Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Hi Rob,

I have just taken a look at the manual for the Roberts Stream 83i and it looks like it already has the ability to play music files stored on a network source. The "Music Player" feature is described from page 35 onwards in the English language manual.

I cannot see any advantage in connecting a Pi running MoOde into the 83i as you would need (minimally) a tablet running a browser to control MoOde. If you run a plain vanilla Pi then the sound quality is relatively poor at the co-axial socket. However, you could try running the output from that socket to the Auxiliary input socket on the back of the 83i to see how you get on.

All in all though, you would probably be much better off using the 83i to directly play your audio files served from your network.

Hi Leicray - thanks for the reply.

I should have read the manual on the Roberts radio first. It sounds like what I need is a pi running a samba share with my mp3 collection on.
I thought MoOde would act as a UPnP server but maybe that's just making things too complicated.



Just a brief update on two recent bugs in TR5. The bugs listed below are result of using 05-10 Jessie-Lite for TR5. A rollback to TR4 which uses 03-18 J-Lite and 4.4.8 kernel is I think best for stability and final Moode 2.6.

What this means is that there will be Test Release 6 (TR6) to verify no issues with these bugs. It will take few days to make TR6 from TR4 and bench test it on my systems.

Thanks for your patience :)


1) Device tree overlay rpi-dac failing to load pcm1792a driver. Affects Soekris DAC and RPi-DAC.

This bug is present in kernels >= 4.4.9. The overlay successfully loads the driver in kernel 4.4.8 which is used in TR4.

2) Samba failing to authenticate connections from OSX.

This bug is present in Samba 4.2.10 (2016-05-10 Jessie Lite) which is used in TR5. The bug is not present in Samba 4.1.17 (03-18 Jessie Lite) used in TR4.

Hi Rob,

I have just taken a look at the manual for the Roberts Stream 83i and it looks like it already has the ability to play music files stored on a network source. The "Music Player" feature is described from page 35 onwards in the English language manual.

I cannot see any advantage in connecting a Pi running MoOde into the 83i as you would need (minimally) a tablet running a browser to control MoOde. If you run a plain vanilla Pi then the sound quality is relatively poor at the co-axial socket. However, you could try running the output from that socket to the Auxiliary input socket on the back of the 83i to see how you get on.

All in all though, you would probably be much better off using the 83i to directly play your audio files served from your network.

Hi leicray,

after doing some research the 83i radio can't be used with simple file sharing (Samba). It works with UPnP. It also has its own (albeit very small) GUI to drive track selection.

Therefore I assumed that a Pi2 running MoOde connected to a MP3 library running as a UPnP server would be the right thing to drive the 83i. Please correct me if I'm wrong as this is the first time I've looked into UPnP.

I never had any intention of using the audio outs on the Pi.

If I ever wanted to try the radio functionality of MoOde then indeed I'd need a TV or monitor but just for serving music files ... I thought that was what MoOde was originally designed for?


Hi leicray,

after doing some research the 83i radio can't be used with simple file sharing (Samba). It works with UPnP. It also has its own (albeit very small) GUI to drive track selection.

Therefore I assumed that a Pi2 running MoOde connected to a MP3 library running as a UPnP server would be the right thing to drive the 83i. Please correct me if I'm wrong as this is the first time I've looked into UPnP.

I never had any intention of using the audio outs on the Pi.

If I ever wanted to try the radio functionality of MoOde then indeed I'd need a TV or monitor but just for serving music files ... I thought that was what MoOde was originally designed for?



Hi Rob,

I believe that MoOde can function as a UPnP server, but I have never used it in this way. If you already have a Pi then download the MoOde image and burn it to a suitable memory card and give it a bash. It will not cost you anything to try it out.

Don't forget that MoOde requires a suitable source of music files itself. The simplest way to set this up is probably by placing all of your music on a USB drive which is directly attached to one of the USB ports on the Pi. If you use a USB hard-drive the Pi might not be able to supply the necessary current so you may need a supplementary external power source for the hard-drive.

If you get stuck with configuring UPnP then I'm sure that others on the forum can help.
Running Pi3 with MoOde 2.6 TR5. HifiBerry Digi+ Coaxial to my Rotel RA-12. Onboard Wifi running. Power 5V 2A. Flac music on USB HD. MiniDLNA running. also tried mapping my NAS. No problem at all.
BubbleUPNP running as server on Minix U1 (Android box), with Tidal HiFi account. Using my Androd phone as controller, playing music at MoOdle 2,6 without any hicks. I'm very satisfied.

Since I'm not using USB Dac, I will stay on MoOde 2.6 TR5 or?
Running Pi3 with MoOde 2.6 TR5. HifiBerry Digi+ Coaxial to my Rotel RA-12. Onboard Wifi running. Power 5V 2A. Flac music on USB HD. MiniDLNA running. also tried mapping my NAS. No problem at all.
BubbleUPNP running as server on Minix U1 (Android box), with Tidal HiFi account. Using my Androd phone as controller, playing music at MoOdle 2,6 without any hicks. I'm very satisfied.

Since I'm not using USB Dac, I will stay on MoOde 2.6 TR5 or?


When TR6 is released I would definitely recommend testing to make sure all is good since TR6 is rollback of kernel and J-Lite to TR4 versions.


Just a brief update on two recent bugs in TR5. The bugs listed below are result of using 05-10 Jessie-Lite for TR5. A rollback to TR4 which uses 03-18 J-Lite and 4.4.8 kernel is I think best for stability and final Moode 2.6.

What this means is that there will be Test Release 6 (TR6) to verify no issues with these bugs. It will take few days to make TR6 from TR4 and bench test it on my systems.

