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Nick Sukhov Su-XXI MM Phono stage -85 dBA SN ratio...

Hm, let´s hear Nick`s opinion 😉
My opinion is Patreon opinion. Most info about projects and specifications (not less than 50% of all publications) is free, but PCB gerbers and full specified Microcap XXI circuit files are available only for membership (called patron @ Patreon) with monthly payment 3$ (official with main features) or 8 (full access) or 25 (VIP with quick individual help). Is it abnormal to get such a symbolic payment for my work and time?
Which membership level is necessary to get hands on your phono amp documents?

Or is there another way beside a monthly membership?
https://www.patreon.com/posts/74932307 - for v5 phonopreamp circuit @ Microcap XXI (with full possibility to check specifications) and JLCPCB certified gerbers - it is needed $9\month level (full access patron). Analytics and comparison https://www.patreon.com/posts/73044002 https://www.patreon.com/posts/72330414 https://www.patreon.com/posts/72067774 - freely (english is available via translate.google.com and subtitles of video).
No it isn´t Nick. I´m only a bit sceptical about the language.....
Is the docu all in russian language?
Almost all text can be in second translated with translate.google.com or multilanguage subtitles of video, or see my youtube english version:
You can also ask me any question in English @ my facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004303773164 (but keep in mind I am living in Kiev with a lot of air alarms and blackouts, so online here during the war is a problem)
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JFE2140 is OK instead of LSK389C
The PhonoLCR shows for many cartridges a very low cut frequency at a nominal load. For example, for Shure M97xE nominal load on the specification is 47 kOhm and 200 - 300 pF. Even if you take 200 pF, then -3 dB is reached at a frequency of 16 kHz, and at 20 kHz is already about -6 dB. Why was the manufacturer limited to such a low frequency, no one hears anything above 16 kHz?
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Leoniv, I will answer this your question with the question "why do most people prefer MC cartridges and not MM ones"? - because the former do not have electrical resonance of the input circuit, while the latter do (isn`t it?). My kind of MM input impedance remove electrical resonance and therefore we have an MC audio quality with a budget MM cart
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There are many theories why MC cartridges are better than MM. One of them is the other mounting of the cantilever. In MM cartridges, an elastic element allows the cantilever to make longitudinal movements under the action of alternating groove friction. The result will be like jitter in digital sources. In the MC cartridges, the cantilever is fixed hard, it can only turn.
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People ask why the frequency response does not correspond to RIAA, let me show on the graph for comparison what it would be with classical correction. New poles determine a new trend of the curve. At the same time, the sound took on a new character. It's like comparing the clink of a bottle and a wine glass. It's better to hear it yourself
