DiAna, a software Distortion Analyzer

Gees Sync you have a five year old. If you are as old as you let on to be. CP/M and Apple starting up?

David, probably more mature.

I think it was in the Pong days.
and pinball machines.

The big thing to be was the Radio Shack TRS-80.
And king was the little known PDP series
of mini-computers from a company called

Prior to all that, there was IBM.

Heck I even remember going to IBM in San Jose (Calif) and we got
to play around with an IBM 370. Yes I'm that old.

I will tell you how proud IBM was, they had these huge disk packs
with I think 10 disks per pack, they'd hold about 512KBytes per disk
for 10 MBytes total. Don't quote me on this. Maybe they are 6 discs
or 8 discs.

They had those and the 6 foot tall tape reading machines.
It had a printer/teletype for printout.

I'm still looking for one of these DC tape drive motors
if anyone want's to get rid of one.???


We could type into it and also we typed punch cards
and it ran through those too.

It was great fun.

TV Commercials were running for Control Data
and I guess they needed bodies to run their JCL and
load and unload Tapes and Disks all day and all night.

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Fifty years ago

The boot loader was keyed in through 24 toggle switches in the front panel.
I still remember how we toggled every morning those switches (see pic).
Assembler and COBAL were the lingua franca. No wonder I ditched that for audio.
COBAL? Or do you mean FOCAL, an interpreter for the PDP8?

Cheers, E.


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I still remember how we toggled every morning those switches (see pic).
COBAL? Or do you mean FOCAL, an interpreter for the PDP8?

Cheers, E.

This is the forerunner of the PDP series that I worked on at Washington U. in St. Louis. It is the Classic LINC for the Lincoln Labs of MIT, and was the first product of the New company called DEC.
Notice the Oscope and the computer have similar sized output screens.


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Joined 2004
Paid Member
COBAL - Common Ordinary Business Oriented Language. Used for most computing in the 1960's and 1970s on mainframes.

I worked briefly on CDC 3600 mainframes. IBM 360's were the common system in large companies at the time. The CDC was faster and the first "RISC" machine. Lawrence Livermore bought several to build simulators for nuclear explosions.

I went on to work in the engineering group at Four Phase Systems, one of the first microprocessor based computers. They were vertically integrated with semi ovens in the basement and CRT terminal assembly in the back. Its was all great training but otherwise not interesting.

The CDC would have appeal to audiophiles since it was all discrete.

The disk drives had 10 platters I believe and ran on 3 phase motors. They used voice coil actuators for the heads that had 4" of travel in milliseconds. Would make for amazing woofer parts. The tape drives used air pressure and vacuum to grab the tape. No pressure rollers. Again millisecond start stop times. These were all really major investments then. All dumped into the trash in less than 10 years.
Hi to all.
What is going with Diana, the project is continue?

I have changed the OS on my lab PC, from XP Pro to 10 Pro.
Unfortunately, I have a major problem with the Diana and I don't know how to resolve it.

The initial running goes well (running as administrator), follow a small popup window with Y or N and rapidly closed and the Diana "stucked" in loop with the window prompt as the attachment file.

Unfortunately, the .ini file dosen't exist and I can't change the parameters, and I was no any lucky with the registry values.

I forget to say, that I have make the right setup on Windows Defender for the Diana, also I have tried to running the Diana with the compatibility to older OS (WinXP-Win8)


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Hi Manolis,

I'm sorry to hear there are issues again.

Hi to all.
What is going with Diana, the project is continue?
Yes !
I have changed the OS on my lab PC, from XP Pro to 10 Pro.
Unfortunately, I have a major problem with the Diana and I don't know how to resolve it.

The initial running goes well (running as administrator),
How well? Can you select/initialize a sound card and run a analysis?
follow a small popup window with Y or N and rapidly closed and the Diana "stucked" in loop with the window prompt as the attachment file.

Unfortunately, the .ini file doesn't exist and I can't change the parameters,
The ini file is created (or updated) when closing DiAna normally. So when the program hangs no ini file will be created.
and I was no any lucky with the registry values.
I'm not sure what you mean byh that. Anyhow, DiAna doesn't write to the registry. In only reads ASIO info from the registry.
I forget to say, that I have make the right setup on Windows Defender for the Diana, also I have tried to running the Diana with the compatibility to older OS (WinXP-Win8)
When you start the DiAna, are you able to select an ASIO driver before the program hangs?
Which version are you currently using? The latest version on my website is 1.47.7
Of course I've also run the program under W10 (64 bits) and encountered no problems. It also runs fine under various compatibility mode. So I have no idea what goes wrong. Perhaps a wrong or fake ASIO driver?
In the mean time I've built version 1.47.8 Should I send it to you?


edit: According to the screen shot, the program hangs right at the beginning. Right?
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Hi Edmond.
I changed OS because the RTX6001 haven't any driver for the XP, unfortunately.
I am with Windows 10 Pro, 64bit for now.

Yes, I can't select any ASIO driver because the program hangs, for that reason as you very right said the ini file doesn't created.

I used the last version probably, I download it before 3-4 days.

OK, I will send my email by pm for the 1.47.8 version.
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One other point, nothing to do with asio, when I select "Mode" from the drop down menus I see "Write To File" is already checked. If I try to click another drop down like "File" DiAna snaps the mouse pointer back to "Mode" and forces me to select "Write To File" or other menu item before I can leave and use another menu drop down. As a user I find this disturbing, annoying because it's not how I expect windows to behave.

Hi David,

In the mean time I got more complains about closing a drop down menu. So in the next update this "feature" will be removed and I will do it the Microsoft way.

Cheers, E.