L12-2 CFP Output amp 120W*2 8R


I have received the assembled PCBs.

The Mosfets have been folded. On a Mosfet you can see that the leg is a little out.

Do you think there is a problem?


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I desoldered the transistor and measured it. I have a question about the measurements.

The BJT C2837 is an NPN, I get the same resistor with red wire on the base and black wire on the collector and then the emitter.

On the other hand if I put the black on the base and the red wire on the collector or the emitter, I get no value.

Is this normal ??
I desoldered the transistor and measured it. I have a question about the measurements.

The BJT C2837 is an NPN, I get the same resistor with red wire on the base and black wire on the collector and then the emitter.

On the other hand if I put the black on the base and the red wire on the collector or the emitter, I get no value.

Is this normal ??

How to Test NPN & PNP Transistor - Leets academy
Hi everyone,

I have finished.

I must say at the outset that the original amplifier (a Goldmund clone) was fitted by Pinnochio. But this Goldmund clone was not good for me, so I replaced the PCBs with the L12.2s and changed the wiring.

The rectification is provided by 2 diode bridge and 108,000uf total for the two rails. The power supply is a 500va. The DC voltage is 47vdc. The radiator is at the bottom and below there is a very quiet Noctua fan, the air is propelled behind the case. I did a quick listen on my workshop fullrange and the sound seems very good. No background noise, it's very quiet.

Tomorrow I plug into my main channel and will get back to you with a little review. I have 2 other amplifiers which are currently in testing.

I like this.


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My boards are on the way and during that I would like to order transformer as well. How much power do I need? As I understand higher voltage on rail - higher power of transformer I need? I plan to get either Hammond 300va 30v or Antek ones(300va 34v, 400va 34v). There is not a big difference in price when you buying that power rating. I just don't want to make mistake in choosing one. So far I received only soft start and rectifier board.

Still haven't decided what capacitors to use. I am thinking about 8200uf 71v Nichicon LKS series. It would be 24,600uf per rail.
All this will go into chassis from old multiroom amplifier.

For now I have only bookshelf speakers. Not in need of big power- just something that plays better than my current setup. Thanks
My boards are on the way and during that I would like to order transformer as well. How much power do I need? As I understand higher voltage on rail - higher power of transformer I need? I plan to get either Hammond 300va 30v or Antek ones(300va 34v, 400va 34v). There is not a big difference in price when you buying that power rating. I just don't want to make mistake in choosing one. So far I received only soft start and rectifier board.

Still haven't decided what capacitors to use. I am thinking about 8200uf 71v Nichicon LKS series. It would be 24,600uf per rail.
All this will go into chassis from old multiroom amplifier.

For now I have only bookshelf speakers. Not in need of big power- just something that plays better than my current setup. Thanks

Take a 400va 34v transformer especially if you plan to use medium efficiency and 4 ohm columns in the future.

It all depends on your listening needs. With 8 ohms speakers, 300va would be sufficient, but if the price is not important and you bought a new transformer, go with a 400va 34v (30va will not give the maximum power).

24,600uf per rail is very sufficient. I can not help you with the choice of capacitors. Also consider using hp protection. In my case I have one outside.

Take Calvin's advice!
"Consequently Q5,7 and 9´s cases share a dedicated trace on the PCB to detect and level out temperature differences. They are not and must not be thermally connected to the main cooling fin."

Thanks Andersonix, yes I had already looked at Calvin's comments, that was before I bought this amplifier, so I didn't pay attention. In this case I will try to put a separator between the screws and the radiator. What is strange is the length of the screws which fall right on the radiator.

We could ask LJM the question, but I trust Calvin's.
I have a 25-0-25v ac transformer that I'm considering using for a L12-2 build. Would this be too under powered for near field listening?

No problem with a 25v ac transformer, the L12.2 can take between 12-55vdc, with your transformer it will provide nearly 35v dc.

I have a friend that he decided to order, he also has a 25v and 330va transformer, speaker with good efficiency and 4 ohms

How many VA is your transformer? Your speakers have what impedances, efficiency ... etc.?