Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Updated both my RPi3s to Beta 12, all OK. BUT, UPNP renderer title on network still remains as MOODE UPNP despite updating and resetting UPNP titles.
Linn Kazoo can't differentiate between the 2 UPNP renderers, as they appear to have the same network title.
Any one else experiencing this problem?

Hi Ian,

Odd since the update does not touch the UPnP configs,

Anyway below is a procedure to verify the config and fix it if need be.

# Verify conf file permissions are 0644
pi@rp3:~ $ stat /etc/upmpdcli.conf | grep Access
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root)
Access: 2017-12-09 07:08:57.147131435 -0500

# Change permissions if needed
sudo chmod 0644 /etc/upmpdcli.conf

# Verify name in SQL table
pi@rp3:~ $ sqlite3 /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db "select param,value from cfg_system where param='upnpname'"
upnpname|RP3 UPNP

# Verify matching name in conf file
pi@rp3:~ $ grep friendly /etc/upmpdcli.conf
friendlyname = RP3 UPNP

If the names don't match then edit the conf ffile friendlyname param to match the name in the SQL table.

sudo nano /etc/upmpdcli.conf

Hi Tim,

I have an image from someone else. How do I tell if it is squashed or not?

Just check if some squashfs is mounted on /var/www:
pi@moode:~ $ df -T

Filesystem                      Type     1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                       ext4      15242572  1716984  12876932  12% /
/dev/loop0                      squashfs     11008    11008         0 100% /var/www
How to apply the updater if your www is squashed?
For example type:

cd ~
sudo umount /var/www
sudo unsquashfs -d /var/www /var/local/moode.sqsh

sudo /var/www/command/ r40b12

sudo rm /var/local/moode.sqsh
sudo mksquashfs /var/www /var/local/moode.sqsh

sudo rm -rf /var/www/*
sudo reboot
AirPlay will limit your stream to 16 bits.
Using Audirvana from your Mac over the air to RPi running mode and then out via your DAC of choice enables you to stream 24 bits and maybe even higher. Also give it a try with the integrated Tidal and stream some MQA files. Remote control via the A+ app on iPad, works like a charm.

And believe me it is “much better”

Shairport sync supports bit depths of 8, 16, 24 and 32 bits, rather than the standard 16 bits.

But, given that most digital music comes from CDs, 16/44 is the source it came from - anything else isn’t bit-perfect.

moOde 4.0 BETA 12 is available :)

- The Local UI feature requires installing Component 8 from Build Recipe 2.2.
- The new Moode OS Image Builder can be downloaded via the cmds below.

A few hints:
cd ~
sudo wget -q -O /home/pi/
sudo chmod +x /home/pi/
sudo ./ (starts the image builder)

Be careful with that wget line. On my laptop and browser, it is gratuitously displayed as two lines. It's all one line from "sudo wget..." through "-O /home/pi/".

There is also an in-place update for Beta 6-11 --> Beta 12.

It MUST be run from cmd line AND on an un-squashed /var/www !! The browser title will revert to "moOde Player" after the update. Use System config to change it, then APPLY MPD settings to get the new DoP param.

sudo /var/www/command/ r40b12
Thanks to Tim's implementation of the SSH Terminal Server, we can now open an ssh session and perform this update right from a web browser. Sweet!

As always, thanks for the great work, Tim. :cheers:


A number of us have built our own moOde image using Tim's manual build recipe. If this process looks overwhelming to you, not to worry.

Tim is putting the finishing touches on an automated image builder script he adapted from work contributed by @koda59 which will do the job for you. A minimal configuration known to work:

  • a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian OS on its uSD card
  • an Internet connection
  • a second uSD card plugged into one of the RPi's USB ports via a uSD-to-USB adapter

The script begins by downloading, configuring, and writing a copy of Raspbian Stretch OS to the second card. Then you reboot the RPi using the second card and the build continues on it. The process takes some time to complete (there's a lot of downloading involved plus some compiling) but requires little action on your part.


Thanks, it seems this is very difficult for me i will try this.
is there a way to download an older image file of moode audio because now im using volumio
i want to see myselve the difference between both

is there an instruction video or youtube i don't anything about programming

Last edited:
Hi Ian,

Odd since the update does not touch the UPnP configs,

Anyway below is a procedure to verify the config and fix it if need be.

