Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Hello all, i'm new here. Just started using Moode. I have a question. I'm using a USB drive and would like to write it on my computer when it's attached to the pi. The pi with drive is in a closed housing and I hate to unscrew it each time. I can do this straight out of the box with runeaudio. At this moment I don't have the rights to perform, delete, move and write actions with Moode. How can I modify this?
Thanks for your help!

Ps. I'm a no know with Linux....
Files with double quotes in filename won't play


I just noticed there's an issue playing files that contain double quotes. E.g. Suite_Nr._3_D-dur,_BWV_1068_-_Air_"auf_der_G-Saite".flac won't play in Moode (Release: 3.1 2016-12-05) but will play fine once renamed to test.flac - or to Suite_Nr._3_D-dur,_BWV_1068_-_Air_'auf_der_G-Saite'.flac for that matter; single quotes are not a problem. Is this a known bug? I will likely end up running a bash script across my files to take care of this but would be interested to know if there is a better workaround or if there's even a fix already in the works.

Hi again,

I think it would be easier to use Librespot instead of spotify-connect-web if you want to implement it in to Moode.

Read the last post in this forum:

and this:

I got it working with the first post just doing this through SSH:

unzip -d .
./librespot --name Raspberry --cache /tmp --bitrate 320

I just worked :D

Haven't got it to work as a service yet.

Long time lurker here, joined up yesterday.

Thanks for this input.

I'm using a hifiberry digi+. (It's not connected to a dac at the moment but the toslink is glowing red and I have status:

pi@moode:~ $ sudo systemctl status spotify-connect.service
● spotify-connect.service - Spotify Connect
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/spotify-connect.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2017-01-29 17:13:07 EST; 1min 51s ago
Main PID: 2911 (librespot)
CGroup: /system.slice/spotify-connect.service
└─2911 /home/pi/librespot --name MoOde --cache /tmp --bitrate 320 --backend alsa --device hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Jan 29 17:13:07 moode systemd[1]: Started Spotify Connect.
Jan 29 17:13:07 moode librespot[2911]: INFO:librespot: librespot 740bee5 (2016-12-30). Built on 2017-01-28.
Jan 29 17:13:07 moode librespot[2911]: INFO:librespot::session: Connecting to AP
Jan 29 17:13:07 moode librespot[2911]: INFO:librespot::session: Authenticated !
Jan 29 17:13:07 moode librespot[2911]: INFO:librespot::audio_backend::alsa: Using alsa sink
Jan 29 17:13:50 moode librespot[2911]: INFO:librespot::player: Loading track "Trouble"
Jan 29 17:13:51 moode librespot[2911]: INFO:librespot::player: Load Done
pi@moode:~ $
I initially had success with h:0 but this did not survive a reboot, the status report said Spotify Connect was running but there was no glow from the optical output. I hacked about a bit and then remembered
aplay -L
 aplay -l
old me the card was 0 (I guess that was why it worked initially).

Whilst here, props to incognito73 who been helping me on another forum and to RafaPolite for getting the ball rolling, Lazerharp for his latest post and Mr Curtis for the player.


Hello all, i'm new here. Just started using Moode. I have a question. I'm using a USB drive and would like to write it on my computer when it's attached to the pi. The pi with drive is in a closed housing and I hate to unscrew it each time. I can do this straight out of the box with runeaudio. At this moment I don't have the rights to perform, delete, move and write actions with Moode. How can I modify this?
Thanks for your help!

Ps. I'm a no know with Linux....


Moode mounts USB drives by their disk label.

For example, if USB disk is labeled MyUSBDisk then connect to moode/USB/MyUSBDisk from your PC.


I just noticed there's an issue playing files that contain double quotes. E.g. Suite_Nr._3_D-dur,_BWV_1068_-_Air_"auf_der_G-Saite".flac won't play in Moode (Release: 3.1 2016-12-05) but will play fine once renamed to test.flac - or to Suite_Nr._3_D-dur,_BWV_1068_-_Air_'auf_der_G-Saite'.flac for that matter; single quotes are not a problem. Is this a known bug? I will likely end up running a bash script across my files to take care of this but would be interested to know if there is a better workaround or if there's even a fix already in the works.



Are these files successfully indexed by MPD? In other words do they show up in Browse and Library panels?


They do show up in both Browse and Library but cannot be added to a playlist. Clicking add, play or clear/ play for the individual track produces the popup note "Added to playlist" (and clears the playlist for clear/ play) without the track actually getting added. Adding an album results in all tracks getting added to the playlist except the ones containing the double quotes.
Thanks Tim,

Yes, my card is a Sandisk Ultra class 10, 16GB. All seems OK now I have re-imaged it afresh. We'll see how it goes...


I use Sandisk Ultra class 10 cards and have had one card go bad in 3 years. My cards get tons of writes and re-imaging as I move through a development/testing cycle, and I usually just pull the plug on my Pi's rather than going through the Menu if I need to do a shutdown.

Yes, Raspbian performs a basic file system check during boot. Run the command below and you should see a couple of lines in the boot log.

pi@rp3:~ $ dmesg | grep 'File System Check'
[ 3.227047] systemd[1]: Starting File System Check on Root Device...
[ 3.563608] systemd[1]: Started File System Check on Root Device.


