Is measuring square wave on spdif cable possible?

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If only 0 and 1 matters in S/PDIF and everything sounds the same, then whole research on jitter subject is a hoax?

Jitter is easy to measure and compare. Audibility of jitter is another matter - most tests show that jitter has to be pretty severe to be audible. In any case, jitter is mostly caused by noise, and not by the transmission characteristics of the cable.
After few years of playing with S/PDIF signals and listening simultaneusly, different waveforms and different sound will start to correlate and signals with HF peaking will sound different from signals with limited bandwith and rounded edges.
Or my ears are just playing games with me
Again the direction of the claim changes!
hand waving, yeah:)
I have a question for you: how jitter afect de conversion from digital to analogic? What is the mechanism that change the result of conversion?

And I have to counter with another question: "which jitter"?

We have two very different things - we have audio clock jitter, caused by instability of the outgoing audio clock (this causes small differences in bit timings that appear as weak intermodulation noise in the output) on one hand, and data transmission jitter (caused by the sending transport, computer and possibly cable) that has no effect as such, as long as the data is received correctly, on the other hand

The problem is that many DACs derive their audio clock from the incoming data clock to ensure they stay in synch with the sender. Even then the jitter in the incoming data is usually filtered by a phase-locked loop.
With jitter on the DAC you get converted the correct value at the wrong time, and this could be audible.

Let as consider that we have a jitter level of 1μsec (huge because usualy it is under 1nsec).
This corespond of a frequency of 1MHz.
Who hears such a frequency?
How many amps can reproduce this frequency?
What speakers can reproduce this frequency?

If we consider only the phase deviation, a jitter of 1μsec will generate a phase jitter of 3.6° at 20KHz and 2.72° at 15KHz.
How many people can notify such a variation?
But a variation of 1000 times smaller as it really is for 1nsec jitter?
Let as consider that we have a jitter level of 1μsec (huge because usualy it is under 1nsec).
This corespond of a frequency of 1MHz.

You seem to be confused about the definition of jitter... to complicate the matters, there are several possible definitions.

Some copypaste from wikipedo :

"Period jitter (aka cycle jitter) is the difference between any one clock period and the ideal/average clock period. "

"Cycle-to-cycle jitter is the difference in length/duration of any two adjacent clock periods."

For audio, period jitter is more relevant.

Peak period jitter, is about guarantee that the clock period will not drift more than +/- x% , or x nanoseconds, during a specific observation interval.

As the observation interval increases, it is called "drift" instead of "jitter", caused by temperature, aging, etc...

Now, if you examine the phase difference between a real clock and a perfect clock of the same average frequency, you will see the phase has fluctuations. This is called phase noise, another way of looking at the same thing.

So, "a jitter level of 1µs" does not mean anything.

If you add the words "period jitter 1µs RMS white gaussian", then you will know that each period will have a gaussian white distribution error of 1µs RMS. In this case, your DAC running at 44.1 kHz would have a SNR corresponding to about 6-8 bits.

Why ?

Suppose you have two consecutive samples of different value.
Each sample will last 1/44100 seconds, or 22 µs.
Suppose first sample has value 0, next sample has value 1.

Now, if the transition between those two samples is shifted by 1µs, as per your example, that is 4% error, one of them will be 4% longer, the other will be 4% shorter. It is equivalent to both samples having perfect timing but 4% amplitude error...
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Suppose you have two consecutive samples of different value.
Each sample will last 1/44100 seconds, or 22 µs.
Suppose first sample has value 0, next sample has value 1.

Now, if the transition between those two samples is shifted by 1µs, as per your example, that is 4% error, one of them will be 4% longer, the other will be 4% shorter. It is equivalent to both samples having perfect timing but 4% amplitude error...

Please detail.

How you calculate 4% error?
Suppose first sample has value 0, next sample has value 1.
0 and 1 from how many bits?
Again, the eye diagram is a better test, but what you really want to test is the effect of the cable on the whole chain. Who cares how the wave that comes out of the cable looks like, if it gets translated to the right data by the receiver anyway?

Thus, what you should do is to have a recoded digital test signal, and measure at the output of the DAC.

Thanks Julf, I'm still reading up on eye diagrams, and agree it is more informative for sure. But if the receiver can repair timing error, it is not so critical that the pattern be perfect or as close to as possible?
Measuring the DAC output would also be fun to do anyhow, do you mean from the analog output stage, i.e. RCA sockets, or from the chip itself? (chip is sealed and hide from view anyway). I do know that is a rare 80's Philips 16 bit chip, and I know it is not 1541..
But if the receiver can repair timing error, it is not so critical that the pattern be perfect or as close to as possible?

