Odd SIT/vFET 2SK2087C

Hello guys,

just found this thread today and took a look to see what is all about.
To be honest at this moment I have other stuff going around and won’t build nothing but being greedy I do wish to stock a few pieces for my piece of mind and also for better night sleeping.
So I went ahead between my chinese suppliers of electronics stuff and asked for a quote.
It seems that these vfets sell for 12$/piece, received the same quote from 2 places.
I will order a few for me these days, if someone else is interested you can send me a message or maybe we can do a group buy to get a better price.

I attached a photo that one of the sellers sent that to me looks genuine.
Can someone please confirm?

Mr. Schultzsch, I too am interested in a set of 2SK2087C devices. Please put me (psroczka) down for a set of 4. I'm in Poland
Hello @psroczka

You should focus sourcing other sits that you can still find at reasonable(they are already astronomical) prices.
Astronomical compared to what? You could get similar linearity with tubes + output transformers, which would be more expensive than most SITs and tubes will burn out and need to be replaced after a while.
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LOL! The flea power ancients and traditionalists don't think anything 'above' a 2A3 qualifies for sound quality. Strange, though, when a 300b is operated below 5 watts, it starts to sound more like it's lower powered brethren rather than the 'traditional' 300b sound.

You see VFETs and SITs compared to 300b. However, the promotional literature from Sony in the olden days late 70's didn't compare the VFETs to 300b tubes, it compared them to 2A3, which they declared was the ideal audiophile amplification device.
For that price you would be better off with the THF-51S, they’re much more powerful but no clue if they sound similar in the same amp.
With all the info available here you can adjust(tweak) the circuit for the components you have and the sound you like.

Most important is to build an amp and listen to it than building the perfect amp, it took me a while to figure this out.
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