Peerless TC9 corner array build (low brow)

I'm still trying to dial these in to my liking :p
They've improved quite a bit from when I first got them going, but I'm still having some problems.


They sound quite good, especially the mid range and high-end.

The sweet spot on the volume seems to hold a wide curve.
As line arrays are known for, when you move for an aft in the room, the volume barely changes.
Also very uniform sounding with standing up or sitting down, or moving across the room laterally.


As far as midbass is's gone (compared to my previous corner horns).
Punch and drama? Gone...
Jump factor? Dynamics? NONE....

I did not expect a line of two inch woofers to punch like my 7pi's but man these have nothing...
there is this "hole" between the line arrays and the subwoofers that I cannot manage to fill no matter how much goofing around with the DSP, or how high I cross the subs...
I have only run frequency sweeps so far, I cannot see this black hole on the graphs, but I can certainly hear/feel it.

I could consider the room acoustics, but the room hasn't changed from my last set of speakers so why should the room be ruining the response now?
In fact, these arrays are even closer to the corner Apex (and the floor and ceiling) than the previous corner horns were. There should certainly be less S.B.I.R. than before...

But I digress... I suppose I have alot more EQ-ing to experiment with!!


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It took me quite some time to find the right settings. I have a big hole in the bass in the center of the room. But on the backwall - wow... sick bass... Now I listen a little off centre and its OK in the middle of the room too.

I must have lost the saved REW measurements. Unfortunately I am basically REW illiterate..
Here is a screenshot of FIR. (I think lol) It says "no filter" on bottom left-


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Really looking forward to your impressions after you feel that the lines are dialed in, and with your subs.

Maybe xover to subs ends up needing to be a bit higher than usual to give some mid-bass support, and dynamic foundation. Maybe in the mid 100Hz range.
I remember that's what happened with my 24 TC9 corner arrays and subs.

A big part of that need though, was probably because i was used to a very dynamic CD/horn with strong mid-bass system....not too dissimilar from your 7Pi's. My guess is your 7Pi's are going to leave you thinking the same.

The small full-range driver lines are just plain different imo ...a beautiful smooth mid range with great even coverage across the room......but in no way close to having the dynamics of a CD/horn system. know, them inevitable trade offs....
I 100% agree :p

I love to build loudspeakers, and these arrays were another opportunity to experiment and compare.
After roughing in the EQ, I did try to low pass the subs at 150Hz.

Its true, I may be longing for that visceral "punch" like from my corner horns. That may not be possible. A totally different animal indeed.

Not just the low end either.

One of the first things I noticed was missing with the arrays-
the drummers Hi Hats were no longer "in the room"...

I hesitate to make these comparisons. I'm not dismissing the arrays! Like you said, a beautiful, smooth mid-range!
Ill keep fiddling with EQ and try to exploit their strengths as much as I can....

If I cant coax any more upper bass out of these, Ive already considered building another set of 100" tall arrays to go along side of them, using 12 small 6.5" woofers (per side)... band passed from ~50-250Hz.~

Dayton Audio DC160-8 6-1/2" Classic Woofer
Hey johnnycamp5! sounds like we enjoy the same things...

I love building speakers, all kinds, just to see and hear...they all do something a little different...

And agreed, it's not just the low end. Highs are definitely veiled with a TC9 line, ime/imo.

The tradeoff as i see it is: give up some lows, highs, and dynamics, gain a very pleasing universal type sound, with super in-room, even coverage.

Imho, i think the corner line arrays probably make the best rear or side channel surround speakers i've come across,
...but for me, main speakers, left right or center, are better with CD/horn type builds.

We all have our cup of tea, huh?

I think your idea of an adjacent tall line of 6.5"s rocks.
If, or I should better say when, I get the line bug again... something like that is what i'm gonna try.
Have you ever owned corner horns?

I'm definitely not giving up on the arrays!!! I only just got them started!
Also I appreciate the opportunity to accept your help!

Please be patient with me, as I'm pretty bad with computers and with REW.
Between daily work, and my lack of tech skills, I could understand your frustration with me during any help or guidance lolololol
Hi Ron, in complete's not about me needing further help or making further investments in dialing the line in.....

Imho, lines vs CD/horns are simply different sounds, and rightly so, based on the differences in the designs.

I also think we get used to a certain kind of sound, and somehow come to prefer it.
It's a big part of the reason i try a lot of different builds and keep several very different systems running, indoors and hear the contrasts...and not let any audio blinders get on.

For me, i feel comfortable certainty with the characterization of the tradeoffs i described in prior post.

Just my 2c :)
Mark, did you sell your arrays or just store them aside?
Another huge advantage is the space they (don't) occupy!

Kept them ! I love their sound.
I also played with steering and shading, it's really cool what they can do in terms on how they project and apparent center. They make a really nice small party outdoor PA steered to the top.

And kept the CBT cabinets which use the same 24 driver array,...they rock too, maybe better than the straight lines, but they only work indoors..