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crown jh181 loaded L36

my bro ang i built 4 cerwin vega L36je box...would it be nice to load it with crown jh181 (jackhammer)?...
how would it sound like???...
anyone tried this set up???


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very good job...now the only concern is the cover...it must be really firm and secured from flexing otherwise problem may occur...but all is looking good...kudos bro.

try to mod the cover something like this sample from nexo dual 18.


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im planning to setup a disco mobile and as for my inquiries from electronic stores only few brands of AMPS that can carry a 2 ohm load and TASSO is one of the brand that can carry 2 ohms....could anyone tell me about the performance of TASSO i12 Power Amp?

your reply much appreciated!
im planning to setup a disco mobile and as for my inquiries from electronic stores only few brands of AMPS that can carry a 2 ohm load and TASSO is one of the brand that can carry 2 ohms....could anyone tell me about the performance of TASSO i12 Power Amp?

your reply much appreciated!

i guess ur cebuano...there are lots of technicians in cebu that can build you 2ohm amps...why dont you try them out..i guess there amps are much cheaper...
im planning to setup a disco mobile and as for my inquiries from electronic stores only few brands of AMPS that can carry a 2 ohm load and TASSO is one of the brand that can carry 2 ohms....could anyone tell me about the performance of TASSO i12 Power Amp?

your reply much appreciated!

we use tasso i12's in our system but we limit it to 4 ohms load only,, it is a powerful amp and we use it on our p-audio loaded double 15's,, it runs cool on that load and has lot of headroom,,

i only have this format...or else CAD format.

is this format ok?

have a nice day


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Do post a pic of your WSX and Tops (Mid/Hi box)...sometimes it help when if we can visualize the issue.

what is your Loudspeaker management (DBX Driverack, Behringer DCX2496...)
how do you time-align your tops to your WSX having a horn length approx. 7ft.

WSX is a Subwoofer cross them no more than 100hz...otherwise you need to eq to flatten things out if your cross them higher than 140hz.

22-inch kick drum 22-inch kick drum batter head is typically tuned to E3 or 164Hz. But sub-harmonics are given off at 82Hz and 41Hz, with these becoming the chest “thump” that should felt more than heard. all that is left is the “click” around 3KHz Other drums are typically tuned a bit higher
16-inch floor tom like a 16-inch floor tom resonance at C4 (261Hz)
14-inch floor tom 14-inch floor tom at F4 (349Hz),
12-inch rack tom 12-inch rack tom at A4 (440Hz)
10-inch rack tom 10-inch rack tom at D5 (587Hz)
snare snare at G5 (783Hz)
cymbals The “sizzle” in most cymbals ranges from 2KHz to 40KHz
Bass guitar the four-string type Bass guitar of the four-string type ranges from 41Hz (E1) to about 246Hz from a fundamental note range. Adding the necessary octave or two, harmonics should provide at least up to 1KHz on the top end, and more if some finger sounds are desired
Bass guitar the five string type For five string basses, the low B-string at 31Hz (B0) means that some really enormous subwoofers are required to faithfully reproduce the instrument. Fortunately, we humans can catch the sensation of low frequencies by hearing the second octave harmonic (62Hz) and the higher harmonics. But this means that your sound system needs to be still flat at 62Hz, not trailing off by several decibels.

Guitars Guitars follow the bass guitar rule, but at an octave higher. So the 82Hz (E2) to 659Hz (E5) are the fundamental frequencies. But with electric guitars with fuzz boxes or overdriven amplifiers, you can expect useful harmonic outputs up to 5KHz and beyond.

Keyboards/Piano A full 88-key piano ranges from A0 (27.5Hz) to C8 (4186Hz) plus harmonics for a very broad bandwidth. And the classic Hammond B3 organ runs from 32Hz rumbles to 5920Hz whistles in blues and rock usage. Then with synthesizers, all semblances of audio noises are possible over the audio range and beyond. With human hearing in the 16Hz to 20KHz range, that is a reasonable bandwidth limit.

Some other typical musical instrument Some other typical musical instrument frequency ranges include
the tenor sax at 110Hz to 587Hz fundamental notes.
Violin or fiddle fundamental notes range from 196Hz to 2093Hz.
And blues harps can range from 196Hz to overblows at 2959Hz.
Note that you should add a couple of octaves beyond the fundamentals to catch most of the nuances of these instruments.

Voice Human vocals are given the Italian music prefixes just like instruments with baritone, tenor, alto and soprano designations. Fundamental note vocal ranges are
baritone at 110Hz to 392Hz
tenor at 146Hz to 440Hz
alto at 196Hz to 698Hz and
soprano at 261Hz to 1046Hz.
Since the voice has so many sounds beyond the fundamentals, having good vocal reproduction to 8KHz and beyond is a good idea. And shaving off above 12KHz is a good idea when the vocal has plenty of cymbal leakage in the microphone.

have nice day
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thank you so much sir for the reply

i have 4 wsxbox loaded with crown pro 1815 the design was copy from your post.

for the mid- high i used full ranged yamaha cv15 4box

i used digital crosover altodrive 3.4 , dbx sub harmonic some eq from phonics and mackie live sound mixer.

the subs are good it can be hear at far even 50m the roof rattles, but i cant feel the base at 6m on my chest.

im newbee on sound system but i love it.

pls do help,

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