General Purpose DAC Clock Board

Hi tamra,

Have you read the document attached to the first post called: Clock Board Notes
It talks about parts values, among other things.

Regarding TP2, TP usually stands for "Test Point." Will have to take a look again at what that test point was for.
Noticed this bit of promotional work from Topping for their now D90 III Discrete dac.


Interesting qualification they make about jitter measurement according the jitter test commonly used by current "measurement websites." Its J-Test if anyone doesn't already know.

Suggests to me at least, they know about noise skirts and possibly about other phase and amplitude measurement methods.

They also appear to choose far-out phase noise (type of jitter) to use as their spec'ed performance number.
I would recommend waiting a little longer for Cestrian's board to be done.

Not long now! Version 15 is built and I am testing it out. Initial impressions are very good and even FFT measurements seem to be improved over the v14 model, which I am grateful for but not sure which change caused the improvement.

The highlight of this version is the semi-cut between the JLSounds/PCM2DSD and the XO / reclock part. (As recommended by Mark!) The two parts can be separated and cabled together with co-ax (u.fl) so that the clock board can be sited away for reducing any interference that may be present in the noisier devices. (Although the board can be used as one part if required, which is what I am currently doing)

I will post the v15 gerbers when I am sure there are no glitches.