Frugel-Horn XL for Alpair 10.3/10p, Fostex FF165wk, more

Ah sorry my mistake! I believe they were rebranded from MD to BD, ill double check and check my pair but thats my understanding. Many apologies for confusion.

Assuming they would fit physically, looking at the driver TS data do you believe it would sound ok? Do 8" drivers in this cabinet have any potential draw backs?
If Scott can run a sim we will have a good idea. He is away most of the week, so we'll have to wait. But i can get him the request if you can confirm the T/S.


Hi Dave, many thanks that would be FANTASTIC, fingers crossed and thanks in advance to Scott! :D

I have confirmed today with AER that the MD3B and BD3B are exactly the same drivers with just a name change, so the TS parameters are the second set (the B version) at the bottom of the BD3 datasheet;
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FH xl expectations

Ive never owned, but always wanted to hear, bass horn speakers.

I currently own 4pi speakers (two way bass reflex speakers).
They use simple passive crossovers, 15" mid woofers and waveguides.
Powered by a ANK kit 1 300B SET amp.

If I chose to build these horns, besides the obvious lack of mid bass punch that the fhxl's will posses compared to my current 4pi speakers (I'm assuming), and how loud they can play, can anyone add to the differences I can expect?

Perhaps this is just a "build them and find out" scenario.

I was also wondering if my SET amp (8watts x 2) was suitable for these horns, being that these amps have a rather high output impedance?

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besides the obvious lack of mid bass punch that the fhxl's will posses compared to my current 4pi speakers

Midbass = 40-80 Hz.

A 5 ¼" A10 will definitely not move as much air as a 15" but the horn helps. I bet the FHXL will kill the 4pi thru the midrange thou (where most of the music is)

Perhaps this is just a "build them and find out" scenario.

Yes. You can get an idea of what other people think, but only you can decide what you like

I was also wondering if my SET amp (8watts x 2) was suitable for these horns, being that these amps have a rather high output impedance?

The power is suitable. The rest depends on the quality of the amp.

ANK1 = Audio Note Kit 1, I assume? 300B SET with what would likely be attributed as "decent enough" power supply and OPT - the cornerstones of a decent tube amp, n-est ce pas?

As Dave suggests, whether the combination would be sufficiently "punchy / dramatic" enough, well even the best modeling software and experienced wild a$$ can't answer that - but less than 5 minutes of your time can.

How about somebody send you a you-tube link of a pair playing in their system, and you can listen on computer desk-top or headphones :rolleyes:

Sorry for the snark there, but it's not too much of a stretch to note that more than a few folks try to assess audio equipment in pretty much that manner.
Thanks Dave, all your thoughts confirm mine.
Perhaps ill give them (FH xl's) a shot.

I have no idea on the quality of my amp or its components (power supply or transformers), and I do not understand the rest of your post.


sorry about the last part - half the time I don't understand myself as soon as the breathe leaves my lips or the submit reply button has been punched - this post likely not excluded :eek:

If your amp is indeed this guy:

you probably don't need to worry about its performance.

I've never heard any of the Pi speakers, but if my recent exposure to DIY systems with JBL 15" woofers and FR drivers &/or AMT tweeters, or numerous multi-ways with "pro" drivers is of any relevance, I think it's fair to say they are cut from a very different cloth indeed than any of the FR based systems generally discussed here. There is of course always the option of adding woofers . FWIW, of the 3 drivers which I've heard in the XLs, the Fostex FF165WK might be a better bet at approaching the dynamic punch it sounds like you're looking for.

The sarcastic remark regarding you-tube videos is probably a non-sequitur - an observation of the number of them that are often linked to on this site and others as demos - think about the chain of additional components between the system being played and your own ears. :)
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think about the chain of additional components between the system being played and your own ears.

The output of the device is convolved with the system of the person making the recording, the room they are in, the microphone they are recorded with (a LOT of information lost right there). Then about 90% of what is captured is thrown away to get it on YouTube. Then it is further convolved with your playback system & room. You may be able to get the broad strokes, but all the important low level information -- the stuff you need to tell a good DUT from a great one -- is lost.

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I've asked Scott to check that one too.

From Scott:
Now we're talking. ;^) C45, A45 & A55 should work. Given the opportunity, I'd rather do a special for them, as XL is tuned a little low, but they should work, purely going from the factory data of course. As a very quick & dirty check: FH3 widened by 1.5in may do quite nicely. It would need a bit in the way of detail refinement of course.

sorry about the last part - half the time I don't understand myself as soon as the breathe leaves my lips or the submit reply button has been punched - this post likely not excluded :eek:

If your amp is indeed this guy:

you probably don't need to worry about its performance.

I've never heard any of the Pi speakers, but if my recent exposure to DIY systems with JBL 15" woofers and FR drivers &/or AMT tweeters, or numerous multi-ways with "pro" drivers is of any relevance, I think it's fair to say they are cut from a very different cloth indeed than any of the FR based systems generally discussed here. There is of course always the option of adding woofers . FWIW, of the 3 drivers which I've heard in the XLs, the Fostex FF165WK might be a better bet at approaching the dynamic punch it sounds like you're looking for.

The sarcastic remark regarding you-tube videos is probably a non-sequitur - an observation of the number of them that are often linked to on this site and others as demos - think about the chain of additional components between the system being played and your own ears. :)

No worries Chrisb.
Yes, that is the amp I just built.

I'll keep those woofer suggestions in mind, but Ill probably (initially) stay with the A10.

I agree, and fully expect the FHXL's to be of a different feather than my current 4pi speakers. I welcome this, as I want to try speakers of a completely different flavor, and have always wanted to hear/own horns.
I am not overly concerned, nor do I have tunnel vision for "dynamic punch" as I already own speakers with plenty of it.

When I swapped in my set amp, I was taken by the beautiful (to me) midrange compared to my SS amp.
Ive always been interested in full range horns, and like Dave said, the midrange is supposed to be great. So I thought I'd give the FHXL's a shot..

I too, find it humorous when folks want you hear the hifi "quality" of their rigs on youtube :usd:.
johnny - yes, there can be something captivating - nay - even seductive, about the combination of a competent SET amp (tube or SS, such as the wonderful Pass ACA) and a single driver speaker. When I had the time for relaxed listening, it always allowed me get back to the core of what I assumed / hoped to be the emotional experience the composers /artists / producers intended. Of course, for the most part, we'll never know for certain what that was - although there will always be an expert or critic somewhere to bloviate on the subject. Indeed, witness the popularity of fora such as these :D
Hello Folks:
I thought you might like to see the set of Frugel-Horn XL that I built. They are made from 3/4inch Big Leaf Maple. The drivers are Alpair A10p EN. I added a few extra braces to help keep the panel resonance to a minimum. I followed the plans from D.Dlugos and added 1/4inch to the width to account for the braces. I and am very happy with the outcome. My wife also likes the look and sound.
Thanks Dave

I also made a set of floor standing Trapezoids for the Alpair A10.3m EN drivers ( separate thread)


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