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Those are really good news. I am looking forward to your listening impressions.

I do want to beta build the new paradise.

Actually your boards sounds pretty much like mine (as you would expect - its good that there appear to be little variations from build to build!), but my impressions are limited - I only tried them for an hour or so. More listening tonight...
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will do once i can convince myself to take it back out of my system ;-)

the caps are 10uF (!) 50v, simply because thats what i had on hand. have put 8 of them per rail. that most certainly is overkill, 100nF or so might have been good enough.

(frans please note your shunt was not impressed at all by this very low impedance, works just fine!!)

now back to massive attack "100th window"......
Good to hear that it can be used for something else than SWING- music...funny it took a mechanical engineer to tame it...:)

Do not underestimate mechanical engineers (that is where my study started, I soon realized that this was a dead end :) [I was about 16 years old]). Now I am a ‘computer algorithm specialist’/’system programmer’, and actually I do realize that both ting are the same. So after some years (about 40) I have to say, mechanical engineering is not the dead end it may I thought it was :)
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Indeed, After I completed my Civil Engineering degree, I started to work as a programmer/analyst and ended up working as a database manager, specialized in quality. Now I understand that my Civil engeneering background enables me to understand tech books of all kinds.
Today I picked up the boards for power buffer and high speed preamp.
I will start assembly a.s.a.p. - but not before monday. The gerbers need correction as the layer I've been using so far for silkscreen was not printed by this PCB manufacturer so to avoid problems for others (gerbers will be available for others) I will manage it with other layer. The photo shows prototypes - on top left to-99 version for preamp, below is smt version. Power buffer boards x4 on right, top/bottom side.

Joachim I will try to send the boards to you tomorrow. Cap multo is not yet produced - hope to have it soon.


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As for beta builders, I noted: Bksabath, RCruz, Ulf and myself and probably Joachim. Thats 10 boards, sufficient for the first run. Beta builders will get the updated design documentation via email. (Ricardo, now that your boards are working, please let me know if you still want to betabuild version 2)


Tanks Hesener
Really looking forward to get started
I believe you already have my Email and contacts details if not get in touch.
Joined 2006
Paid Member
Today I picked up the boards for power buffer and high speed preamp.
I will start assembly a.s.a.p. - but not before monday. The gerbers need correction as the layer I've been using so far for silkscreen was not printed by this PCB manufacturer so to avoid problems for others (gerbers will be available for others) I will manage it with other layer. The photo shows prototypes - on top left to-99 version for preamp, below is smt version. Power buffer boards x4 on right, top/bottom side.

Joachim I will try to send the boards to you tomorrow. Cap multo is not yet produced - hope to have it soon.

Hi mad_z

Your boards look very good... would you post a schematic ?
The power buffer and the high speed preamp was posted as simple hand drawings. We will of cause post the schematics in better readable form. The "policy" at the moment is simply that we first build and test and when it works without trouble we publish the schematic. I would like to avoid the delay we had with the original Paradise.
This kind of very high speed circuits are quite challenging but we get it working, sure.