Dx Blame ST - Builder's thread - post pictures, reviews and comments here please.

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I continue to have a good mood....laughing a lot about my doctor

Since the drains was removed my bely is inflating (liquids not spelt out)...then i am going to my doctor (surgeon) almost daily...and he is inserting a big needle's seryinge in my bely and sucking liquids ....well... at least he try.... try and error ...several insertions...all them painfull.

Yesterday he was moving the bely searching for liquid... touching to see if he perceive something....then i told him (almost laughing) that i would never perceive such thing unless the stuff produces the noise of water moving.

Ahahahahahah!....he touched his ear into my bely to listen the impossible noise.... will shake and produce noise only if have air...and never have air inside..it is not a tire him....ahahahahahah!

Funny thing.... i will see another doctor that gonna use ultra sound images to search for the liquid lagoon i have inside...to point the needle and suck that stuff out.

Was painfull yesterday...but my bely made a revenge dear Joseph..when he removed the needle, the internal pressure was high because he asked me to contract abdominal muscles..the blood spelt in his jacket, walls and all around.:D

The bloody revenge!..... what a hail....needles entering and moving inside and he does not find anything!

Man!.... i felt so scared because i have made a giant operation with him...with all that "skills" to operage serynge..... was not my day to die...for sure was not my day.

I was thinking..the guy would never insert a transistor into a pcboard hole....hands very unprecise.... the guy is famous ...more than 25000 surgeries made


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At least nurses are fine dear Duda

You know.... your place girls knows where they can find some magic.

I continue to receive giant needles..... hehehehh.... better to laugh on that, as there's no better solution... better to relax and let then come.... unavoidable..;)




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Yesterday he was moving the bely searching for liquid... touching to see if he perceive something....then i told him (almost laughing) that i would never perceive such thing unless the stuff produces the noise of water moving.

Ahahahahahah!....he touched his ear into my bely to listen the impossible noise.... will shake and produce noise only if have air...and never have air inside..it is not a tire him....ahahahahahah!

Funny thing.... i will see another doctor that gonna use ultra sound images to search for the liquid lagoon i have inside...to point the needle and suck that stuff out.

Was painfull yesterday...but my bely made a revenge dear Joseph..when he removed the needle, the internal pressure was high because he asked me to contract abdominal muscles..the blood spelt in his jacket, walls and all around.:D

The bloody revenge!..... what a hail....needles entering and moving inside and he does not find anything!

Man!.... i felt so scared because i have made a giant operation with him...with all that "skills" to operage serynge..... was not my day to die...for sure was not my day.

I was thinking..the guy would never insert a transistor into a pcboard hole....hands very unprecise.... the guy is famous ...more than 25000 surgeries made



Ha, ha, haaaa! Carlos, you make me laugh remembering my own stories...

A couple of months ago we had a meeting for the 20th year of egress from the school of medicine. We passed about a month exchanging anecdotes like this one, by email...

We remembered that on the first year the professors showed us a film about a gallbladder remotion (open cholecystectomy in those days; our country is world champion at least in gallbladder diseases ) on an introductory course for the surgical studies.
The (fat) professor very proudly asked at the end of the film, which to us was very like seing a couple of inexperts and oily repairmen (mechanicians) taking off a carburator from a greasy old engine, what comments or questions did the film arouse?...

A mate of mine stood up before us all and courageously ( and recklesly) commented: - "thank you professor for showing us this film. I was previously worried and scared because I thought being a surgeon, which is what I aim to become, required great manual dexterity and coordination, both of which I lack, the same as the "coleagues" on the film, which appeared to me as normal people doing their job. Very reasuring".

At which words the fat professor's face went from pale to red. He left the hall in astonished silence...my mate failed to recognize that the fat professor was the main star in the recent motion picture! Ha, ha, ha...we were astonished also, but we could not warn him while he spoke!!! Nothing would stop him from speaking. Hahahaha. :D
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These things are funny... exception is when we have to face

that big needle...and the man with all that shaking hands.....man!....i have realised how good i am with my hands when i watch the surgeon holding that thing.

Mum told me, when i was young, that everybody feel scared... and the difference is that coward run out and courageous man face his fears....i had to remember that watching the giant shinny needle...thick and long thing...terrible Max!

Well..... was drained using needle more than 130 mL of fluid.... yellow one and some redish too (Hemoglobine mixed with Linfatic fluid)...both sides drained... reference was a Ultrasound image (pictures) made previously in another laboratory.

The Laboratory doctor was kind showing me the images and explaining where is skin, fat, muscles and so on.... was interesting to understand the scope image...he calculated using three dimensions multiplied...volume calculations..then i become scared once again....how can calculate a non regular shape that way?..... multiplication of high, deep and large can work to regular and normal shapes...not that thing that have not a defined shape.

I told that to my doctor when he was holding that horrible needle.... i said that volume is aproximatelly as it is not possible to calculate with precision...then my doctor made all he could to suck that quantity, to prove his colleage was right... (damn humans..they do this way!) ... finally and obvious he said the calculation was not that wrong...that he would call his colleage to say congratulations...... you see..... they protect one each other... this brotherhood show me imediatelly (Psycho studies) they do not feel safe... feel uncertainty, insecure...reason why they need to protect one each other to make us to see them as precise...when there's no precision in that stuff to calculate volume watching 2D images... the real thing is 3D.

