New Stasis front end

Yep, buzzing all the time, not loud, not 50Hz mains (not a hummmm...I'm naming tunes tonight!). It isn't right. It is on both channels, same level, same form.

I tried redressing a couple of mains/transformer cables, but to no avail. The signal wasn't on the input to the Cap MX after the diodes.

I've not pushed a sine wave or squarish one in as yet, ran out of time this evening. I'll try again tomorrow. Would I be best taking the FE boards off the OS and testing them separately?
Official Court Jester
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disconnect one channel entirely from Donut, so no surprises while your attention is on other one

feed it with some signal - sine , without load and observe

connect dummy load, observe

feed with some square signal, compare input and output (just to be sure that input is proper square, observe output

write here; square will tell is it your amp on verge of oscillation

if you have Peasant style PSU&filter, try with that, observe is there any difference
A little latter than I wanted, but work got in the way, and Windows...

My little sig gen died. I had to use various signal generator apps in Windows to generate various test tones and for some reason I couldn't get a decent square wave at all...very strange...

Anyway, I replaced the Cap MX with something more "peasant" like and it looks like both the audible noise and strange 'scope readings have gone. I've only managed to test the amp on a sine wave, but it looks good.


@3kHz 2.5V in

@1.1kHz 2.5V in

@19.9kHz 2.5v in

A square wave, hmmm! @3kHz 2v in

Both channels measured the same. Rail voltages are +/-35VDC.

I have bought a simple sig-gen so I will retest with something a little more square once it arrives.

I've biased both sides to about 215mV over the emitter resistors and there is still a very faint, "get your ear right against the speaker to hear it" buzz...
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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
I've told ya that amp needs some proper Reservoir Cojones, and that Cap Multi (well done) can do filtering duty, but is not having energy storrage

same as thhat you're using physical choke as series element, but as last element in chain - no go

regarding slight buzz - you're having dedicated PSUs for each channel, but common xformer; you need to address GND wiring with utter care

try fat wire bridge between main GND points of two channels pcbs

if that cures it - either leave it, or try other way of killing it

buzz, not the amp :)

is that thing singing, or just being happy measured?

edit: one thing more - that Donut really belongs to other side of box, far as possible from inputs and FE pcbs
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ZM, thank you for the pointers on the PSU :) First time with a CapMX and I learnt something, which is always good.

Earthing looks like this atm

Stasis Earths v1.png

Earths from the OS and the FE to the GND on the PSU boards are about 10A capacity. The wire from the PSU GNDs to the rear star are 13A capacity. All taken from three core mains wire.

And yes, I should have the boards the other way around. When the Cap-MX boards were there there wasn't the space, but maybe now....:)

Thanks again for all your help and support ZM...and NP for the amp.

ps. I did have a quick listen last night and I found it a very clear amp, good separation of individual sounds and instruments...I need to listen more to get the gauge of the amp yet...
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this FE will transform any of your old Hafler in proper beast

realized that realizing that I have cleaned (inside) Hitachi HMA-6500, as possible radio/tv/summer amp for living room, waiting for resurection .......

I have the very same amplifier that I want to transform.

Simplest option is to go for what ZM said. Just 1 pair of Hitachi Laterals per side. Would this use the schematic from #670?
New Stasis front end

Other Frankenstasis idea (half-baked) is to use the outputs and heatsinks from this PA amp I have: Ashly FET-2000M. 4 pairs of TO3 laterals per side. This would include fan cooling.

Am I better off waiting for the presumed FET stasis OS?

I know this is a little off topic, so if I move forward, I’ll start a new thread.


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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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what's decimal point, between friends? :clown:

last thing I was taking care of was value of base resistors ...... just put whatever you want

mine was to make pcbs by Papa schmtcs ........ in fact, in original OS schematics (first page) there wasn't base resistors at all - I did drew them as optional

so, same as type of OS transistors, choose preferred value of base resistors, if any