# Verify conf file permissions are 0644
pi@rp3:~ $ stat /etc/upmpdcli.conf | grep Access
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root)
Access: 2017-12-09 07:08:57.147131435 -0500

# Change permissions if needed
sudo chmod 0644 /etc/upmpdcli.conf

# Verify name in SQL table
pi@rp3:~ $ sqlite3 /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db "select param,value from cfg_system where param='upnpname'"
upnpname|RP3 UPNP

# Verify matching name in conf file
pi@rp3:~ $ grep friendly /etc/upmpdcli.conf
friendlyname = RP3 UPNP

If the names don't match then edit the conf ffile friendlyname param to match the name in the SQL table.

sudo nano /etc/upmpdcli.conf


Thanks Tim, It appears that the name entered in the UPNP renderer name box in Audio Config is not carried to the upmpdcil.conf file. I first noticed this in beta 9. I've updated the config file manually as per
sudo nano /etc/upmpdcli.conf
and it all now works.

Thanks Tim, It appears that the name entered in the UPNP renderer name box in Audio Config is not carried to the upmpdcil.conf file. I first noticed this in beta 9. I've updated the config file manually as per
sudo nano /etc/upmpdcli.conf
and it all now works.

Hi Ian,

Not seeing this issue on my end. Name changes work ok.

Maybe at some point in B9 the conf file name was edited? Once they get out of sync, UI name change will not have any effect.

Beta 12 problem with crossfeed

Hi Tim,

I cannot get crossfeed to work in Beta 12. When I set crossfeed to ON and restart MPD, the output from the DAC ceases.

I cannot see anything useful in the Moode log.

Please can you advise what to look for.

many thanks


20171209 145243 worker: - Services
20171209 145245 worker: MPD started
20171209 145245 worker: MPD scheduler policy (time-share)
20171209 145245 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20171209 145245 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20171209 145245 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20171209 145245 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20171209 145245 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20171209 145245 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(outputid: 0)
20171209 145245 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA default (off)
20171209 145245 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA crossfeed (on)
20171209 145245 worker: MPD output 3 ALSA parametric eq (off)
20171209 145245 worker: MPD output 4 ALSA graphic eq (off)
20171209 145245 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20171209 145245 worker: - Last
20171209 145245 worker: USB sources (8e92f5d6-8681-4ca3-8f84-18d4dca955ca)
20171209 145245 worker: NAS sources (mountall initiated)
20171209 145246 worker: Volume level (0) restored
20171209 145246 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20171209 145246 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20171209 145246 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(OK)
20171209 145246 worker: Watchdog started
20171209 145246 worker: Ready
20171209 145246 engine-mpd: Connect
20171209 145246 engine-mpd: Session loaded
20171209 145246 engine-mpd: Open socket
20171209 145246 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20171209 145246 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20171209 145246 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20171209 145246 engine-mpd: Get initial status
20171209 145246 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20171209 145246 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20171209 145246 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(volume: -1)
20171209 145246 engine-mpd: UI state=(reconnect), MPD state=(stop)
20171209 145246 engine-mpd: Generating enhanced metadata
20171209 145246 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20171209 145246 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20171209 145246 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(file:
20171209 145246 enhanceMetadata(): Radio station
20171209 145246 engine-mpd: Metadata returned to client: Size=(28)
20171209 145246 engine-mpd: Connect
20171209 145246 engine-mpd: Session loaded
20171209 145246 engine-mpd: Open socket
20171209 145246 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20171209 145246 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20171209 145246 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
Beta 12 Crossfeed problem

Hi Tim,

My bad! On further investigation:-

Crossfeed and Moode works OK if SOX resampling is disabled.

Crossfeed and Moode fails if SOX resampling is ON and set to 32 bit 384 kbs but is OK at 192kbs.

My old ears cannot detect any diff between 32 bit at 192 and 384. I don't know why I set it to 384!

On another topic, The auto build worked well, the only thing is knowing when it has finished completely, I looked at the log via SSh to see the progress. Would it be possible to flash the Pi's LEDS when it has finished?

As usual a super job on your part.

thanks a lot

Download error

Hi I am facing problem while creating image through automated image builder. Anyone else facing the same issue? Please find the attached screen capture for details.


  • Capture-2.JPG
    67.7 KB · Views: 283
Hi Tim,

My bad! On further investigation:-

Crossfeed and Moode works OK if SOX resampling is disabled.

Crossfeed and Moode fails if SOX resampling is ON and set to 32 bit 384 kbs but is OK at 192kbs.

My old ears cannot detect any diff between 32 bit at 192 and 384. I don't know why I set it to 384!

On another topic, The auto build worked well, the only thing is knowing when it has finished completely, I looked at the log via SSh to see the progress. Would it be possible to flash the Pi's LEDS when it has finished?

As usual a super job on your part.

thanks a lot


Hi Patrick,

lol, ? you mean a Morse Code sequence ... -- .. -.-

Cred for the Builder goes to @Koda59. From the use of server based config and helper file to the clever use of a Stepfile to allow the build to continue seamlessly across reboots. Its a terrific piece of work :)