Well...i have to go once again... he will stick the damn needle on me (scared as a hell) to check if there's some liquid remained there.... if positive i will not go to visit him anymore as i am already fine and tired to be sticked with needles and terrified to see those hands trembling sticking things in me.

All that stuff because removed drains before the correct moment... average time for drains is 3 to 7 days and them it is removed (dermolipctomia)...mine was draining 130 mL each day when removed..and this is too much to remove drains...it should be keept there..... the guy decided to remove and then huck charlie!...you know...huck charlie!...now sticking needles on me because of earlier drains removal.... see video about drains made 15 days ago (more or less).

Plastic surgery days after - drains issue - YouTube

I cannot go soldering..cannot be sitted..doctor said the place where the liquid was must glue, or attach one each other, in order to avoid linfatic (linfa) liquido to feel the space as usually linfa does...so... i have to use compressive belts and suit and avoid to sleep sideway and avoid to be sitted..to keep the hole controlled...this is the reason why i have stopped my Super A (JVC circuit from the 1980) circuit.

See the image... dark part was liquid that was removed...he calculated the volume watching the section (side) cut..only two dimensions there....not a regular shape thing.

For a while i am arranging, organizing the mess i have at my home....here you see another small video... and a picture attached too;

Pizza, electronic mess, Audi & Ferrari videos - YouTube




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Good Morning MR. CARLOS,,i,M GLAD TO SEE your beginning to feel better. At least you can solder I,ve been reduced to just counting my transistors. And the more I count the more I realize How many I,m missing HaHaHa. Oh well at least I can do this if not I would go crazy. Regards Evette
Dear Evette, friend Juergen and current flow

Good to see you still keep a good mood Evette....i have received something about you...it seems you gonna make it.... seems that always is blue...light blue as the skies..... good luck dear friend..... tell me the day...Brazilian drums will beat and big magic will be made.

Maybe i will beat drums to the return of vanished guy that where punished because lack of decense... six monthes of shadows is already enough... the ones betrayed uncle charlie where betrayed or gonna be betrayed too...the curse....hehehhehehehe. (kidding of course...all is a matter of coincidence or natural accident).

Ahahahhaha!...not pregnant....ahahahahah!...for sure i am not.... my mood is 5 times better as i have lost a lot of weight... ex wife is returning to me, money is entering and a lot and i have cleaned all bad feelings from my heart... these feeling just exaust us...do not affect the ones bother us...just reduces our energy...i am sending back the energy to them..haushaushaus!:)

Thank you Juergen....the spirit goes fine...my nurse is the one is not happy with me as i told she is a sexual addicted (in public and kidding of course) as she cannot see me without ask me to become nude (needed to inspect the scars)..... ahahahahah!..... and i told that when people was waiting in the wainting room (30 ladies waiting for plastic surgeries) ...everybody laughed a lot when i said:

- "Today i will not be nude again" :)

Sorry to be kidding all the time folks...the mood is that way...i am feeling lighweight, feeling healthy and full or all kind of energies (including the one you are thinking now)...very satisfied..everything is running great in my life...cannot be better!




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Tang is very good, but the real thing is much better

Also this happens with amplifiers.... the Blame series, in special the St model, gives you the real thing.

Build a Dx amplifier.... a DIY design, made for free, for you to build, to your enjoyment and the satisfaction of the Dx Corporation.

Each one that has built a Dx amplifier is satisfied and will feel good knowing you are joining us.

Come to the real thing!




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    Tang is good, but the real thing is better!.JPG
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This is important.... other things are just complementary

Love is the answer...anything can be better...this is what complete us and drive us happy...other feelings just bother.

Enjoy life folks..have several sons and daughters, build amplifiers and produce more sons.... get married several times and populate the world with happy folks that knows how to enjoy life.

The trick is "to attack always".... always give a try on her....who knows...usually this works.




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You know what i use to do

Attack all the time is the rule...never waste an opportunity... if alone..then go serious to the attack...who knows the result?

Hold the stethoscope and say how it is pretty...and by the way that she is nice too...and then go ahead... after three tries you have the private telephone number.

It is just a matter to infom clearly what are your intentions .... avoiding to be rude...just let her know.... and them 'hammer down" in the bass;

At home, apply the same method.

Kidding folks..but if you apply the method, you will see it works 40 percent of the time.


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Dx Super A does not have a dedicated thread for a while

Because i have strong suspections i will not like it....because of the heat...but i will make all tests...if only heat result the problem that drive me to dislike, then i will open a thread about it.

I have assembled a very ugly board...home style...non tested yet...this is the prototype to be adjusted (changed, modified).... this one was not checked.... it may have mistakes... i noticed the red X of wires are missed, and something more can be found..... i will do it latter..now it is time for Shopping.

To the ones does not know what is this....it is an external circuit made to be adapted to any Dx amplifier, in special the Dx Blame ST.... it works forcing the original circuit to operate with 300 to 500 miliamperes in stand by mode and till it reach a couple of watts..then the circuit switches (linear) to class AB allowing you to have the best from both worlds.

Will it work fine...i do not know...i suppose it will and i will make my best to force it to operate fine.




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    How Dx Super A is today - June 15th.jpg
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