suggest you increase the value of R4 (330R) for 1.2k.
That will give you a gain of 1.5, almost half of what you have (2.87x).
Then adjust dc-offset, with no source connected, volume pot below mid position (10 o'clock is fine).

Thanks Carlos for your fast response (I know you are very busy).
Ok.. for me it's 16 o'clock (I start at 12... various design reasons)... and I'll make all changes. Have I to measure dc offset at input? I think at input, because I remember you mentioned you had between 30 and 100 mv at output depending on pot position.

Really excited about it. This combo rocks!!!


Here's the updated schematic.
I forgot to update it, there's 1uF MKT caps after the 15k resistors, on the dc-offset null circuit.


  • cfm ad815 preamp complete_rev1.png
    cfm ad815 preamp complete_rev1.png
    15.6 KB · Views: 2,846
Dr.H said:
Does this mod affect the sound or just the stability of the regulator?

Hi Ryan,

It creates additional PSU filtering (R+C), before injecting the voltage on the NI input.
Sorry if I didn't update the schematic back then.
The thread was forgotten around here and I didn't think somebody would build this. :eek:
It's worth the trouble to build this pre, that's for sure!

Dr.H said:
Have you played around with different sizes of transformers for the power supply to the AD815.

No, I didn't change the trafo, it's not practical, and the one I use just fits very nicely.
My pre has 6 inputs, 3 (buffered) tape loops, two line outputs and dedicated headphone out.
No space for a bigger trafo...
I'm using a small toroid ~500ma at 2x20V that I scavenged from a very old Nokia modem.
The PSU, before the regs, is RCRCC.
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