Joined 2019
Paid Member
For proper thermal transfer, my intention is to mount LU on adapter board just like regular TO case would be, by soldering solid wire vertical pins, instead of long flexible wires. Two 3.5 mm holes at approximately 8 mm from PCB edge (+- 10 mm horizontally from existing hole) are at right position and wide enough for screwdriver.


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Joined 2019
Paid Member
Just a diode instead of the 6k8 resistor?
What kind of diode?

I didn’t check if modding the Zen Mod is legal here. :p
If there are no legal consequences, with modifications there are increased chances for trouble.

Proper way is to first build amplifier as designed. If everything behaves and amp sings, only then is OK to proceed with eventual modifications.

Everything about mentioned ‘diode’ is explained at the linked thread. It is, so called, current regulator diode (in fact packaged JFET CCS). Replacing CCS biasing resistor, which is R112 (made a typo) with this ‘diode’ reduces effect of voltage ripple on base of BJT that regulates current.
Adequate parts are Semitec E-202 or E-272 ‘diodes’.