Exactly. But all depends on the DAC and how good it is in dealing with input variations.

Measuring the DAC output would also be fun to do anyhow, do you mean from the analog output stage, i.e. RCA sockets, or from the chip itself?
The RCA's would be fine - that is the signal you are interested in, after all.

I do know that is a rare 80's Philips 16 bit chip, and I know it is not 1541..
Hmm... That would suggest the digital input circuitry probably isn't very sophisticated...
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Suppose you have two consecutive samples of different value.
Each sample will last 1/44100 seconds, or 22 µs.
Suppose first sample has value 0, next sample has value 1.

There is more here than meets the eye. First of all, the samples at 44100 rate consists of many bits, 16 or even 24 data bits.
So the bit time is much smaller than 1/44100.

Secondly, it is physically impossible that two consecutive samples are 0 and 1. That would mean that the original is a jump of 0 volt analog till max volt analog in 2 microseconds or so. Even if there exists an audio signal that does this (it does not exist) there is still the ADC antialias filter that will prevent it.

If you have a digital audio data stream, the slight movement of the zero crossings of the bit edges is the jitter. Yoiu can express jitter in nanoseconds or picoseconds, but also in 'unit intervals'. One UI is the time between two edges, so a jitter of 0.01Ui is a movement of the zero crossing of 1% of the bit time.

Paul S, have a look at the links #33, it comes under the heading signal integrity.

Its not just the cable, there can be numerous mismatches. The attached pdf shows a view of a signal from the point of view of signal integrity (this is taken from a real layout, but I can also model cables, off board connectors, and SCOPE PROBE LOADING) playing with this I can feed signals into the line and look at the resultant waveforms and eye diagrams at various points, I can also do scenarios where I can try different termination schemes, or if possible alter the drive characteristics of the transmitter (this data is stored in an IBIS file).
The resultant simulations can be graphically displayed as shown in the two .png files.
We use this stuff regularly because we do high speed layouts with DDR memory, gigabit Ethernet and other critical digital interfaces.
A few years ago I did set up some sims for SPDif but I think they got lost when a PC went down, if I get time I will do some more, but you do need IBIS data for the driving and receiving devices. (I hope to run some SIMs along with another thread looking at terminations on cables).
So I can simulate an interface, route it to the best sim, and then check the layout with the simulation tools.
playing with stuff like this every day is why I am sure that there is no CORELATION between what a square wave looks like and the resulting analogue if it is going through a convertor...

Thanks very much Marce, I did begin reading your links which are very useful and in depth, I do need to have more time to sit and read (in peace and quiet!) to get my head round this stuff, see, I'm not trained in EE or anything like it, just very interested and willing to learn, so your input is valuable and appreciated. It sounds like you do a lot with this stuff, shame I'm not up your way but in the soggy south!

OK, did you get the point that when you specify a jitter-free DAC, the cable cannot make any audible difference?
So if the DAC reads in a jittered signal and reads it out with it's own jitter free clock, you're home free.


Jan, yes I did, thanks. The DAC chip I'm certain is very good, and it's implementation is purist; i.e., no over sampling, no LP filters, hence the requirement for a good transport and connection cable.
The DAC chip I'm certain is very good, and it's implementation is purist; i.e., no over sampling, no LP filters, hence the requirement for a good transport and connection cable.

I assume you are aware of the fact that the low pass filter is an essential part of how the DAC operates? It is not called a "reconstruction filter" for nothing.

You might choose to use the rest of your chain as a LP filter, but a filter that is actually designed for the job might be better optimized.
I assume you are aware of the fact that the low pass filter is an essential part of how the DAC operates? It is not called a "reconstruction filter" for nothing.

You might choose to use the rest of your chain as a LP filter, but a filter that is actually designed for the job might be better optimized.

Julf, I am aware that LP filters are normal, but am also aware that they are not entirely necessary, and removing them from the signal path does have a sonic benefit. But, the DAC is what it is, and fed the best signal possible, it makes a very realistic reproduction of the recorded event, the only other digital I have spent time with that rivals it (and maybe betters it in truth) is Dcs Vivaldi.

But, the DAC is not what I want to get bogged down with here, it is getting the best signal possible to it.

For measuring purposes, would you recommend a scope of say 100MHz or higher, or is that a bit excessive?

Again, many thanks!
AX tech editor
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The DAC chip I'm certain is very good, and it's implementation is purist; i.e., no over sampling, no LP filters, hence the requirement for a good transport and connection cable.

I would have phrased this like:

"The DAC chip I'm certain is very good, and it's implementation is purist; i.e., no over sampling, no LP filters, hence it is very insensitive to transport and connection cable"

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