Thanks for your patience :)


1) Device tree overlay rpi-dac failing to load pcm1792a driver. Affects Soekris DAC and RPi-DAC.

This bug is present in kernels >= 4.4.9. The overlay successfully loads the driver in kernel 4.4.8 which is used in TR4.

2) Samba failing to authenticate connections from OSX.

This bug is present in Samba 4.2.10 (2016-05-10 Jessie Lite) which is used in TR5. The bug is not present in Samba 4.1.17 (03-18 Jessie Lite) used in TR4.


I took a 4-day holiday away from my desk (aka workbench) and had a great time just being out in sunshine and breezes. I hate to think you've spent the weekend chasing after problems caused by "improvements" introduced with each new Linux kernel release. It was demoralizing when that happened in my professional lab work and led to me never updating unless and until it was forced on me by circumstance. I can only imagine what it's like to support all the devices and sources you do.

Many thanks for keeping the ball moving forward.


Moode 2.6 Test Release 6 (TR6) is available for download at under the TEST CODE button.

This TR is based on 2016-03-18 Jessie Lite and Linux kernel 4.4.8 and includes fixes and updates from all previous TR's.

Like the previous test releases, TR6 includes support for the new Raspberry Pi 3 and is built on moodeOS 1.0 the new J-Lite based operating system for Moode Audio Player. Features included in TR5 are listed below. READ the release notes for a complete list of TR6 content.

- NEW: Support for Raspberry Pi 3
- NEW: moodeOS 1.0 J-Lite factored for Moode Audio Player
- NEW: WiFi automatic Access Point (AP) mode for direct connection
- NEW: True random play for a continuous stream of music
- NEW: Audio scrobbler service (Last.FM)
- NEW: Airplay metadata and cover art displayed on UI
- NEW: USB storage devices auto-mounted by disk label
- NEW: Network configuration system
- NEW: Auto-configuration system for run-once name change at boot
- NEW: Vol.php CLI for setting volume via command line
- NEW: Support for BBC 320K HLS streams

- UPD: Linux kernel 4.4.8
- UPD: MPD custom compiled version 0.19.15
- UPD: WiringPi compiled version 2.32
- UPD: Bump to shairport-sync 2.8.4

Fixes to bugs reported in previous TR's

FIX: etc/dhcpcd.conf static wlan0 address not commented out on fresh image
FIX: incorrect worker log message when eth0 does not exist
FIX: cfg_radio missing 1st record
FIX: lib/systemd/system/mpd.service and .socket have +x 0755 and should be 0644
FIX: can't connect to samba share from OSX
FIX: rpi-dac overlay not loading pcm1792a driver for Soekris DAC, RPi-DAC
UPD: MPD socket connection handling
UPD: USB audio hot-plug management

Don't forget to READ the updated SETUP GUIDE to learn how to make use of new capabilities. The (i) help text in Moode itself provides additionl explanation of features.

Btw, the USB (UAC2) audio fix is now a setting on System config so no more ssh for this.




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TR6 loaded and running fine on RPi3 with Hifiberry Dac+ Pro.

Two observations:

We seem to have lost the bitrate display that was just below the artwork on TR5

BBC 325k streams seem to randomly stop playing, I had this with TR5 as well.

Thanks for the great player


Hi Val,

The bitrate display is part of "Extra metadata", a setting on the Customize screen. Make sure this is set to Yes. It's working fine for me.

Due to BBC geo-fencing the 320K streams, I have no way to test, but generally speaking, if radio streams are cutting out then almost always a network issue or bandwidth starving at the broadcast end.

Newbie Questions:

I dove right into the music server hobby, assembled a Pi3 c/w a Highberry Digi+ and installed Moode TR 3. All works fine, but I have some basic questions I have not seem previously answered here.

1) How do I turn off the Moode /Pi (Raspberry warned about following a procedure, and Raspian had an off button....) so far I am just pulling the plug.
2) Is there a way to change the Genre categories, or is this manipulated in the music file meta-data? - Or- It looks like there is screen available in Moode for manipulating the code (any references on Linux code for making changes?)
3) Has anyone had experience using a linear power supply such as CIAudio VCD.5 MKII?
TR2.6 with Suptronics x400

Hi Tim - just trying TR6 on RPi3 with Suptronics x400. Working, but the Burr Brown PCM5122 options for filters do not appear in the drop down box (they do on another RPi 2 I have with a 5122 DAC). The x400 uses the the 5122, and I use it remotely and control the volume using the hardware setting through Chrome browser. Thanks for all your hard work on MoOde - such a great player! Adrian
Hi Tim, hi all
All working beautifully on pi3 with iqaudio Dac+. Thanks Tim.
Just one thing... i had problems on TR3 accessing my NAS (synology). This time it ticks as green when connected via NFS, but nothing is listed when i go to browse. When i access my pi3 via Windows 10 on my network (in file explorer) and navigate to the NAS folder on Moode/pi it lists all of the albums and tracks. None of this makes any odds to me as i can play whatever i like via upnp but just pointing out if it's a bug.

Thanks again Tim. Lovin' your work as ever

Dickeyn, just go to the "Restart" in the menu on the upper right, and choose "shut down."

Tim, thanks for your slavish devotion to making this the best player possible. I love the access point thing. It really makes it much more flexible for me. Now I have to figure out how to get one running in my car.

I have a question about playlists. I can't for the life of me figure out how to create new ones. I can change the name, but I don't see either a "create new playlist" or "save as" option. I must just be missing it. Anybody?

I know this has been discussed before in the context of in-place updating (which I know is a challenge), but having playlists that are stored somewhere so they remain after version upgrades would be really useful. With 29k tracks, just sorting out the music the wife does/doesn't like takes a fair while.