They do show up in both Browse and Library but cannot be added to a playlist. Clicking add, play or clear/ play for the individual track produces the popup note "Added to playlist" (and clears the playlist for clear/ play) without the track actually getting added. Adding an album results in all tracks getting added to the playlist except the ones containing the double quotes.


Moode sends MPD the command add "<filepath>" to add a file to the Playlist so I'm guessing that if filepath itself contains double quotes then the add command will fail.

AFAIK MPD needs double quotes around command args.


lsinfo "NAS"
directory: NAS/Music
Last-Modified: 2016-12-22T21:23:02Z
lsinfo 'NAS'
ACK [5@0] {} Invalid unquoted character

Hi again,

I think it would be easier to use Librespot instead of spotify-connect-web if you want to implement it in to Moode.

Read the last post in this forum:

and this:

I got it working with the first post just doing this through SSH:

unzip -d .
./librespot --name Raspberry --cache /tmp --bitrate 320

I just worked :D

Haven't got it to work as a service yet.


This was easy to try since its just a single binary but I'd ADVISE CAUTION because when I tested it, the Spotify IOS client set volume to 100% on first connect! See attached image.

Fortunately I've learned from experience to only test these types of apps using an audio system that has its own physical volume control (set to 0).

Some issues I encountered:

- Volume stepping used by Spotify IOS client is very corse, only 10 steps to full volume using the physical iPhone buttons.
- The slider volume control within the Spotify app behaves similarly in that it raises volume too much within the first half of the slider.
- No support for hardware volume yet in librespot

The good things with this fork of librespot are:

- It doesn't require a spotify app_key
- It has before/after playback hooks which like shairport-sync, allows it to more easily coexist with MPD
- Its a single binary (compiled from Rust sources)
- It has good debug logging in general but human-readable logging for volume commands should be added

This looks promising once the volume issues are resolved.



  • spotify-connect1.png
    51.6 KB · Views: 294
Just a small heads-up: The reason I did NOT use libresppt is that, at this point, it is lacking gapless playback. I listen to a lot of classical, opera and live concerts, so that was the deal beaker for me.

As soon as that gets fixed, I'll jump into tests right away!

Hi Rafa,

I hadn't looked through all the issues on plietar/librespot, only focussing on those regarding volume, but now I see #18 and your comment wrt gapless.

First though, volume has to get sorted in these forks.

How do I come back from Google Search

Hi, I'm new with the raspberry and moode. I bought myself a Rasptouch from Audiophonics and installed moode. Everything works fine, but when I hit the cover in play mode I've been redirected to Google search. That's fine so far but how can I come back to moode?

Thank you for your help.

Harald Reinbold
Hi, I'm new with the raspberry and moode. I bought myself a Rasptouch from Audiophonics and installed moode. Everything works fine, but when I hit the cover in play mode I've been redirected to Google search. That's fine so far but how can I come back to moode?

Thank you for your help.

Harald Reinbold

It should open in a new tab or page. Just navigate back using the method your browser supports.
I gave just built a RPI/IQAUDIO Dac+ player. It seems to have configured correctly and plays but I get the following error message.

mpd-config: connection to mpd failed

Does anybody know what this refers to and us it is, importent?


David Round

Sent from my SM-T815 using Tapatalk

Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
Hi, I'm new with the raspberry and moode. I bought myself a Rasptouch from Audiophonics and installed moode. Everything works fine, but when I hit the cover in play mode I've been redirected to Google search. That's fine so far but how can I come back to moode?

Thank you for your help.

Harald Reinbold

Have you bought the version with the Touch screen and have pressed the image on the touch screen rather than a remote web browser? Not sure how that works but someone else might if this is the case. (so to speak)
Last edited:
Hello Tim,

I have Moode currently running with a IQaudio Pi-DAC PRO. In Moode I have this DAC selected and it is working great.

I have another setup running with PiCorePlayer, it doesn't come with a specific overlay for the IQaudio Pi-DAC PRO, so I ue the DAC+ overlay in PiCorePlayer.

I asked the developers about the 'missing' setting/overlay in PicorePlayer. They told me there is not a specific overlay for the IQaudio Pi-DAC PRO.

Does Moode use a own tweaked version of the Pi-DAC+ overlay for the Pi-DAC PRO?



1) Auto-shuffle uses the whole collection. If u want to random play through just a certain part of your collection then you would need to go back to using MPD random play and Playlists.

2) USB DAC's are automatically configured by Linux. Set I2S audio device to 'None', reboot then plug in USB DAC. In MPD config set Audio device to 'USB audio device' then APPLY.

3) On small screens the Library displays Albums. I have a TODO list item to provide a way to switch to Artists. Someday I'll get to it.


Thank you Tim!

Shame about the auto-shuffle + long playlists.

Another question which might actually be an MPD problem:

I added a 500GB USB hd library to moode and MPD sort of halts after reading one directory and just gives me the updating status forever. I tried mpc listall and the list it gives me doesn't change.

Is there some other way I can add this library to MPD and or get meaningful status of the db update?